Eun - Tumblr Posts

And some more art of Eun in three different stages. The Grand Gaia stage the Ishgrian/Otherworldly stage and then post bf1-bf2 stage.
And I would say, if you wanna ask more about my OC, to ask me here but because this Tumbr page is strictly for my art, I'm redirecting you all to my personal Tumblr @lyx22 so if you do have any questions regarding my Brave Frontier OC, you know where to go. Idk if I'll do a "pick a number from a set list and I'll answer them" sorta thing but if y'all want one, I can always scrounge up one whether it's OTP based or just about the OC
And I swear for all you non Brave Frontier fans out there, I will post something soon. Once I have something finished!

More Brave Frontier art. More specifically, a Harry Potter au that I wrote on my personal blog!
I still don't really know where to sort Lugina so I put him in Slytherin for now. If you have other preferences, feel free to share your ideas!
I also wanted to simplify my art style so it'd be easier to sketch out mini comics in the future :)
Tried my hand at drawing my OC as a mock unit. Using the bf art style. I'm not particularly good at it but I think I got somewhat close?
4 Star

5 Star

6 Star

7 Star

The designs are not final. I've still got to rethink some other designs but they are mostly final. I've still yet to digitalise them once the final designs are finished. I don't think I'll do stats for this just because I'm lazy lmao

Attempted to draw Eun with markers. This is a basic colour scheme for her and the ref sheet I have drawn up will need to be digitalized with the proper colours I have planned for her
And let's hope I don't procrastinate on making the ref sheet for her ^^'

And there is what Eun's sword looks like. It's a Chinese double edged short sword called Jiàn
BUT! I finished her bio finally!! It stands at 8.5 ish pages. Even if the main storyplot of bf1 was super condensed to the point where it sounds like a 6 year old blabbering 😂

Happy Chinese New Year! 🏮
Ft. My bf OC Eun. The only time you really see her in mostly red 😂
And don't mind the chicken scratchings that are my Chinese characters. I was originally going to aim to have it so it looked like calligraphy but I don't know a single thing about calligraphy so I just stuck with my chicken scratchings :')

Tried Eun but with watercolours. The colours aren't entirely accurate. Especially the blue but was the closest I could get.
Overall, a success

It's been a hot while since I drew Eun so here, have her in her unit form which I ended up redrawing and I have realised how much I love drawing in the BF style (although parts of it aren't entirely correct)
Idk if the particles are an overkill but I freaking love it. I still need to think of a good unit name for her unit counterpart hahaha
Now to draw Sky's unit counterpart

Oh look, actual art of Eun's Jade Viper AU 👀
I'm not gonna lie though, these were hella fun to sketch and idk why I haven't even drawn Jade Viper AU art and hell, I really should draw more Jade Viper AU stuff 🐍

I don't know how long it's been since I've drawn Eun but let's not answer that so have Eun chilling by a bamboo forest in some place or world :)
But let me toot my own horn because this is now my personal favourite piece of art I've done this year! I'm super happy with it 💚

About time I did a full body coloured version of Eun :')

Imperial Lotus Eun
Summon: "Even if Elgaia is safe, I still have my duties as an Elder Summoner to fulfill. Summoner, how may I be of assistance?"
Fusion: "My head feels a little heavy... Oh! Don't worry about me too much! Just give me a minute and I'll be fine!"
Evolution: "A lot has happened. One big journey and I wouldn't have done it without them. I wonder what the next big adventure will be this time?"

Safe to say that Eun is now my go to OC to sketch if I can't think of anything to draw
A lot of this is just messy lines and inaccurate anatomy but she is incredibly fun to sketch

March quarentine Sketch and Pen Doodles ft. my go to OCs Sky and Eun
I thought I'd be able to sit through 4 weeks of lockdown but it's like a week now and I'm dying. The only thing keeping me sane is Tumblr, art and video calls with my highschool friends :')