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11 months ago

A country for old men.

A Country For Old Men.

Who would have thought that you would call a coup after a regular election and not be imprisoned or even shot! No, instead you get to reach for power again and stand for election.

Just imagine if the film hero had instigated a coup d'état based on his ability to lie constantly, sexism was his daily business and deception and fraud his modus operandi coupled with homophobia and racist insinuations. Think the film would be a flop..... but wow in reality no problem.

A Country For Old Men.

What is wrong in a country when the poor and religious people believe that the devil's right hand is the saviour?


This type of leader appears everywhere in history and is always extremely destructive",

Do not sin when you become angry! The sun must not set on your anger! Give the devil no place in you!

Ephesians 4:26-27

Because, of course, Satan does not arrive "in person". He has his servants - and they can use wise words - mixed with a little bit of poison. And already their whole message is poisoned! Again, it was the apparent wisdom of the Corinthians that made them impervious to these attacks from the devil. They honoured people as apostles who were in reality false workers, false apostles, servants of the devil. If they had exchanged the wisdom of this world for the wisdom of God, they would have remained "simple-minded towards Christ". And that alone would have preserved them, because they would have recognised that Satan looked like an angel of light on the outside, but that the voice of the good shepherd did not speak from him. In truth, this light is darkness - and corrupts our attitude, our thoughts and our way of life.

I find it fascinating that the basic attitude towards alternative lifestyles of religious people in American society drives them right into the hands of the servants.

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