Evil Twin Evil Twin - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I am having a was with myself 😭 like on one hand that’s so fucking sweet of him to care and awww I just wana hug and love him….BUT THEN there’s that’s small annoying part of me that’s like “HES GOING TO KIDNAP YOU HES CRAZY!” Like left brain hush…

Some head-canons of the creepy stuff Peter does snooping in your bathroom while you’re away please ;)

You got it dude 👍

The first time Peter sneaks into your apartment he’s amazed at your bedroom the place where you sleep, change your most personal area. He hears the shower running. So he decides to lay on the bed smelling the covers hugging the pillows. Closing his eyes and pretending your next to him snuggled up to him telling him how much you love him, how your excited to be with him everyday, how he is your other half.

He opened your draws looking in aw at your clothes. Like that top you wore 3 days ago it looked so pretty on you it a shame you were with that co-worker of yours you looked so depressed when you were with them if it were him instead you would be beaming with joy. He picks up one of your shoes and presses the shoe against his face “these are the shoes that bless the ground everyday”. He whispers.

He sees your perfume bottle and quickly rushes over taking it smelling it and putting some on. He puts the bottle in his pocket that way he can spray his pillow with it. He opened another drawer the one that has your bra and panties he’s foaming at the mouth at this point imaging how adorable you look with them on. He imagines you underneath him as he takes off you panties. Or how you would look above him with the cups of your bra making your tits pop out of them. He takes a set of bra and panties

Once he hear the shower turn off he quickly runs and hides in your closet. He holds his breath as he sees you in just a towel. He quickly takes out his phone and takes a picture setting it as his new Lock Screen. He trying his best not to burst out of that closet door and ravage every inch of you. He hears you go to bed while he waits to you to get in deep sleep to get out of there. Once he’s sure your asleep he sneaks out.

He looks at your sleeping form he kisses your forehead as he tells your unconscious self that he’s gonna see your bathroom for the first time that way he knows what to buy when you move in with him. He closes the door to the bathroom and turn on the light. He’s impressed with how organized it is. He goes over to the shower and sees your shampoo and conditioner. And takes a picture of them.

He goes over to your toothbrush and puts it in his mouth it’s like your kissing him he can feel the minty flavor on his tongue. He takes the toothbrush and puts it back in its place. He looks over you cleaning supplies that you keep in your covered writing down your favorite cleaning supplies and the brand of feminine products that you use. He also wraps the used towel around him while checking to see if you likes bubble baths. You do. Once he has everything that he is looking for he walks out of the bathroom

And walks back to your bed. He gets on the bed. Your sleeping face faces him. He pulls you closer towards his chest smelling your clean sent. “Don’t worry darling I just need to buy some of your bathroom products that way when you move in with me there won’t be an issue about that.”

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