Fem!aizawa - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Headcannons for fem!erasermic:

- Fem!Aizawa is still just as gross as male Aizawa. She does not shave and she does not wear make up except for special occasions.

-Fem!Hizashi however LOVES make up and she’s amazing at it. She does her make up just as crazy and loud as you’d expect with super bright colors. You KNOW she buys that theatrical make up and the brightest, shiniest, glimmeriest highlight. Not big on eyelashes, though.

-That doesn’t mean she can’t do more understated make up, however. Whenever Aizawa needs to get dressed up for any reason, she goes to mic who gives her a really natural look. Light, natural tones. Very little eyeliner. Simple lipstick, concealer for under eye and done. Aizawa appreciates this greatly.

-while they both have very different preferences for beauty/self care, when they spend time together both Aizawa and mic can rub off on each other a bit. Aizawa doesn’t mind doing the occasional face mask or getting her nails painted so long as it’s with Hizashi. Mic also isn’t afraid to dress down in sweat pants and go without make up in public, so long as she’s going to the cat cafe with Aizawa.

-Getting the position she has now in radio was a real struggle for mic. Women don’t typically have much standing in the world of radio, especially as the host of their own show, but Hizashi kept persisting and all her hard work really paid off. Aizawa never doubted for a moment that she’d make it.

-Students are no less afraid of Aizawa as a female than as a male. Villains may underestimate her, but the student’s and faculty of UA do not. Though, class 1-A might call her a momma bear when she’s not within earshot.

-both Aizawa’s and Mic’s hero outfits are pretty much the same. Though, mic might take off her trademark sunglasses more often, just to show off her stunning eyeshadow and winged eyeliner sharp enough to cut a man’s throat.

Aizawa has large breasts, which she abhors. Yamada both adores and envies them in equal measure. On one hand, her own boobies are tiny and flat. But on the other hand, she gets a big tiddy goth girlfriend and really, what’s there left to complain about in life after that? Aizawa secretly likes yamada’s small breasts, though. They’re perky and cute, and their chests don’t clash when they hug, considering they’re both the same height.

-no one but Aizawa can tell when Yamada is pmsing. She gets cramps sure, but she’s mastered the art of hiding her pain. No matter how well she hides it though, she still always finds a bar of her favorite chocolate on her desk in the teacher’s lounge. Aizawa refuses to tell her how she can always tell.

-Aizawa on the other hand is surprisingly whiny about it, but only to mic. When they’re alone she gets clingy and huffy until Yamada warms her up a hot water bottle and gives her a back rub.

These are all I could think of, but please reblog or comment if anyone else has any of their own they’d like to share! I’d really like to hear more!

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