Extreme Weight Gain - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


But I wanted him huge.

If he falls on you, you are hurt bad

And it takes a couple big guys to pick him up.

He is incapable of getting up off the ground himself.


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3 years ago

He wanted to be so much larger.

I made it happen.

He can’t move his arms. Barely wiggle his fingers.

Legs and feet?

Useless. He fell partly through the fattening, now let’s hope he doesn’t lose circulation to his lower half.

He Wanted To Be So Much Larger.
He Wanted To Be So Much Larger.
He Wanted To Be So Much Larger.

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2 years ago


This is everything. Truth, scary, inspiring, arousing.


Food Addicted Gainer Pig

You are so fucked now, tubby. You went ahead and made yourself into a food addict.

Do you know how hard it is to quit a food addiction? Less than 5% of morbidly obese people that diet manage to keep the weight off. And they don't have a fetish sabotaging them like you do.

The "normal" fatties get a nice big dopamine hit when they binge on junk food. You get that AND a nice hard dick buried in your fat pad. How can you resist piggy?

Go ahead and try to diet, see what happens. You can't just stop eating, but low calorie foods are disappointing and eating them makes you miserable. If you were just a regular fat guy, maybe you could get away with giving yourself a cheat day. But you're a pig at heart, and as soon as you start eating that delicious fatty food, you won't be able to stop. You won't just enjoy a big meal, you'll stuff yourself till it hurts, and then jerk off your little pig dick to the shame of it. And just like that you'll give up and go back to fattening yourself up. Rinse and repeat however many times you'd like porky, but the result will always be the same.

It really doesn't matter what happens now, you're always going to be a big fat pig. Social pressure starts getting to you? The embarrassment you feel at being so fat will just fuel your fetish and make you want to eat more to cope. Health scare? You'll try to diet, but you know how that ends up (spoiler: you'll be jerking off to your failure with a belly full of ice cream before you know it).

Face it, you're trapped now piggy. Your blubber covered body is a prison you can never escape, because now your mind is a prison, too. You're stuck in there with your inner pig, and he'll keep you thinking, acting, and looking like a pig for the rest of your days. So go ahead piggy, go get a snack and read this again while you rub one out thinking about how screwed you are.

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2 years ago

This would be a dream come true for me

The Middle of Nowhere

Technically, I’m free to come and go as I please. My chaser doesn’t keep me under lock and key. There’s no gainer sex dungeon, no bed with handcuffs built into it, no livestock feeding machine with a harness he lashes me into. Anybody could come up and knock on the door, and there’s a decent chance my 800 pounds would even waddle up to the door to greet them. I’m not a captive. I’m not even hidden. I’m just… in the middle of nowhere.

At first, the idea of a farmhouse way out in the country seemed idyllic. Peace, quiet, privacy, and the miles of fields and plains stretching far away. It didn’t hurt that, in a rural place like where I was from, there was virtually nobody interested in feeding and growing someone — except for him, and he was surprisingly close. We met for the first time at the diner in town, but it didn’t take long for the discussion to turn to where he lived — miles away, miles down a dirt road cutting off from the already desolate rural route running along the edge of his land. Nobody around to spy or judge. Someplace where we could be ourselves.

I jumped at the chance to move in with him, and I started blowing up almost immediately. I had the opportunity to indulge myself, and I took it — while he’d be out at work, I’d be sitting around his farmhouse, always eating or snacking between meals, never having to stop and go anywhere. I went from my original fat body to morbidly obese in a matter of weeks, and in six months nearly doubled my weight. He bought me clothes with room to grow, but faster than either of us expected my belly was fully hanging out the bottom of my shirts, resting on the thighs that were stretching my formerly baggy pants to the bursting point. My newly flabbier arms bulged out of the sleeves, flexing the fabric as they lifted more food into my waiting mouth. I didn’t strictly need clothes, since I never went anywhere, but we both liked to keep up the pretense that I was living something of a normal life.

There was no question that he wanted to see me fatter; but he never forced me to eat, never got angry when I said I wanted to slow down or try to eat a little healthier. He just kept cooking, kept serving, kept making sure everything I couldn’t resist was always in reach. That was all it took. It wasn’t long before my belly and arms made me far too large to fit in the small cab of his old pickup. The discovery that I was now isolated here — completely under his power and dependent on him to leave, confined as effectually as if I were chained — took my breath away. Even if I could somehow squeeze behind the wheel, the fat bulging out around it was enough to keep me from turning it or reaching the pedals, however much I might push against that resistance. At that point, my only real means of leaving became tantalizingly close but forever out of reach. I could see it, touch it, get as close as I wanted; but I could never use it to save myself again.

I did try to walk away once. When I hit 500 pounds and he made an entire cake for me to finish to celebrate, I had a minor freak out at just how big I was getting and decided I had to get out. So I started walking in the middle of the night. But at a very sedentary quarter-ton, it didn’t take long before I had burned through the panic adrenaline and started getting winded hauling so much fat around. My back ached from holding up my juggling belly, my thighs burned from the unfamiliar friction of walking a long distance, and my chest clenched tight from exertion and the struggle to breathe. I collapsed about a half-mile toward the road, a sweaty, blubbery heap; and early in the morning I heard his pickup chugging up behind me. Without a word, with no reproach, he helped me up, hoisting my bulbous ass into the cab of the truck. He drove us both back toward the house, my body jiggling with every bump and dip. A pound of bacon and a plate of chocolate pancakes calmed me down just fine.

Things only accelerated from there. Early on, I’d been able to take a snack out to the yard and walk along the fence to get some fresh air. Now, I’m barely able to waddle out to the porch and plop down on the bench, my overhang bumping against my knees with each step. I’ll go out with a plate of food, my ass filling the two-seater bench in its entirety, and watch the occasional car glide by on the distant road, as remote and unreachable to me as the moon. Even if I really did want to leave — even if I thought I could go somewhere, ignore my hunger long enough to get down to a “normal” size, and go back to my life as it was — how would I do it? I’m not struggling for miles to the road carrying nearly a half-ton of blubber, if I could even make it down the driveway on my own without getting completely winded; and even if I did, nobody is picking up a hitchhiker who can barely fit into a pickup bed.

Who could I call for help, then? The police? And tell them what, that they should arrest my roommate because I ate myself to the size of a small elephant? This is the midwest; there’s a decent chance I wouldn’t even be the fattest person they’ve dealt with that week. And there’s nobody here driving for Uber, no cab company within a hundred miles, even if I could fit in their car. I could hire an ambulance, but with what money? And anyway, I’m not ready for the shame of being strapped into a gurney and bundled away by a troupe of men, all gawking at how much lard I’d been able to pack onto my frame and tut-tutting at the fat cow who let their indulgence and morbid obesity get so out of control. That might come whether I want it to or not someday, but not yet.

So here I sit — chewing, swallowing, consuming. Eating so much I can almost feel my body expanding with new fat every day. More weight pressing me down, making the distant road that much further away. My thighs and calves jiggling more, my pudge-filled arms swinging more to balance my weight, my belly hanging lower every day. And he sits here with me — smiling, complimenting, admiring my growing rolls and tighter clothes and slower steps and heavier breaths. Watching as I build my own prison, bite by bite.

It won’t be long before the dozen or so steps to the porch and the now-too-narrow front door are more trouble than they’re worth. Then more and more of my meals will be taken on the couch because it’s not worth my fat-laden frame hobbling over to the dining table. Then eventually, maybe, I stop getting up at all, and just let my fat swell and grow in place. How much bigger will I get then, I wonder.

He doesn’t have to keep me locked up, because I’m doing the job well enough on my own. And I know he’ll never stop wanting me bigger. I can see it in his eyes when he imagines my body under another hundred, five hundred, thousand pounds of fat, wobbling pitifully amidst a pile of unmoving lard and struggling desperately to function at all. What is he going to do to get me there? What’s going to happen to me when I’m too big to go anywhere and he has me, in the middle of nowhere, all to himself?

I guess all I can do is keep eating and find out.

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1 year ago

What can I say?

Yes please!

Personally, I want to get you to a doctor just to see how destroyed your body is. I want to see an x-ray of your gigantic fatty liver, I want to see how clogged up your arteries are, how useless your heart is under all that lard.

I want to know your blood pressure, since surely your heart struggling to pump your thickened-with-sugar blood through your choked out veins would result in a fantastically high LDL, maybe a nice, round triple digit number starting with 2!

Through the doctor's concerned speech about your habits and how they need to be fixed, all you can think about is another few pounds of lard being drained into your huge gut when you get home. Ruining your organs even more, until they literally can't function under hundreds of pounds of pure hog fat crushing them, engorged fat cells swallowing them and filling them, all the while you're still being the greedy hog you are.

All that hog jelly, all that lard piled onto your body, will fuel your desire to overeat like the livestock you are until your heart can't work under the weight of your greedy hog mind.

And you'll love every second of the last deep fried meal you try to cram past your swollen lips.

.....really had to share this gem. These asks are so damn hot, I'm never ever getting tired of em.. 🥵🥵

What I'd give to have someone do that to me.. 🐷

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7 months ago

This! Just…. This!

I'm going to make you so fucking fat that even standing will become a challenge for you. Picture it: your belly, swollen and stretched, dragging against your knees, so bloated from food and lard that you'll feel like you're about to burst every damn day. Your tits? They're going to become so heavy, so ripe, that they spill over that fat gut of yours. And your ass, ... it's going to balloon out, become this wobbling mountain of flesh that jiggles with every tiny move you make. That's right, piggy. And those thighs? Fuck. They'll be so thick, they'll rub together, each step you take a symphony of your blubber rubbing against itself. Every part of you will scream of overindulgence. Your face will fill out, your cheeks will become chubby, and those lips? Swollen from all the gorging. People will see you and know instantly what a greedy fucking pig you've become, how you can't control your appetite, how you've been fattened and stuffed like the insatiable pig you are. Your fingers, so thick and chubby, struggling to grip because of the added weight. And let's not forget your cock. It'll be buried beneath layers of fat, almost lost, a constant reminder of your endless gluttony. Eat up, piggy. You know you want to.

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1 year ago
New Gainer Comics

New Gainer Comics

I missed gainer comics a lot, but there was no way for me to make them at the same level of polish with any kind of consistency.

So I took some time for experimenting with a new, faster workflow and a streamlined art style – until I arrived at results that good, fat-loving folk on other social media deemed enjoyable.

This here is only a test run. If you want to see the first page of a new gainer comic storyline, head over to patreon.com/goooorrrrdo2023

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
Devoted Daddy Keeps Spending His Hard-earned Cash On His Spoiled Stud...

Devoted Daddy keeps spending his hard-earned cash on his Spoiled Stud...

I'm getting back into the swing of making comics about extreme weight gain, uploading a new page every Friday! This is just a preview of the second page of my current story. See the full page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
When It Comes To Shopping For Electronics...

When it comes to shopping for electronics...

...one must make informed choices! Luckily Daddy's always there to guide his Stud.

A new page of extreme weight gain comics uploaded every Friday – see the full page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
Daddy Insists On Dragging Poor Stud On His Shopping Trips...

Daddy insists on dragging poor Stud on his shopping trips...

...and Stud slowly plods along, 'cause deep down he knows he'll soon stop getting out of the house, and he should enjoy it while he can.

A new page of extreme weight gain comics uploaded every Friday – see the full page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
We All Knew...

We all knew...

...Daddy's last-ditch attempt to keep ginormous Stud out-and-about was doomed. At some point you gotta cut your losses and let a fatass spiral into total helplessness. Also, I promise you can see a bit of the buried scooter in the full page ;)

A new page of extreme weight gain comics uploaded every Friday – see the full page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
Another Progression!

Another progression!

A bout of COVID with symptoms that just wouldn't go screwed up most of December for me, but I couldn't let the year end without posting some hot, fat goodness.

Starting again in January, new extreme weight gain art and comics uploaded every week!

See the FULL PIECE on Patreon

See the FULL PIECE here on Deviant Art And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
Yet Another Progression

Yet Another Progression

Still experimenting with the extravagant sizes to be featured in the final pages of "Shopping". 🐽 In the meantime, here's a single stage of yet another weight gain progression – and no, this isn't the biggest this hunk gets! You know where to find the full piece!

Extreme weight gain art and comics uploaded every week! See the FULL PIECE on Patreon

See the FULL PIECE on Deviant Art And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
Stud's Been Way Too Fat To Function For A While Now...

Stud's been way too fat to function for a while now...

...but Daddy loves spoiling him so much that he's only now shopping around for some assistance. Naturally, Daddy and Stud need someone who understands their peculiar needs...

See the full page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
Stud Got Too Fat For The Bedroom...

Stud got too fat for the bedroom...

hen the living room, and now he's pretty much filling up the backyard... Will Daddy find a big enough place for them to move into? Full comic book page you know where!

See the full page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
And That's A Wrap...

And that's a wrap...

...for Stud and Daddy, who now ride off into the horizon, ready to continue pouring their (seemingly endless) money into that monster gut! See the final page of my gainer comic SHOPPING, you-know-where!

See the full page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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1 year ago
SHOPPING: An Extreme Weight Gain Comic

SHOPPING: An Extreme Weight Gain Comic

Thank y'all for the warm reception to my latest gainer comic, SHOPPING, whether you supported it and read the whole thing or just enjoyed the previews here! I'm excited to start sharing the next one – page one coming up in a matter of days, you-know-where!

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1 year ago
A New Gainer Comic!

A new gainer comic!

UNCHANGED isn't a single, ongoing story but a series of one-offs, all revolving around the idea of sizeable change going unnoticed by oblivious friends, relatives, neighbours, et cetera. Page 1: "Wade works from home" is now available, you-know-where!

See the full page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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11 months ago
I've Been Having Fun...

I've been having fun...

...sketching some off-the-cuff big boys, like I often did before my hiatus.

See the full sketchbook page and more at my Patreon and DeviantArt!

And if you're still hungry, check out my back catalogue and more.

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