ESPECIALLY When They Have Different Tastes And Interpretations - Tumblr Posts
Wow. That’s definitely a Normal Response.
You think the woman who’s baby is stolen from her by an eldritch being who claims it’s his is ridiculous? you think she’s stupid for going crazy over that?
At which point did I mention what exactly I find ridiculous? You assumed whatever you wanted from two vague ass sentences, i.e., you interpreted whatever you wanted to rage against. I never said anything along those lines and to automatically presume I did is also ridiculous.
If my baby disappeared, I'd try to find out what happened rather than attempted to upend the natural order of the universe. Might just be me though. The character clearly chose a different route and guess what? I don't have to like it, her or any of your takes.
I’m sorry you’ve gone through something traumatic. I hope you get the closure, healing and relief that you need. That still is absolutely not a valid grounds to speak to anyone like that. If you see you're having such an intense emotional response, maybe take a step back? It is not the responsibility of the entire internet to cater to your needs - boundaries are something you set for you.
do u guys ever think about the fact there are lyta hall haters in this fandom. like how do u watch/ read the sandman and come up with that. crazy…..