Fate Winx Saga - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


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6 months ago
Watching Fate Has Me Daydreaming About S1 And How A Live Action Could Adapt Bloom And Stellas Original

Watching Fate has me daydreaming about s1 and how a live action could adapt Bloom and Stella’s original first meeting. I wish they leant into the fairytale setting a twinge bit more with the costumes!

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4 years ago

It was written for them to be together in the end, I swear


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4 years ago
Utterly Convinced Farah Was Watching Saul From The Window, And You Cant Convince Me Otherwise.
Utterly Convinced Farah Was Watching Saul From The Window, And You Cant Convince Me Otherwise.
Utterly Convinced Farah Was Watching Saul From The Window, And You Cant Convince Me Otherwise.
Utterly Convinced Farah Was Watching Saul From The Window, And You Cant Convince Me Otherwise.

Utterly convinced Farah was watching Saul from the window, and you can’t convince me otherwise.

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4 years ago

Incorrect Winx Quote Part 4

Farah: Why is your back all scratched up?

Saul: *has a flashback of chasing a peacock after Farah telling him to leave it alone*

Saul: I’m having an affair?

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4 years ago
: | Bloopers
: | Bloopers
: | Bloopers
: | Bloopers
: | Bloopers
: | Bloopers

𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚡 𝚂𝚊𝚐𝚊 | Bloopers

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3 years ago

Silrah and ✨exchanging significant glances✨


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2 years ago

That scene where the dark, morally grey character who hates everyone but has a soft spot for the sunshine character does something fucked up and says “I had no one” and the sunshine character who loves them is heartbroken with tears in their eyes and says “you had me” and the dark characters heart breaks at the past tense of “had” not “have”

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2 years ago

Fate :Winx Saga:Topic; Season 3 and Stella and Beatrix and Ideas

Fate :Winx Saga:Topic; Season 3 And Stella And Beatrix And Ideas
Fate :Winx Saga:Topic; Season 3 And Stella And Beatrix And Ideas
Fate :Winx Saga:Topic; Season 3 And Stella And Beatrix And Ideas
Fate :Winx Saga:Topic; Season 3 And Stella And Beatrix And Ideas

I will be so mad if in the next season, they bring Beatrix back just to make her the villain again basically just disregarding all of the development that she had throughout this season while I get the need in adding her sisters to the mix now that Andreas, who she seemed to care for more than anything at first is gone in the show.  I do think they should be the only two real villains, while Beatrix is given her own hero arc.

Ideas For a Season 3?: personally, I think Beatrix should be the one to bring bloom back, seeing as her last words were to bloom. “ remember you said that “ I think it would make sense seeing as well. They weren’t necessarily friends They both have a common friend and Stella, and they both care about her Beatrix, a little bit more seeing as in season two Stella became the only true friend that she had . I think the two appearing back to campus will be a power move, and I just think it will be so sweet to see Stella and Beatrix reunite at the same time as sky and bloom.

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9 months ago

Heyyyy I don’t know if anyone here knows me from wattpad.

Long story short I made a Fate the Winx Saga fanfic like 3 years ago, I’m doing a rewrite that has a blend of the original winx, my own ideas and from Fate because no matter what people say, Fate actually had some (emphasis on some) decent plotlines. I just think the main issues were to do with the budget and the rest was just writing, you can fight me on that.

But I digress, I’m kind of revisiting my OC and I’m deciding on what her powers should be because powers are important especially since the way my fanfic is planned out… it looks lengthy with no trim for a retcon so I better like whatever power I choose.

One the one hand I loved the idea of the original Winx having unique sources of magic like Love, Joy, Music and so much more

So one of my ideas is her being a Wish fairy. I don’t know if her personality even matters but if it did, it would kind of link to her desire to make people happy and prioritise others in general but also touching on her extreme overthinking nature. Naturally she has to think ten steps ahead before granting a wish but when it comes to people she loves like her friends and family it leaves her vulnerable to be either manipulated by others or being less cautious.

(Great arc if you ask me)

And it also ups the power scale to the rest of the group. One thing I did not like about Fate (a little less so with the original Winx) was that Bloom just seemed like she was heads and shoulders above the rest because of the Dragon Flame, which she only knew about for like 3 seconds but that didn’t stop her from bringing it up all the time while the rest just kind of seemed sort of mediocre in comparison, I want a lot more balanced power scaling, but obviously Bloom is the main character and the Dragon Flame is literally creation but I want other girls to have the ability to shine too.

But the downside is that does lead to so many plot holes and coming up with so many rules that, if I’m honest, I might not be smart enough to come up with . Also it makes fight scenes a lot harder.

But if any kind soul wants to drop suggestions… don’t be shy.

Seriously, don’t be shy I’m struggling over here.

Or the second option is that I go back to the roots of my original fanfic and having my OC linked to the four cardinal elements and have her being a wind fairy. This makes her a lot more combatant and direct in fights. Also the power has so much versatility. As I said she’s a loving person so having a defensive element would be great and my OC is also super spiritual so it would be kind of like having a girl version of Aang on the team but if she was riddled with anxiety. Fun right?

Only downside is that it’s not as interesting as Wish magic.

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2 years ago

Professor Farah Dowling of psychology department & Professor Saul Silva from architecture.

Professor Farah Dowling Of Psychology Department & Professor Saul Silva From Architecture.

In the auditorium hall

Farah: a wide range of research shows that most people are more likely to enter into a relationship when their circumstances are favorable. For instance, someone is more likely to get into a relationship when they feel lonely like they’re in a new environment or country. Therefore, timing is a very crucial thing, students.

Saul: (raised a hand) it’s 10 in the morning. Do you think the timing is proper if we grab a cup of tea afterward?

Students: (cheered)

Farah: Well, a lecturer won’t take tea party invitations from her audience, it’s professionalism, Saul.

Saul: Luckily, I’m not a student. 

Farah: oh! Battle of wits, it’s a shame you came unarmed, professor Silva.

Saul: How about this? Let’s play game theory as a part of this psychology 101 class. I win, you go on a date with me, and I lose…

Farah: You lose, which you will, I got 30 bucks.

Saul: deal!

In the end, Farah won the mind game and pretended to pout before giving her 30 bucks but not before sneaking a kiss on her cheek and running off the stage, leaving her speechless in front of the whole classroom who whistled and clapped loud

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2 years ago

Into the woods snippet

Farah: (about to head off for some errands in the wood.)

Saul: Farah, it’s dangerous to go out during the night, here take this with you (kissed her affectionately and rendered her speechless)

Farah: Yeah, okay, I presume that is all? Saul: (Started to pack his bag.) “This” in the statement meant ME!

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2 years ago

Headmistress and Headmaster’s love story (Inspired by 90’s movies)

Headmistress And Headmasters Love Story (Inspired By 90s Movies)

Saul was the first-year popular athlete boy in Alfea school while Farah was the senior brightest girl in every class whose face was rarely seen in parties. It is still a mystery of how they become best friends. But it started like this… -He would annoy her by poking her cheek with a pen or distracting her by drumming the table. -Farah, in order to get her vengeance, would always recommend Saul’s name to any teacher when they want a volunteer to do something in front of the class.

But as much as they like to tease each another, they always have a high opinion towards the other secretly: She admires his sense of humor and courage to display his emotions freely while he respects Farah for her eloquence in words and excellency in academic field. And yes, he asked her to prom.

Saul: Will you come to prom with me? (Stressed and embarrassed) Farah: You’re such a nincompoop. I hate this event…but When will this prom thing start again?

When they became headmistress and headmaster, things don’t change. A lot of teasing still occur every now and then but with more caution and appropriateness.

In the classroom Saul (Talking about his wife made him sleep on the couch again) Student: How so? Saul: Because she said I talk too much about private life. Nonesense, I’m not a babbler, aren’t I? Student: You have talked ‘bout your wife since we started the first class. I wonder how she looks like? How come we never met her? Saul: What?!? You meet her every day, she’s downstairs, teaching Biology. Student: Holy shit! Your wife is headmistress Dowling? Saul: I always like the sound of Farah Silva but I agree with her that Saul Dowling would also be fitting. Oh god, did I just tell you guys too much? I’m afraid tonight I might not even have a place to sleep anymore.

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