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Anna Clayton and Carol Calvin
Two principals met during the course of Christmas, one adoring the festival to her core while the other felt it was a mere marketing theory and a support for capitalism.
Into the woods snippet
Farah: (about to head off for some errands in the wood.)
Saul: Farah, it’s dangerous to go out during the night, here take this with you (kissed her affectionately and rendered her speechless)
Farah: Yeah, okay, I presume that is all? Saul: (Started to pack his bag.) “This” in the statement meant ME!
Headmistress and Headmaster’s love story (Inspired by 90’s movies)
Saul was the first-year popular athlete boy in Alfea school while Farah was the senior brightest girl in every class whose face was rarely seen in parties. It is still a mystery of how they become best friends. But it started like this… -He would annoy her by poking her cheek with a pen or distracting her by drumming the table. -Farah, in order to get her vengeance, would always recommend Saul’s name to any teacher when they want a volunteer to do something in front of the class.
But as much as they like to tease each another, they always have a high opinion towards the other secretly: She admires his sense of humor and courage to display his emotions freely while he respects Farah for her eloquence in words and excellency in academic field. And yes, he asked her to prom.
Saul: Will you come to prom with me? (Stressed and embarrassed) Farah: You’re such a nincompoop. I hate this event…but When will this prom thing start again?
When they became headmistress and headmaster, things don’t change. A lot of teasing still occur every now and then but with more caution and appropriateness.
In the classroom Saul (Talking about his wife made him sleep on the couch again) Student: How so? Saul: Because she said I talk too much about private life. Nonesense, I’m not a babbler, aren’t I? Student: You have talked ‘bout your wife since we started the first class. I wonder how she looks like? How come we never met her? Saul: What?!? You meet her every day, she’s downstairs, teaching Biology. Student: Holy shit! Your wife is headmistress Dowling? Saul: I always like the sound of Farah Silva but I agree with her that Saul Dowling would also be fitting. Oh god, did I just tell you guys too much? I’m afraid tonight I might not even have a place to sleep anymore.
10 things I hate about you theme at Farah’s debutante
Farah’s Diary—“10 Things I hate about Saul Silva”
10 I hate that he smokes all the time
9 I hate that he is the dumbest guy I’ve ever talked to
8 I hate that his massive ego
7 I hate his greasy hair
6 I hate the way he talks
5 I hate the way he walks
4 I hate that he talk bullshit
3 I hate that he always tease me
2 I hate when he looks at someone else like that
1 I hate the fact that he makes me love him
Let’s think more about it
Let’s stop thinking about the death of Farah but deny it, Eve Best was so sweet like she break’s the 4th wall with her character she sthink aout us (literally she say’s like Scarlet Johansson “i know it’s hard to say goodbye to a character but...” but literally i deny their death)
Let’s deny it she’s alive we have fanfiction, i know at she had House Of Dragons but why that’s one of the character (i know i have to say goodbye but i’m a simp or more for her) i want a fricking spin-off with her okay let’s create a petition (a love story with a women yes i say that)
The petition : https://www.change.org/p/make-a-spin-off-for-farah-dowling
Yes or No ? ( i’m gonna try to write a thing about if you want to read it this will come out this weekend)
EVE BEST as Anna Clayton in Stan Lee’s LUCKY MAN S1
“Magic can be dangerous, as you well know.”
- Farah Dowling
“My therapist says we were forged in the same fire.” - Eve Best as Rosaline in Maryland
Eve Best+smelling nice (Nurse Jackie edition)
And bonus:
"She is a hippy british fairy godmother who waltz in, smells nice and talks to everybody"
The shoving scene was intense and I was expecting a follow up, but then nothing happened except Jackie getting jealous over the hug. The same thing happened with her girlfriend in season 2: they barely interacted during the break-up episode while Jackie had a scene with Sarah over loving multiple people at once. I wish the show had more time for other characters development than Jackie.
This pretty much sums up how the O'Hara fans are feeling right now.
Eve Best for Emmy Magazine.
At my very first meeting, Miguel said to me that the heart of the show is my line, “Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend the Iron Throne”, Best recalls.
Contrary to appearances I am also a medical student.
EVE BEST at EW’s photoshoot for “House of the Dragon”
maam please
I am just going to watch the first four seasons of Nurse Jackie again. Truly nothing is better if she leaves.
NURSE JACKIE - 1.6 "Tiny Bubbles" requested by @whiskeywithrayna
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ONE AND ONLY EMILY EVE BEST! Thanks for being such a beacon of light for all of us.