Fenrich - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Me When I Played Disgaea 4: Wow That Werewolf Guy Is So Gae
Me When I Played Disgaea 4: Wow That Werewolf Guy Is So Gae
Me When I Played Disgaea 4: Wow That Werewolf Guy Is So Gae
Me When I Played Disgaea 4: Wow That Werewolf Guy Is So Gae
Me When I Played Disgaea 4: Wow That Werewolf Guy Is So Gae
Me When I Played Disgaea 4: Wow That Werewolf Guy Is So Gae

Me when I played Disgaea 4: Wow that werewolf guy is so gae

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8 years ago

Disgaea 4

This game is AWESOME. It might just be my favorite of the Disgaea games I’ve enjoyed with Beloved (1, 3, & 4-- I’ve yet to experience 2, but that’s his fav apparently.)


This is when I knew the game would be awesome.

The characters are the real highlight here. D1 & D3 are good, but only Laharl, Etna, & Flonne, and Mao & Raspberyl stand out in them. D4 on the other hand has a strong, enjoyable cast of misfits.

I mentioned that Beloved & I wanna cosplay Valvatorez & Fenrich... well, he’d be Val, and I’d be Fen. (Or rather, I’d be Femrich, as I’ve mentally dubbed the genderbent version. XD)

I adore their relationship in the game. It’s kinda the first time we’ve really seen a formidable, UNFAILING bond between master & servant demons; Laharl & Etna’s is tumultuous, and Mao & Geoffrey’s is cold. Val & Fen’s bond is a match made in Heaven Hades.

Annnnd.... well, not for nothing, but it outdoes every other relationship of the main cast. After all, they’ve spent YEARS together, and Fen’s never left his Lord’s side, always waiting on Val hand & foot. It’s almost too easy to make that bond into...something else. XD ...Yeah, I ship it.

Other thoughts: Desco is ADORABLE! I just wanna hug her like crazy. >W< I also really enjoyed a certain precious cinnamon roll of a character, but can’t reveal b/c SPOILERS. XD

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5 years ago
A (LaTe) WoRK IN PRoGReSS... (eNTRY)

a (LaTe) WoRK iN PRoGReSS... (eNTRY)

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S):

JuST FoR eVeRYoNe’S aTTeNTioN oN MY (SuPPoSeDLY) MoNTHLY aRT PRoDuCTioN eNTRY... 😑 i aM NoT YeT DeaD. 😱 JuST BuSY aND a BiT “DiSaBLeD”. 😵

MeaNWHiLe... HeRe’S a “Re-DRaW” aTTeMPT oF YeT aNoTHeR oLD NSFW PieCe oF MiNe; “FeNRiCH” oF “DiSGaea 4”. 😛 (WHaT’S WiTH Me WiTH MY “Re-DRaW” aTTeMPTS oF THoSe MeDioCRe WoRKS?) 😖

aNYWaYS… STaY TuNeD FoR THe... PieCe (WHiCH iS a “JuNe” eNTRY. SoRRY FoR LaTe NoTiCe... aS WHaT i’Ve SaiD! i’M Too BuSY & a BiT DiSaBLeD), aND... i GueSS HaVe FuN aLWaYS?! 😬

A (LaTe) WoRK IN PRoGReSS... (eNTRY)

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5 years ago
FeNRiCH - Re-ViSiTeD (W.i.P)

FeNRiCH - Re-ViSiTeD (W.i.P)

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S):

aS oF NoVeMBeR 2019... i'M ReaLLY HaViNG a GReaT aMouNT oF "FRee" TiMe To WoRK oN MY uNFiNiSHeD BuSiNeSSeS 😵 (HeHe) WiLL TRY To CaTCH-uP aND SHoW Ya WHaT aM ReaLLY "CaPaBLe" oF... 😌 (aM TaLKiNG aBouT SeXY MaLe PiN-uPS) 😋 iN oTHeR WoRDS... i'Ve DeCiDeD To FiNiSH MY “Re-DRaW” aTTeMPT oF MY oLD NSFW PieCe oF “FeNRiCH” FRoM “DiSGaea 4”. 😛 (DRaWN aRouND THe MoNTH oF JuNe oR JuLY? i DuNNo?! 😧)

aS aLWaYS, SooN MaH DaHRLiNGS! aND HaVe FuN aLWaYS?! 😋



FeNRiCH - Re-ViSiTeD (W.i.P)

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