Fc: Lotte Verbeek - Tumblr Posts

older starks au
They say Arya’s the wild one, wreaking vengeance on those who felled her family, sweeping the countryside with her wolf pack; but there are whispers Lady Sansa is the one to truly look out for. She smiles sweetly but behind her Tully blue eyes there is a darkness that goes unseen until her victim has already sipped his poison. The boys, the little lords of Winterfell skulk through the shadows with their wolves. There isn’t much to be said of Bran, so far in the north; news of him is hard to come by. But Rickon, tales of him spread far and wide. His cruel savagery on the battlefield, but also of the deep sorrow he carries with him that comes from such loss it can’t be fathomed. They remain apart still, these wolf pups. But winter is coming, and the whispers have already begun. The wolves will rise again.

older starks
sansa has her poisons and her whispers, and a dagger strapped to her hip beneath her skirts. she is of the north, and as her family words say, winter is coming. she gathers support, raises her banners, and dons a crown. she seeks to take back her family’s seat, to spill blood in the names of her dead, and to gain back what’s been so cruelly taken from her.

the king is dead. long live the q u e e n
asoiaf au: sansa is crowned queen in the north — as requested by anon

“They say Arya’s the wild one, filled with vengeance and blood lust as she is; but there are whispers Lady Sansa is the one to look out for, truly. She smiles sweetly but behind her Tully blue eyes there is a darkness that goes unseen until her victim has already sipped his poison. The boys, the little lords of Winterfell skulk through the shadows with their wolves. There isn’t much to be said of Bran, so far in the north; news of him is hard to come by. But Rickon, tales of him spread far and wide. His cruel savagery on the battlefield, but also of the deep sorrow he carries with him that comes from such loss it can’t be fathomed. They remain apart still, these wolf pups. But winter is coming, and the whispers have already begun. The wolves will rise again.”

ASOIAF AU ♕ After marrying King Joffrey Baratheon and becoming the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Sansa Stark, woefully unhappy, finds solace and joy in her close relationship with the King’s sister, Myrcella.

“If I am ever a queen, I’ll make them love me.”
thronesgifs challenge » [ 1 ] king or queen

Anyone who isn’t us, is an enemy

50k giveaway winner: niphredils ↳ older!starks AU
“The winters are hard. But the Starks will endure. We always have.”

asoiaf au: rickon is crowned king in the north and lord of winterfell (+ older!sansa always by his side, protecting her baby brother) – as requested by anon

“ the winters are hard, but the starks will endure. ” // ioan gruffard as jon snow ; lotte verbeek as sansa stark ; olga kurylenko as arya stark ; peter mooney as bran stark ; sam heughan as rickon stark
fancasting meme || ten existing characters’ older versions ( 1/5 — 10)

They say none truly knows the Lady Sansa, for they see in her that which they most wish to see. ❄ Post-Series Starks
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/59e7e5d4caf29e6763d91d50981e2986/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so8_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d63c318af517d9eb9d08d97607d7c4c9/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so7_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/02d23d7d3fef25cbf0227a72a108d9b4/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so6_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/12f8bfdd29ee712743e44af235df3e17/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so1_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/809d397f21b4e9f54600c25cb031cec2/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so3_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5f36e17c2a56c6e04550d2fd76fe657c/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so5_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b142f45c9bf3a708d01b577a417a9547/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so9_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2ac836c12779768576fe4659b0dee829/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so4_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/482a8a1a834c598b8da85cc62b059079/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so2_250.gif)
![A Song Of Ice And Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters Older Versions](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f3f6be1eea06bc1d87d3b189e6ae79d1/tumblr_nan1tfWGO01qesh8so10_250.gif)
A Song of Ice and Fire Fancasting Meme | [2/10] Existing Characters’ Older Versions
Sansa Stark
“My skin has gone from porcelain, to ivory, to steel.” - Sansa Stark
Lotte Verbeek as Sansa Stark

Post-Canon!AU: The Kings and Queens of Winter
Their father once said that in winter, they must protect one another, keep each other warm, share their strengths. So they shared their strength, and their crown as well.
King Brandon the Divine ↳ It was said that King Brandon knew the magic of the gods–when he spoke, mountains trembled, and when he smiled birds sang. King Brandon and his siblings certainly did little to quell the rumors that the old gods had given him powers the likes of which no living man or beast could match. Though perhaps not the most vocal of his siblings, King Brandon’s word was often the one that ended any dispute among them, and it was said that he knew of trouble long before news reached Winterfell. How he knew what he knew–whether it was truly the magic of the gods–none can say. But that his knowledge allowed for strong rule in the North was undeniable.
Queen Sansa the Gracious ↳ When the Lords and Kings beyond the Broken Neck called upon the North, it was Queen Sansa who treated with them, and when invitations made their way to Winterfell, of the royal siblings, it was Queen Sansa who went–though it is said she was never so happy as when she saw Winterfell in the distance after a journey away from home. She was regarded as instrumental to the goodwill between the Kingdom of the North and those to the South, for she had come to know the Lords of the South well during her time in captivity. A patron of the arts, there were never singers far from Queen Sansa, and at her bidding, the North came to know tourneys and festivals in the summers to celebrate the longer, warmer days.
Queen Arya the Open-Hearted ↳ Queen Arya gave her heart to her people. Of the Kings and Queens, Queen Arya was the one who left Winterfell the most frequently, though never for very long and never going very far. She often spoke of knowing that, though it saddened her to leave the halls of her forbears, it was her duty to do so, for she rode throughout the kingdom, ensuring that the Lords of the North did not abuse their smallfolk. When Queen Arya came to a holdfast, there was no one too lowly to meet with her, and if there was any sign of corruption, Queen Arya brought an end to it with practiced dexterity. All of the North knew her love, and in return gave her theirs as well.
King Rickon the Peacebringer ↳ As a babe, King Rickon was loath to leave the castle that was his home, for whenever those he loved left, he feared they would not come back. As a man grown, King Rickon was also loath to leave his brother’s side, for the two relied upon one another dearly. But when King Rickon did leave the stronghold of Stark, it was said that peace was sure to follow, for King Rickon only ever left at the head of an army to bring an end to whatever troubled the realm, and it was King Rickon who oversaw the King’s Justice and took the heads of traitors to the North. The youngest of his siblings, King Rickon never remembered their youth together in Winterfell. To him, it was living a dream, and he was determined that this dream would not become a nightmare again.

Choose your weapon and go to war instead

When Princess Sansa of House Stark returned to her home in Winterfell, more than a little southron art and vibrancy came with her. A poet, dancer, and lover of music since her earliest years, she brought King Brandon’s court to life by filling the castle with artists of every kind. Bards, traveling mummer troupes, poets, and puppeteers would find in Sansa a generous patroness. Such was her reputation in championing the very best artists that her fashionable circle in Winterfell became famous around Westeros.
While she loved the arts for their own sake, Sansa had also learned to wield the power those pretty distractions could offer. The princess did not merely enjoy the songs and sonnets of others. She wrote her own poems and performed songs of her own making. Alongside her sister, Princess Arya, she even entertained the guests at many a harvest feast with a play she wrote herself. Sansa could weave words together in such a way as to bring even the strongest to tears and create an image in their mind of the truth she wanted them to see.
When singers and mummers left her company, they carried her songs and stories with them, as well as ones created in her honor. Through them, Sansa could reach from the North all the way down to the southern most reaches of Dorne and through all the lands in between. Her singers and mummers would recount the glories of Winterfell and the might of House Stark.

“I want to talk to you, somewhere outside of here. Maybe we can have a coffee or something?”
“I can’t have coffee, it’s on the bad food list you gave to me. What kind of doctor are you?”
Sansa (x Podrick) + Waitress AU // Lotte Verbeek as Sansa Stark

fancast meme: existing characters’ older versions (what you imagine they look like in a couple of decades)
Lotte Verbeek as Sansa Stark, Daisy Ridley as Arya Stark

fancasting meme: ten existing characters older versions - Lotte Verbeek as Sansa Stark
“My skin has gone from porcelain, to ivory, to steel.”