Fe Hanneman - Tumblr Posts

A bit late, but here are my choices for the voting jubilee thingy!
Hanneman was an obvious pick for best teacher. He is full of knowledge but also patient with his students, even if they are a lost cause (see the Alois support).
After choosing him I realized that we weren't limited to actual teachers but also people who can teach us how to fight. If I went with that particular interpretation I would have picked Tanith. Sure Marcia calls her a DEMON INSTRUCTOR, but if she's strict it's because she cares obviously.
For the second pick, Dancing Neph is adorable but she really needs a partner.
I picked Heather because I'm a filthy shipper, but you are completely valid if you paired her with Brom or Meg, or even Calill.
Then the third choice was a really hard one. There are tons of simpatetic villains and enemy bosses in Fire Emblem, and even if a seriously considered picking my wife Aversa, in the end I had to go with the villain that made me really feel bad from my first FE. What an introduction to the big sad that is this franchise she was. Plus she is still not in Heroes for some stupid reason.