Federism - Tumblr Posts

Ingles: Hello, here I bring you my first publication on my official blog, it is a fanart of Eijiro Kirishima from Boku no hero Academia or My Hero Academia that I made for my blog of stories of this saga, if you are interested in knowing the story go to the blog that comes In the image, I started with a pencil drawing and I liked it so much that I decided to scan it and review it in Sai, in the future maybe I will do it again, I hope you like it, here Angel hearth says goodbye, kisses.
Español: Hola, aquí les traigo mi primera publicación en mi blog oficial, es un fanart de Eijiro Kirishima de Boku no hero Academia o My Hero Academia que hice para mi blog de historias de esta saga, si les interesa saber la historia vallan al blog que sale en la imagen, empecé con un dibujo a lápiz y me gusto tanto que decidí escanearlo y repasarlo en Sai, en el futuro tal vez lo vuelva a hacer, espero les guste, aquí Angel hearth se despide, besitos.
Conocer a alguien del universo gainer cuando quieres ir más allá de la "realidad virtual" puede tener varias repercusiones, descubre algunas en la nueva entrada. http://www.elgainer.com/2013/10/encuentros-cercanos-del-tipo-gainer.html
I hope this year is a profitable and productive one for all of us. My purpose is to learn a little more English. However, I think now I understand it a bit more.

Buenas buenas~ por fin he terminado el cómic, la escena inspirada en el cumpleaños de Jiminnie, quien ofreció un almuerzo y merienda en su casa teniendo como detalle final un hermoso pastel de tres leches con fresas y crema blanca. Espero que les guste sinceramente. Recalco una vez más que me encanta Yoonie Chubby. Pero, estoy abierta a dibujar a los otros miembros rellenitos.
¿Qué les parece? Si ven errores o cositas feas, culpa de mi dedo porque no he podido arreglar mi tablet gráfica JAJAJAJA.

Yoongi's thought: Fuaa, I feel like I'm going to explode.
Jimin: Guys, I hope you saved room for dessert~
Yoongi's thought: M-MORE!?
Jungkook: Of course Jimin-ah! We have room for dessert.
Yoongi's thought: But, I'm so full... Ah, Hoseok...
Hoseok: Double portion Yoongi hyung, with the strawberry on top, just the way you like it. Don't leave anything behind.
Yoongi: Mmh...
Yoongi's thought: Just a little more, anyway... You can't let yourself lose, right? What is the worst that can happen?
Good good ~ I've finally finished the comic, the scene inspired by Jiminnie's birthday, who offered a lunch and snack at his house with a beautiful tres leches cake with strawberries and white cream as a final detail. I sincerely hope you like it. I emphasize once again that I love Yoonie Chubby. But, I'm open to drawing the other chubby members.
What do you think? If you see errors or ugly things, blame my finger because I couldn't fix my graphics tablet HAHAHAHA