Erthlyheavn / Scarlet - Tumblr Posts
∗ 34﹕ sender is found by receiver somewhere they shouldn’t be . - Scarlet
Interesting prompts

Good old Pride never failed to disappoint. Loud, entitled, slimy, a modern wild west without spine. Her job was done, there wasn't any need for her to stick around and endure more of this...if not for the same shark demon seeming too interested in a beautiful flower shop. Which by itself wasn't suspicious, him not buying anything after both of his trips was. Along with how he eyed the imp lady when she wasn't looking.
Therefore Karma extended her stay to see if he returned the third time; of course he did. No innocent ladies will get hurt or worse because she turned a blind eye to obvious signs. Villám followed the demon like a shadow, the nimble horse finding shelter in the shades every time he looked behind his back.
When he began to dial a number, an acid green bullet tore through the air and then his hand.

The sound of steel heeled cowboy boots followed by the chitter of the phone being kicked away muffled by agonized screaming.
“You can make it easy.” Karma spoke, calm as always
“Who did you want to call?” she loomed over the demon, asking so casually as if she was asking about the weather
"My hand, you whore!"
“Hands.” she corrected and before the confused 'Huh?' could leave the fanged mouth, she's already shot through both of them.
“Who did you want to call.” she repeated with more force this time, after the screaming died down to whimpers
"...My boss" came the reluctant reply
“Why?” defiance was already welling up in his eyes; off went his tail fin
"Because he wants to be sure its her!" upon sensing it wasn't satisfying enough, he finally began to talk "He killed her, she's supposed to be dead and no one can escape him!"
“His name, and this is over.” Karma promised, eerie and almost unfeeling
"Crimson!" came the shout when she aligned the revolver with his knee.
“Rest.” and Karma fulfilled her promise before the shark demon could fully comprehend the meaning
A sigh followed the final shot, how she hated when her gut was right. And not like she could just leave the corpse here with evidences of torture. Shadowy mist swirled from her, whispering, stretching towards the body. Her form began to distort as her powers crawled over and engulfed the corpse in a lethal embrace, eating away skin, flesh, organs and even bones. No trace left behind, save for seemingly random holes where the bullets had struck, no one would know except the disappeared dead. Or so she thought.