Everyone Loves Me Fr Fr - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

A young , dark haired Aiden laid across the living room floor , grabbing crayon after crayon and tracing it roughly across the paper in front of him . He seemed to be drawing . . Something of a sort , but the look of excitement on his face was obvious , and he couldn’t wait to show his parents ! He liked drawing , a lot actually . It was fun seeing the colors blend together into something silly and weird , and he hoped they felt the same .

He stood up , proud for once . It’s been a while since he was proud . Well , of course he was still young and has yet to be more accomplished of whatever he puts his mind too ! . .

But sometimes , looks feel different . It could be the same facial expression played out over and over and still represent something entirely new , depending on who you were . It wasn’t rare for him to look that way , but it wasn’t common . He quickly ran , occasionally tripping over his socks on his way to the kitchen with his dad on what seems to be an important phone call , not unusual to see .

‘ Hm ? Oh yes , hold on . What is it Aiden ? ‘

Aiden had tugged slightly on the edge of his father , Daniel’s , pants . He stared down at his son , confused for a second till he put up the brightly colored . . Cat ? Unicorn ? He couldn’t really tell . . But he saw how excited Aiden was by the messy picture , it was obvious from that beaming look in his eyes . “ . . Lion ! “

Oh . A lion ? He was close to guessing right , as it was just one big cat ; the overuse of bright colors confused his brain for a second . He thought for a moment , remembering of the nature documentary Jessica had put on once . Aiden liked the lions . But Daniel paid barley a mind to it , he was too busy .

‘ Oh , that’s uhm, good job Aiden ! Show your mom okay ? I’m a bit busy right now . ‘

With the ruffle of his hair , Aiden was sent away to find wherever his mother was and show her his new masterpiece ! He knew that his father was busy . He always was . But he still paid attention , and complimented on his work , even if he didn’t see it . He liked the affirmation of it . Giddy , he quickly found his mother in her room , calling someone as well . Who were they calling so much ? The thought had quickly left his mind , running to her side and doing the same movement as before , tugging at her pale - purple looking dress . It didn’t look that good on her in his eyes . Maybe red instead . He liked red .

‘ So — what ? Okay hold on for a second . What do you need ? ‘

She glared at her son , annoyed by the sudden interruption . The glare didn’t feel like a complete one though . . if that makes any sense . It wasn’t “ My gosh , can you leave me alone ? “ , more like a . . “ I’m busy , what is it now huh ? “

But , those two may have just been the same to Aiden , just different wording used to lessen whatever pain he might feel if it was what he thought it to be . Despite being completely full of excitement and persistence earlier , he pulled up the paper in front of her , shyly . The glare . The glare was still there went he felt the paper leave his fingers . He didn’t look up to tell if it was , he could just feel it piercing through him . He just didn’t know what it portrayed .

He heard a sigh . ‘ What is this ? ‘ He felt afraid to utter anything . Why ? She’s your mother Aiden , you’re not supposed to feel that way . Maybe it’ll leave after he speaks .

“ . . L . . Lion . “ .

Aiden felt a part of him break that day when the sound of crumbling paper hit his ears , ringing . He felt a hand grace his face and lift it up , now facing his mother , more calm seeming .

“ Aiden , look at me . Don’t . . Waste your time doing stuff like that , you don’t need it . Here . “ She held out what seemed to be another piece of paper , decorated way more neat compared to what he had created earlier , with bold letters staining the top .

“ I signed you up for a piano recital a few days ago . Your good at that aren’t you ? I used to play piano a lot when I was your age but gave up too fast , so I know you’ll be better . “ Aiden stared towards the ground . That’s all he was able to do . He didn’t like piano . He didn’t like that , he didn’t like violin , he didn’t like all the quick timed puzzles they sat in front of him , he didn’t like it . It wasn’t fun . He likes puzzles in itself , but he didn’t want to feel like he had to obey to do them . Like it was a force he couldn’t resist . That’s how forces are right ? You can try to push against them but in the end they’ll always have the upper hand . You can beg , plead , cry , shout , it’s the same in the end .

That’s how it was supposed to be , right ?

“ I’m sure you wont disappoint me . Will you ? “



“ No . “

“ I hope . Hah ! Now , carry along and get some practice in . Stick to that , okay ? “

“ . . Yes “

“ Yes , what ? “

“ . . Yes , mother . “

“ Good . “ Aiden turned towards the door , holding back anything he had urged himself to say , mutter , cry , or even shout . He doesn’t want to defy her , he can’t .

“ Aiden ? “

He didn’t turn his back .

“ I love you . “



“ Love you too . “

PART 2 COMJNG SOON I PRKMSIE !!!!! ITLL BE HAPPIER AND SHORTER maybe IDK HOPE U LIKED THIS TEE HEE GIGGLES I just popped my toes so good rn why am I saying this

okay working on it RN !!!!!

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