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5 years ago
Remember, If You Have A Strong Opinion Or Suggestion About The State Of The Game Right Now You Can Send

Remember, if you have a strong opinion or suggestion about the state of the game right now you can send feedback and let IS know. It's not like they didn't listen to the community in the past. Remember the AyraGate controversy? Remember that votes weren't combined in the old CYL events? Remember how well Relay defense was received?

The developes aren't above listening to players feedback. If enough people explain to IS in a civil and reasomable way exactly what's wrong with the pass, they can change it. For me the real problem was the QoL stuff being exclusive to paying players. But if you think that the problem with the pass is that it's too expensive, or something else LET THE DEVELOPERS KNOW.

But be aware that a generic "the pass sucks, scrap it" won't work because it was probably a decision made by Nintendo itself because they think their mobile games need monthly subscriptions.

The pass is here to stay, but if we make an effort as a community we can change it so that paying customers feel like their money was spent on something useful and the F2P people don't feel like they're missing out on stuff that should have been for everyone.

If enough of us give constructive criticism we can stop IS from making the situation even worse in the future with horsesh*t like better odds to pull a five star if you have the Feh pass or who knows what else.

This is an important matter that could change the game forever. We should all voice our opinion about it

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