Feedist Discourse - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Got a harsh reminder of how non-feedist fat people perceive themselves at Walmart today as I was entering the store. Immediately after getting a cart and going through the automatic doors I see a man about as tall as me but easily outweighing me by 200lbs, had to have been in the low 500s. His belly was hanging out of the bottom of his tshirt by about 3 inches, he had this distinct waddle, and he was walking straight towards me. I'm like 30-40 feet from him and for a moment I just kinda stared, caught myself, looked away, looked again, and then he noticed and tugged at his shirt while looking at the floor.

I felt fucking terrible. Like there's no way for me to remedy that. In my head as I stared I was thinking "holy shit, goals good job man". But what he saw was a man staring at him, he's looking down, he looked away, he looked back again, oh fuck my gut is out, gotta fix that.

And the shame I felt radiate off of him as he passed me was painful. I know he's gonna remember that just like he probably remembers other moments of shame due to his weight. Like I wish there was some way to convey that I wasn't looking in a disrespectful or shocked way, I was looking in admiration, but there's *nothing* I could say there.

I don't know what would be a better way for people to approach fat people they're interested in, especially when you have no idea if they're feedist, but clearly this is something that this community needs to work on. Just a simple passing interaction with no words exchanged and I fucked up that man's day. All I can think of is to just treat fat people you have a romantic/sexual interest in as just that, a person, super basic and said over and over again. But idk what else we could do, I'm not smart enough to know that.

Just remind yourself over and over to not stare, and maybe if y'all end up sleeping together then show them how much you enjoy their body. Snuggle close but no belly rubs, fuck hard but with minimal groping, and just vocally convey through moans and words that you're having a good time. And then go on that second date! Or first or whatever it is. But not continuing after that is just gonna reinforce what's in their mind already.

Fat people have stigmas attached to us, and yeah *we* may have found feedism and romanticized a lot of the stuff we gotta deal with. But the average fat person hasn't done that

When the word "fat" is a compliment...

I'm dug so deep in the fat fetish world... 18 years of it... that the word fat is sexy.

I'm out in public and I see a gigantic man, barely able to waddle. I want to stare. I can't look away... it stirs a pleasure deep inside of me. But, it's not "normal". I have to remember that if he catches me staring, he's not going to take it positively.

I meet a friend of a friend, and he's huge. Wearing the same clothes every time I see him... because, obviously, at his size, it's cheaper to wear the clothes that fit than buying new ones. When I'm sober at the beginning of the party, I do my best to avoid him. It's against my instinct to do so, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable with my attention. Yet again... I don't think he'd take it positively.

In our world, calling a big fat feedee a "fat fuck", is a compliment. And I have to remind myself, that, NO, that's not a compliment to most people.

I get a few drinks in me, and all I can do is look at him... desperately trying to hint that I think he's gorgeous. I feel like a teenager again. That desire; that flutter in my heart... but, I need to keep my mouth shut.

It's a hard position to be in. Wanting to tell this huge man that he's my ideal... that he's absolutely gorgeous. But, there's no way he'd believe me.

So all I can do is glance. A slight look towards an ideal beauty.

An impossibility.

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4 months ago

Bro like at least half of the people who interact with my posts/stories are trans and I'm trying to figure out if I just got that accepting/supportive vibe or if this community is just extra extra trans. Like it's Tumblr so ofc its gonna be more trans than other sites

Either way I'm doing something right ig with the gender neutral stories

Also a lot of y'all are hot, I'm finding so many sexy mfs on here

Additional thought. Weight gain can help with body dysphoria? I don't have a personal experience with that in regards to gender but from what I've read it seems like a common theme for people. Like it would make sense to me if a lot of trans people were into soft feedism, that just clicks in my head and sounds right because of how loving/nurturing soft feedism can be(especially in regards to a body changing)

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4 months ago

I appreciate your story/perspective on this and I apologize if my question is too personal, I'm a southern guy trying to understand more about this since I've only ever met 3 trans people in person(that I know of at least, ik not everyone is visibly trans), 2 being tboys. I believe we got one go at life so people should live how they wish in whatever truth they find within themselves. Whether it's a ton of tattoos, being trans, who they love, their career path, or whatever. Like who am I to disparage what you found within when I don't have your experiences ya know?

Is the gender affirming aspect of weight gain(in your experience) more about the change in size of certain traditionally femme body parts? Or is it something else? All over softness in comparison to the general perception of men being rugged and rigid?

Bro like at least half of the people who interact with my posts/stories are trans and I'm trying to figure out if I just got that accepting/supportive vibe or if this community is just extra extra trans. Like it's Tumblr so ofc its gonna be more trans than other sites

Either way I'm doing something right ig with the gender neutral stories

Also a lot of y'all are hot, I'm finding so many sexy mfs on here

Additional thought. Weight gain can help with body dysphoria? I don't have a personal experience with that in regards to gender but from what I've read it seems like a common theme for people. Like it would make sense to me if a lot of trans people were into soft feedism, that just clicks in my head and sounds right because of how loving/nurturing soft feedism can be(especially in regards to a body changing)

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