Fic Reccs By Bey - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Tonight | Min Yoongi III {M}

Moonlit Throne chapter one. 650words.

contains: historical au, exhibitionism, brief mention of battle/death

tonight, the doors to the royal chambers fly open with a furious slam as you sink your wet heat onto your king, taking all of him in a single, ambitious stroke. the dark eyes that behold you are coolly intense as he flings aside the dyed silk that preserved the last of your modesty. but your hips stutter down to stillness when two court advisors stumble inside, poorly averting their gazes.

“please forgive our intrusion, but–”

“did i tell you to stop?” his stare bores into you regardless of the men; the pressure from the spread hand on your thigh tightens in silent command to move. to fuck.

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4 years ago

as soft as night breaks.

☾ in which you visit an old, long-dead acquaintance.

⤖ pairing: yoongi x reader

⤖ genre: ghost!au

⤖ word count: 2.1k

⤖ warnings: death mentions

⤖ author’s note: please enjoy a ghostly walk through the autumn woods ♡


The only thing that was truly certain was how enchanting the moonlight was.

It fell upon the crushed dirt and dried flowers with grace, kissing the earth with a silvery caress. It twirled through gaps in the lilac clouds and danced through the dark branches of the trees, spilled into the stream that flowed through the heart of the forest, stretched out in the grassy clearing. The moonlight was a living being, apparent by the wise forms it took and the precision of its knowledge. It always knew where to fall.

Nothing else rivaled the moonlight. There were no other constants that could even come close to comparing to it. Not the way that the cold autumn winds ground at your bones, not the way the clementine leaves grew sodden beneath light showers, not the way weak sunlight struggled to touch the dying foliage. Nature had plenty of tricks and secrets, but nothing could take away the moon.

The moon knew, above all else, when autumn had arrived. It was always at its strongest then, had not yet weakened from a long winter, had just been borne from the death of summer. It laid down upon the night and brought up ancient whispers of old tales, myths that were so ingrained in the forest itself that they had lost all words, had transformed into nothing more than the shifting of the trees. The moonlight awoke all realms that existed on the planet, from the darkest creatures lurking beneath the soil to the golden spirits that roamed the skies.

You knew this better than most. You had seen firsthand how moonlight could transform things; you had seen spectres of white light emerge from the brush, twisting into recognizably human shapes and drifting off to explore the world as spirits rather than people. The autumn moon brought out the most strange and wondrous spectacles, but most importantly, it brought out the ghosts.

Hands resting lightly in your lap, you focused on the sound of the lapping creek, on the faint whispers of spirits that tinged the air. The ghosts loved autumn. They liked to weave between the branches of bare trees and blend in with the shadows, but they were always there if you looked closely enough.

Night had fallen a few hours ago. Then, aided with nothing more than a lantern, you had slipped into the woods, deep within, but not so far as to reach the heart. That was a land you dared not cross; the heart of the forest belonged solely to the creek and the darkness. You had ventured there only once. The ominous dread that had swallowed your heart was enough to ensure you would never make a return trip. Instead, you lingered far beyond any trails, allowing your feet to guide you through grass until you reached a clearing by the creek.

The clearing was quiet, though there was the everlasting flow of the water and a light wind to rattle dead leaves. The silence was a gentle weight on your heart, not an absence of sound. It was a perfect place.

You watched the trees sharply, gaze trained on any slight movement. If you did not pay close enough attention, you would miss it. The ghosts blended in seamlessly with the movement of shadows; only if you caught them would they see you. Most of them had no interest in the matters of humans, but a few cared very much, and you happened to remember one.

The lantern flickered and you threw it a quick glance. A soft smile curled at your lips and you sat back, stretching your fingers out through the blades of grass.


A gentle wave of pale brilliance, almost as silver as the moonlight, spilled out of the creek, glinting and shimmering in the shadows. It built up in thin webs, constructing a shape of a human until someone was standing right in front of you.

He was not as tangible as a living person was, but he was there, and he was so bright that it almost hurt to look at him. The gentle tan of his skin and the dark brown of his hair was in a film of a white haze. It almost appeared as though he was floating, despite his feet being planted firmly on the ground; tendrils of pale clouds swirled out from where he stood, then dissolved in a shower of luminescence. He regarded you quizzically, eyebrows mildly furrowed.

“I’ve seen you before,” he murmured, blinking. “I didn’t expect to ever see you again.”

The first time had been an accident. You vividly remembered stumbling into the forest for no reason other than feeling a blind instinct telling you that you had to. This particular ghost had been crouched by an old rotting log, illuminated by the moon, studying the trunk of a long-lost tree. You had met your first spirit one year ago and had been fascinated by them ever since.

“I had to see you again.”

He nodded slowly, as if memories were flooding back to him. “I remember you very well.”

You had never been afraid, particularly regarding him. “You were the first ghost I’d ever seen.”

“Yes,” he said faintly, then smiled. “I could tell.”

It was not the first time you had seen him smile, but it made you feel every bit as enraptured as if it was. The first time had been in these woods on the very first night. He had extended a hand to you and you had tentatively accepted it; his skin felt like cold silk, the scent of dried roses and lilacs had wafted up in the air around you.

“We spent quite the season together,” you said softly, a soft ache forming in your heart. You remembered those months with a quiet fondness that almost seemed to hurt more than they made you happy. For the rest of the year, you had been thinking about the boy who smiled at you with infinite kindness and tenderness, the boy who lived his death in the forest simply because he loved the way the trees looked in autumn and the way the creek always flowed, no matter what. The previous fall had been all about spending time with him, often in peaceful quiet as you wandered through the woods and explored in the moonlight. You had never been so in love with the world than when you saw it with him.

“We certainly did.” He paused for a moment, as if a thought was dancing on the edge of his mind. “You came back.”

You nodded slowly. “I couldn’t stay away. I waited for the rest of the year to see you again.”

“Has it really been a year already?” His voice carried through the air wistfully, nearly to the point of sadness. “It still feels like the beginning, to me. I don’t believe time has any meaning left— if it ever did.”

“The beginning?” You repeated. The clench of longing had begun to ease on your soul. You had slipped right back into old habits. You hung on his every word, not because you wanted to, but because every syllable, every tone of his voice commanded you to listen without him trying. He was curious, and he loved to muse, but he never demanded an audience. He was the most profound person you had ever known.

“The beginning, yes.” He looked past you, eyes softening. “The beginning of my death. I can’t remember how long it has been since it started.”

“Do you remember what it was like?”

He swallowed, then held out his hand. You took it in yours as you had done the very first night, relished in the familiar sensation of smooth, cold glass.

“Yes, I remember very well.” He began to walk without minding the direction; he knew where he was going without looking. “It was terribly lonely. I was not afraid, but I was so incredibly alone. I was alone for a long time before— well, before you. Death is a solitary journey.”

You nodded along, glanced over at him as he frowned and tried to piece through his own thoughts.

“I remember the emptiness,” he murmured, lost far away in an old memory. “There was an emptiness that replaced everything: my lungs, my heart, my soul. Before there was anything, there was nothing. I was nothing, I didn’t belong to anything else but to myself. I was alone, and then I was in this forest, a part of the creek, and I—” He paused to look contentedly at you. “I was something again. Death is not frightening because there is no room for you to feel anything; it is only what comes after that is beautiful.”

You knew that you could never truly understand the burden that tugged on his words until you had experienced death, but that did not stop you from feeling an overwhelming sense of grief.

“I’m sorry,” you said softly. There was not much else to say in the matter.

His eyes, sharp and clear despite the haze of the rest of his demeanor, glimmered sadly as his lips curled into a faint smile. “Don’t be. Death comes for us all, but I have had a lovely time in it.” He paused for a moment, tilted his head. “Do you remember my name?”

You could never forget it. “Yoongi.”

Yoongi, the wistful spirit that flowed with the river, looked happy for the first time in a very long time. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You seem to have remembered a great deal.”

You grinned. “I remember everything.”

“Everything?” He looked up to the inky sky. “It was all I thought about while I was gone.”

“Where did you go?” When Yoongi had first disappeared, nowhere to be found in the shadows, you had been hurt, confused. But the moonlight had been different that evening, not nearly as thick and enchanting, and you had understood why he was gone. The moon had a great deal of power over the world.

“Nowhere,” he whispered; you became acutely aware of how his footsteps did not crunch a single leaf as he moved. The silence was whispering the truth. “When autumn passes, I do not cross back onto Earth. Only those who are desperate can cross back, those who have unfinished business to attend to. The ones who are content spend the next seasons away from here.”

You wondered what kind of place he went to, but that was surely another secret that only the dead knew the answer to.

Yoongi stopped and you halted beside him. For the first time, you noticed where you were.

You were in a mossy grove; brambles rose up on all sides, enveloping you in a cavern. No trees obscured the moon. The grass was soft, untouched, splashed in milky dewdrops. There was no commotion from the outside world; only the quiet song of the creek stirred the air. You had never ventured here before, and you could see why.

A feeling of peace, so deep and gaping that it swallowed you whole, closed around your heart. You had never been anywhere that was so unquestionably perfect, undisturbed by anything that was not pure. It was so catastrophically tranquil that you knew it was a land that humans should not touch, had never entered before.

“This is not the heart of the forest,” Yoongi murmured, voice like honeyed velvet in your ears, “but it is close.”

If you spoke, you feared that you would break the entire forest with a single syllable.

“I may not remember everything about being human, but I know that being here is the closest thing to feeling what it means to be dead in the fall.” He led you to the middle of the clearing, fingers woven together, and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead that felt like starlight. “I’ll always be here, even when autumn ends. I never wanted to leave you to face your lifetime alone; you will never have to face the world by yourself, not even when you die.”

And the forest engulfed you in its shadows and its light, pulled you into its lungs and cradled you in the land that the dead ruled; the land that you had fallen in love with. And for all of its treacheries and deceits, a hand would always be there to guide you through the darkness, one that no longer knew what it meant to be human, but one that would hold you close and shield you from the worst fate of all in your journey to nowhere.

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4 years ago

truce | min yoongi


pairing: min yoongi x reader

genre: tooth-rotting fluff, hogwarts au, christmas break! (does that count?)

word count: 6.6k (my brain is leaking out of my ears)

description: christmas is definitely a time of miracles, and this truce is nothing short of miraculous. 

note: this is and is dedicated to the adorable @waffleyoon as a part of @bangtan-bookclub ‘s christmas fic exchange. i’m so sorry that this is so late babe!! i’ve never done e2f2l before, but hopefully, this is good. as well as this fic, i also made you this and this! i hope you like them and that you have an awesome holiday, sornnary!!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and in Hogwarts, the most social. After the Battle of Hogwarts, Houses intermingled during meal times. The four tables were arranged to make a giant square, and everyone could see everyone. The Great Hall was decorated for Christmas, with giant silver Christmas trees all around. It was also full of magical teenagers joking around, which meant you had to be careful where you walked, which you had learned in your five years of living here.

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4 years ago

Can you turn off your phone? (M)


Image Credit

Summary:  Yoongi’s alarm clock wakes you up at 6 am on a Sunday and you are not happy about it. At least, not at first…

Pairing: Min Yoongi / Reader

Genre: Established relationship, gratuitous smut, small amounts of fluff and angst

Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral sex, orgasm denial, sex toys

Word Count: 9.5k

A/N: Written for a friend who has a thing for sleepy, needy Min Yoongi.

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4 years ago

Can You Pick Me UP? // MYG

Genre: Too much cute to handle (fluff); Yoongi! x reader

Word Count: 1,012


Thank god for this man - luckily for you, he came and picked you upright in the nick of time. It was the darkest of nights, the obsidian sky being highlighted by tiny specks of gleaming dots in the sky, their pinky-gold hue showering the streets. You were waiting by the doorsteps leading up to your friend’s house as you waited for your ride. Hopefully, he’d arrive soon; if not, you were stuck at your friend’s house for the night, surrounded by people wading around the dimly lit house cultivating in their drunken stupor.

Your friend had promised you a fun night, just you and a couple of other close friends lounging around, munching on whatever junk food your hearts desired and basking in each other’s presence - at least that’s what you thought would happen. Instead, as the night carried on, your friend gradually began to invite more and more people over. At first, you didn’t even notice the slow increase of people, but at last, you finally did. A lot of these people were ones you didn’t know and weren’t exactly comfortable around, so you didn’t want to stay here; however, you had told your parents that you would be spending the night here, and it was already too late to call them to pick you up at this ungodly hour, so you had no choice but to call your friend, Yoongi.

Ringing, ringing

“Come on Yoongi, please pick up,” you anxiously think to yourself. No response. You call him again

Ringing, ringing

“Yoongi, I swear to god if you don-”

“Hello?” you hear a groggy voice on the other end of the line say to you. It was obvious he had just woken up. 

“Hey, Yoongi, can I ask you a quick favor?”

“Um, sure?”

“I need you…can you pick me up, I’m in a really uncomfortable situation and I need some help.” There’s silence on the line and you can practically hear the cogs churning in Yoongi’s head as he decides what to do. He does love to sleep, but he loves you too. “Fine, I’ll come pick you up, send me the address.


He finally arrives at the front of your friend’s house, yelling for you to get into the car as he pulls up. You open the door to the passenger seat and sidle up next to Yoongi.

“What the fuck happened there?” he asks inquisitively. 

“My friend and I originally planned a friend’s night where it was just us and a couple of close people but then it turned into a shitshow when about 100 people were at her house.”

“Jeez, sounds like a blast!” he sarcastically comments, “You’re lucky I picked up.”

“Yeah…I guess I owe you something.” Yoongi takes a quick glance at you in disbelief. 

“What’re you talking about? You don’t owe me anything. You’re my friend, this is what we do for each other.”

“Yeah, but I still woke you up in the middle of the night and it wasn’t your responsibility to come and get me at all - that’s worth something.”

“Maybe,” Yoongi says as he stops at a red light. “So your parents aren’t expecting to see you home tonight, you wanna stay at my place?”



The duo arrives at Yoongi’s driveway as he pulls the car into the garage and the two of you sneak up into your room. Yoongi wants you to be comfortable so he offers you the bed while he sleeps on the couch. You accept his offer since you know he’s too headstrong and won’t comply with anything else but his decision. You retire to your room and get changed into one of Yoongi’s big shirts and sweatpants that he lets you borrow and snuggle up in his bed. You can still feel the warm patch where Yoongi’s body laid only an hour before your arrival. Tossing and turning in bed, you attempt to find a comfortable spot to pass out on and you await the moment when your eyes slowly shut, but to your dismay, it never comes.

You’ve been having a hard time falling asleep recently for no particular reason, so you pace around the floor of Yoongi’s bedroom to try and exhaust yourself. After a few minutes, you’ve finally had enough so you return to the bed and close your eyes. However, this doesn’t last long as you hear steps approach the room as a dark figure appears in the doorway.

“You okay?”  

“Yeah, Yoongi, just having a rough time falling asleep.”

“Scoot over.”

You oblige and move to the farther end of the bed as Yoongi sneaks in beside you, laying on his side, head facing towards you.

“Do you wanna talk about it?”

“I don’t know if there’s much to talk about, just some troubles that’s all.”

“Well, I’m here for you, ‘kay?”

You nod in response to him and he slithers closer as he wraps his arms around your torso, signaling you to return the favor and hug him back. He pulls you close in his warm embrace, his hold around you makes you feel safe and you rest your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes as your heartbeat slows and you finally succumb to a night of deep sleep. Yoongi doesn’t move, still holding you close in this cumbersome position until he’s positive you’re out. Once he’s sure, he lays you down back in your previous spot, not touching you as to make sure you’re not disturbed. He begins to get up when he suddenly feels a hand atop his.

“Please stay.”

It’s your voice he hears, a sweet little call from behind asking him to not go. He turns back and gets back in the bed, and you take his arm and wrap it around your waist as you lay your head on his shoulder once again. There was a little slice of heaven in this bed with you and him, and Yoongi basked at this moment he got with you.

“You’re my best friend, Y/N. I love you so much.”

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4 years ago

Tonight | Min Yoongi II {M}

warning: choking

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4 years ago

Tonight | Taehyung • Jimin {M}

warning: threesome

tonight, you come home utterly exhausted, your joints aching, muscles sore from overuse. lying on the couch, your eyes are firmly shut when you feel the first pair of hands ghost across your skin. you would have been surprised if you didn’t recognize the touch, gentle yet insistent as those fingers trace your collarbone, soon joined by lips that suckle at the base of your nape. “welcome home, baby,” taehyung murmurs, “tired?”

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4 years ago

steamy | min yoongi (m)

Steamy | Min Yoongi (m)


pairing: Yoongi x Reader genre/warnings: smut, porn without plot, spa sex words: 1462 summary: This is literally just sex in a spa, theres nothing else to say lol.

a/n: I was inspired by this video to write this drabble so there we go. @gimmesumsuga​ was adamant this be at the top of my priority list so here you go Steph not many people can peer pressure me into writing so quickly so consider yourself lucky. Hope you guys enjoy <3 Grinning at Yoongi’s tight hold on your feet in his lap under the frothing, bubbling water, you spared Jimin a glance where he was still hovered in the doorway to the cabin. The heat emanating from the water cut through the cold air in clouds of mist hovering over the surface and slightly distorted his image from your eyes.

“No it’s okay we’ll probably be inside soon. Save me some pizza though!” Jimin nodded his acquiescence and spun on his heel, the wooden door clicking shut behind him as he disappeared from your view, taking the noise of the rest of the group inside with him, and you turned back to Yoongi, his dark eyes already on you as his fingers tightened around your ankles with the wiggling of your toes trying to reach his hardening length. “What’s wrong?”

“Do you have a death wish, sweetheart?” Pushing your feet away from himself, he straightened in his seat, the light flush of pink rosy in his cheeks from the heat inside the spa and your earlier teasing before the boys had retreated inside for food.

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4 years ago

sleeping temptation | (m)


pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Jimin. genre/warnings: Smut, daddy!kink, multiple partners, hints at ot7.  words: 3,133. summary: Yoongi and Jimin come home to find you asleep on the couch. To say they were happy they beat the other members back would be an understatement.

a/n: after such a long time of writing and deleting, editing and procrastinating, I am finally posting my first fic here on tumblr. Hope you enjoy, feedback is welcome!

sleeping | waking | sweeter | breaking

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4 years ago

ivory paws | min yoongi (m)

Ivory Paws | Min Yoongi (m)

pairing: Yoongi x Reader, mentions of Reader x Jooheon genre/warnings: shifter!yoongi, fluff, angst, smut words: 8.8k summary: Winter time brings Christmas, and the snow outside brought you a stray cat. But your little companion is far more unique than meets the eye, and in a time of need, he becomes the biggest surprise and best holiday gift of them all.

Doing your best to dodge the icy patches along the pathway, you continue your medium-fast pace towards your apartment building, squinting up at the sky and wrinkling your nose as little raindrops mixed with soft snow flakes scatter around you and hit your face.

The grocery bags in your hands are quickly turning heavy and the plastic is just beginning to bite into your skin when you finally reach the entryway, narrowly avoiding the puddles littering the steps as you tip toe up to the gate. The rain has made the handle slippery and you’re forced to carefully lay your bags on the ground in order to use both hands to pull at the grates, forcing them to the side as they squeak and groan in protest from the cold.

Buzzing yourself in, you shiver as a wash of warmth pushes through the doors, the cold at your back making you even more eager to get inside as you bent down to scoop your bags from the floor.

And it’s just as you’ve gotten your grip firmly enough through the loops and started your aching-back ascension that you finally notice the little bundle of wet black fur huddled just outside the railing of the entryway, balancing carefully on the concrete ledge above the garden to the side of the stairs. You take a moment to recognize what the small huddled figure could be and you quickly grow worried when you realize it’s a black cat, small and seemingly homeless out in the snow that’s soon to turn into a blizzard.

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4 years ago

Hug-o-gram | Yoongi


→ summary: 

“This is probably the dumbest idea you’ve ever had,” Yoongi hisses, but it’s kind of hard for Seokjin to take him seriously when he’s wearing a cardboard sign around his neck that says ‘Huggie Wuggie Machine!’ in bubble font. 

“Like, even worse than when we DIY’d your car into a convertible by sawing the top off?” Seokjin asks, genuinely curious. 

“Worse,” Yoongi admits, trying his best to stay out of your line of sight. His cheeks redden, matching the gaudy pink kitten ears he was forced into wearing.

{or alternatively: Seokjin is a terrible wingman. He also runs a profitable business by sending hugs to people’s crushes for a fee. Mix them together and you have a recipe for Min Yoongi’s worst nightmare.}

→ genre: college!au, hugging booth!au, fluff, humor → warnings: yoongi is so smitten that he’s a walking disaster, so much shy!yoongi to the point where you’ll want to scream, seokjin just tryna get his homie some y/n love coochie bro ;o; → words: 13.3K → a/n: another commission by the lovely @jincherie​ because she’s epic like that!! she literally just told me to write whatever the hell i wanted and well… yoobie got me Good… anyway here’s more yoongi fluff bc apparently i’m a fluff writer now and sometimes i just want my boy to be happy… appa yip yip


Kim Seokjin makes a lot of good decisions. He also makes plenty of bad ones, but he likes to think the score is lying heavily towards the positives. Min Yoongi will be the first one to quickly disagree, but Seokjin doesn’t let it get to him. He doesn’t make it his business to listen to opinions that don’t immediately align with his, anyway; he likes to call it “selective hearing.” Yoongi calls it stupidity. Either way, the point still stands: Seokjin knows a good idea when he sees one. Case in point:

“This automatic popcorn machine is absolutely divine,” Seokjin moans, his mouth agape as he waits for the Mister Popcorn Robot to bestow him with another morsel of goodness.

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4 years ago

I’m The King, I’m The Boss (M)

OT7 x Reader ; Yoongi x Reader

WordCount: 6.2k

Genre: Smut, Fluff

Warnings: Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Impreg Kink, Daddy Kink, Dom!Yoongi, Dom!Namjoon, Sub!Jeongguk, Switch!Reader, Degradation (slut, whore, cum whore, cum slut), Cock Slapping, Bondage, Edging, Begging, Praise, Squirting, Choking, Face Fucking, Cum Swallowing, Hand Job, Spanking, Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasms, Over Stimulation, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Reader Is An Easel For Cum

A/N: I want to give a shout out to the bae @xjoonchildx​ for hyping me up while writing this as well as making a grave mistake that still is making me laugh hours after doing so. I really love her and I love that she read this for my dumb ass <3 Welp. Enjoy this!

Based in the world of: Fated To Love You

Im The King, Im The Boss (M)

Waiting in bed for your husband is one of the most painstaking tasks in all of history. Only on Tuesdays do you wait with bated breath for when he would walk through the door. You don’t know how much more television you could watch before you go crazy. He hadn’t texted, hadn’t called and you knew very well why. He had been on set all day for his new mixtape, you didn’t want to disturb him but you were lonely even with four of your husband’s home. You whine loudly before your phone buzzes at the end of your ridiculously large bed.

2:36 Yoongs: Baby girl. Daddy misses you. (Picture Attached)

Your eyes widen, holding the phone closer to your face before opening the picture. 

“Oh my God.” You mumble before narrowing your eyes at the picture. There your husband was in all his glory with long blonde hair, half tied up fastened by a manggeon with a scar running from just above his eyebrow to below his cheekbone. You feel your mouth go dry before choking on your own spit. How was he this fucking hot? It’s almost cruel. You stare at the picture, tilting your head before opening your mouth. 

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4 years ago

Smut 42 with seokjinnieeeeee Also ILY and your body positive smut 😉


Smut 42 With Seokjinnieeeeee Also ILY And Your Body Positive Smut

Smut 42: “Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.” with Seokjin (I had to do a little ad libbing on the line!).

Pairing: Seokjin x reader

Rating: mature

Genre: established relationship, smut, pwp

Length: 602

Summary: Seokjin blindfolds you and has his way with you.

Warnings: graphic sexual content, blindfolds, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, explicit language

You’re spread out in the middle of your bed squirming and panting. You have no idea how long you’ve been like this, but it feels like an eternity. You try desperately to hear or sense where Seokjin is, but you can’t tell. Suddenly, you feel a dip in the bed near your feet.

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4 years ago

Yoongi eating you out for the first time or Jung-kook?

Finger-licking Good


rating: mature, 18+pairing(s): jeon jungkook x fem!readerwarning(s): oral sex (f!receiving) / virgin!kook word count: 848(as much as I would love to feel Yoongi’s tongue technology, I had to give it to Jungkook lol. There’s just something about first times that’s just sexy).


He timidly kneels in front of you, hands pushing your thighs further apart and hooking them right over his shoulders. He wants you open, wants you to be able to feel everything his mouth and his tongue have to offer, even if it is his first time (in more ways than one).

You can’t help but look down at your baby boy in awe as he stares back, blushing harder than before. His cheeks rosy, his lips tease you as they part when you pull them apart. You can see he’s a little nervous but there’s a singe of determination that flashes within his eyes. It’s hot.   

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4 years ago

Aah can i join drabble game too?? Ot7 pwease, where the reader is a very outgoing, extrovert person and she's literally always like she's high on sugar, bouncing around and the boys are the one that keep he grounded and calm her down bcs when she's excited she tends to hurt herself. (I wuv u uwuwww)

(sry, this came out as yoongi central but ot7 is definitely implied!)

“I have to tell you what happened at professor Shin’s lecture hall today, you will not believe it,” you immediately said as you slammed your bag down onto the table that stood outside, a foot stomped over against the seat where Yoongi sat, textbook, notebook, and a pen with him.

Yuna and Minyoung sat on the seat across from him where you asked them to meet you in order to return the books you borrowed from them.

“What happened with the old man this time?” Yuna asked, the two of them already expecting some story since you always had something to say about the professor, while Yoongi remained silent as he always was, continuing on with his studies.

“I’ve always thought he was some grumpy old professor with no life whatsoever but!” You snapped your fingers. “I walked in today and guess what I saw?! He, professor Shin, boring old man that makes me sleep until enternity, showed up dressed up as Papa Smuf!”

“What?!” The two of them had their mouths gaped open while your head tilted back as you laughed aloud.

“I recorded it! I swear!! And honestly I never thought I’d ever say this but he was actually so adorable he makes a pretty good Papa Smuf.”

“Okay ew, gag,” Minyoung made a comical disgusted expression. “One of your boyfriends is right here, Y/N.”

But of course Yoongi remained silent, saying nothing.

“I’m serious! But no one else appreciated the joke, like what the heck? He was actually trying to get outta the boring old professor phase and make something fun in his life for once! And no one cared to even give him a clap. So being the very supportive person I am, I stood up and applauded him for doing what he did but those idiots only told me to sit down and stop embarrassing myself. Can you believe that? Me? Embarrassing? I know I’m embarrassing, I embarrass my own self sometimes and yeah, I’m not the greatest person on Earth and they probably think I’m from another planet especially since I date these incredibly handsome fellas-”

“Y/N, calm down—”

“And yeah, I don’t deserve them, I know I don’t! But I have personality and I’m not boring and at least I applaud someone for trying something out of their comfort zones! And yes, professor Shin is boring but he’s human too and-”

“Y/N, calm down—“

“He tried his best, you know? Why criticize someone just because you’re so stuck up and boring and-”


That was all Yoongi needed to say to have you shut up and sitting down beside him.

“Sorry,” you giggled with a quieter voice, “got a little heated there, didn’t I?”

“You’re sticking up for what you believe in, it’s alright,” he said with a small smile and a pat on your head that made your heart flutter and you felt like exploading.

In front of you, Yuna and Minyoung sighed as they rolled their eyes.

“All Yoongi has to say is ‘Y/N’ and you go quiet.”

It was right, what they said, but you didn’t mind. After all, even though your personality could be quite loud and too bright for the world to appreciate, your boyfriends never judged you on that.

Okay maybe yeah on the first few meetings and through becoming friends but eventually they got so used to it it didn’t matter to them so much. In fact, it was now one of the many things they loved about you.

You once went so quiet for a whole week without being so loud and bouncy all the time and it broke them. You didn’t know it then because you thought, just like everyone else, that you were annoying and that if you kept it up, they’d get bored and annoyed with you, but when you weren’t yourself and fell into a silent hole and didn’t let yourself go, that was what had hurt them the most.

They loved it when you were yourself, bouncy and outgoing, so you didn’t care about others opinions anymore.

“Oh! I forgot to tell you!” You quickly gasped at Yoongi once the two of you separated with Yuna and Minyoung, walking towards the house they resided in off campus to retire for the day.

Yoongi hummed, indicating for you to go on while his eyes remain glued to his physics book, as studious as ever.

“Hawon from my Calculus class invited me to this party in honor of him getting accepted as an intern for this Robotics thing and it’s today in like,” you checked your watch and your eyes widened, “holy crap, two minutes, and if I’m late, he’s not going to let me ever cheat off his homework ever again so I have to—!”

Yet before you could go running off like a mad woman, Yoongi had put his palm right on top of your head, keeping you from trying to leave and it worked. Of course it did, it always did.

“Why go to a party when your own boyfriends want you to spend time with them?” He said, expression straight but you could tell he was upset you actually thought of leaving. Him and the others may not show much of their emotions (unlike you) but you’ve came to understand them. “It’s the weekend, Y/N, and I’m not letting you go off with other dudes.”

“But homework—”

“Your own boyfriends are smart, why have someone else help you?”

“Cause you’re always so busy and I’d rather annoy someone else than any of you.”

He sighed and placed his book away to stop walking and look your way. “First of all, I don’t care if I’m busy and neither do the guys, and second,” he took your hand with a soft hold, “no matter what you do, especially when asking for help, you are never going to annoy us.”

And then as if to seal his promise, he gave you a soft peck on your lips, something that made your face go flush red.

“Gosh,” you playfully rolled your eyes to brush off your shyness while you held onto his hand and began walking again, “are all smart guys always this sappy?”

Yoongi smirked. “You know you love it.”

“Maybe I do.”

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4 years ago


∘ pairing: taegi | reader

∘ genre: smut + polyamory with taegi

∘ word count: 2,738

∘ request: oral with yoongi + taehyung 

↠ description: Finals week has you stressed, so your boyfriends decide to help you out. 



“You need to relax,” One set of words whispered against the shell of your ear, the harsh husk of his voice sending a violent thudding straight through the center of your chest. You turned to face the devilish curve of his feline lips, perfectly paired with darkened eyes that insinuated everything that he was thinking of in that moment. But you didn’t even have time to contemplate a response, a response that would have without a doubt been shaky and tortured, before a second set of words appeared.  

“Yeah, let us take care of you,” Was whispered in a deep timbre at the side of your neck, so low and lustful that it caused a string of delectable vibrations to scatter across your skin. You moved almost immediately at the sound of his voice, eyes catching the way his lips transformed into a boxy-smile.

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4 years ago

charm me. (m)

Pairing : Jin x Reader

Genre: Smut + Gryffindor!jin

Description: You have a test in charms tomorrow, and you know that you’re completely screwed, but luckily your boyfriend Jin, who is an expert in the subject, offers to help—however you quickly learn that he might actually be a bit too good at them. 

Word Count: 2,012 

A/N: This was requested to be a fluffy/smutty drabble, but it turned into just a short smut, I’m sorry. And hardcore HP fans please do not take me seriously for using these charms as plot devices for my sexual mind. I know it’s ridiculous, but it was just so fun to write lol. 

“I’m going to fail!” You groaned out in defeat as your head fell back against the sofa.

“You’re being a bit dramatic now don’t you think?” You turn your head to face your boyfriend Jin, quickly shooting him a nasty glare at his lack of sympathy.

“Yeah, well that’s easy for you to say. You could probably fail tomorrow’s charms test, and still be passing the class.” You whine.

“Actually I could fail the next two tests.” He chuckles, and your annoyance only grows further.

“Okay, well I’m going to the library, because sitting here with you obviously isn’t helping anything.” You quickly stand up from the couch, getting ready to leave Gryffindor’s common room, but as soon as you take a step forward, you’re immediately pulled back down.

“Jin, I need to study—” You begin, but he quickly cuts you off.

“I’m going to help you study.” He says it with a sweet smile as he begins to rub his hand against your back in comforting circles.

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4 years ago

A Boy Like You | Yoongi


→ summary: for whenever you are feeling low, always remember that there is a boy you know who would lift the sky for you.

{or alternatively: Min Yoongi loves you, though he never says it. He’s always been a firm believer in that actions speak louder than any words ever could.}

→ genre: coworker!au, f2l, fluff → warnings: an overabundance of shy!yoongi to the point where you’ll want to squish his cheeks; kinda ooc but it is what it is → words: 11.5K → a/n: whaddup kids it’s ya girl… back from the dead after months of not writing shit, and what’s this owo… it’s a fluff fic?? miracles do happen… anyway i wrote this bc i just thot “man, wouldn’t it be super epic if i wrote a super self-indulgent fic where yoongi fulfills every single one of my deepest desires?” well… here is THIS!! pls feel free to scream into a pillow bc i certainly did!! enjoy!!


There is a boy you know who likes to show his kindness quietly. It would go something like this:

The air is thick with static; your hair stands up on end: a warning. The scent of raindrops hitting hot pavement graces your nostrils as a waterfall drops from the sky. You see the sea of heads begin to disappear under a canopy of multi-colored umbrellas. You, the lone ranger, rush back into the building from whence you came, dragging puddles and annoyance with you.

You should have anticipated it, should have thought to check the weather app before scrolling through dull social media posts when you left your house that morning. Instead, your fingers are left cold and umbrella-less.

You tilt your head upwards, watching as gallon upon gallon fell from the sky in an endless cycle. The watch on your wrist reads 5 PM, but the sky says it is 9 PM. The dark, swirling mass of clouds above you will continue on its thunderous parade, pausing for no one, especially not for you.

Your work bag is practically weightless, devoid of anything that might protect you from the onslaught of rain. The only thing inside is a small wallet that holds nothing more than dust and a loose promise of a paycheck. There is no way you can call a taxi like this, and the nearest bus stop is at least two blocks away. You are starting to think that your childhood dreams of becoming a mermaid hadn’t been so ridiculous after all.

Then comes the hand of God. It touches your shoulder gently, hesitantly. You turn around to face a stranger, a boy with shaggy black hair and pale moonlight skin. It is not God, but he comes close.

In his other hand is your salvation wrapped in Kumamon print nylon. It is proffered to you with a silent nod, his gaze fixed somewhere behind you as he waits for you to take it. The tips of his ears begin to redden the longer it takes for you to respond. Eventually, your brain connects with your muscles as you robotically pluck the umbrella from his grasp, a stuttered “thanks” leaving your lips.

He nods stiffly once more, removing his palm from your shoulder as though he had been burned. He shuffles for a moment, mouth opening and closing as he struggles to find the words to say. You wait, patience never waning for the strange boy that you have come to know as your salvation.

He doesn’t find the words after all. You aren’t too offended by his silence, but he appears to be mortified. And so, he leaves just as quickly as he had appeared, like a whirlwind dressed in an oversized blazer flapping behind him like wings. He runs through the rain without another thought, an arm raised above his head in a futile attempt to avoid getting wet.

You try calling out to him, wanting to thank him once more and maybe to ask how you can return his umbrella, but he is long gone. A speck of black dashing through the gray.

You clutch the umbrella closer to you, a feeling of something new growing inside of you. It is too small to call anything, but it is warm.

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4 years ago

Wish on a Fish | Namjoon


→ summary: namjoon’s got fish-shaped pastries on the brain, and you’ve got namjoon-shaped space in your heart. you both learn to make do. → genre: fluff, humor → words: 3.9K → a/n: i had this in my wips since october 2018 and i decided to finish it because it’s loving namjoon hours (but when is it not?) also this was inspired by this galaxy brain quote from the man himself: “ain’t no fish inside”


“Y/N has a crush on you.”

The owner of the voice giggles when Namjoon lifts his head up in confusion, a sticky note with various mathematical equations hanging precariously from his forehead. An unflattering doodle of what appears to be a worm with Yoongi’s face has imprinted itself like a makeshift tattoo from where his cheek had rested upon his notebook. None of that information explains what year he has woken up in, what dimensions he has slipped into, nor why Hoseok has decided to tell him this very unlikely factoid when he was clearly busy with his guilt nap.

[guilt nap (n.) when Namjoon has kept his eyes open for an extended amount of time, to the point where colors start making noise and numbers start looking like letters, so he sleeps in various public places to reboot his brain; hardly ever works but he still tries.]

“Whuzzat?” Namjoon asks, verbose. The sticky note is on its last dredges of stickiness, and the Hoseok watches it flop down from its perch and into his friend’s agape mouth. Hoseok plucks it away kindly, but Namjoon doesn’t even seem to have noticed its disappearance.

“You look like shit,” Hoseok replies instead, pulling a chair beside Namjoon and carefully pushing aside what appears to be a glass of curdled milk. Hoseok’s nose crinkles in disgust. “Dude. Was this the milk tea from free Boba Tuesday?”

“Yeah?” Namjoon blinks owlishly. It appears that his brain hasn’t fully awakened yet, because he goes to grab the cup and bring it to his lips when Hoseok saves him by plucking the offending object out of his hands too.

“Namjoon. Free Boba Tuesday was three days ago. It’s Friday evening. This is three-day-old milk tea.”

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4 years ago

Why Do You Hate Me?

summary: he seems to hate you, but he panics when something happens to you

pairing: jung hoseok x reader

Part 2 in my masterlist! masterlist in bio!

Why Do You Hate Me?

    You couldn’t explain why Jung Hoseok didn’t like you. For one thing, you didn’t actually know why. Ever since your best friend, Jimin, introduced you to his friends, he had been nothing but cold to you. You tried to ignore it, realizing that no one else had a problem with you, but he only seemed to get worse. Being the nice person you were, it caused you to worry about being friends with Jimin at first. You didn’t want to make Hoseok uncomfortable, but Jimin had been adamant that you were speaking nonsense. 

    Nevertheless, he didn’t like you, which is why you thought this little getaway Jimin had planned was nothing but a recipe for disaster. Namjoon and Jin had arranged a little isolated cabin for everyone, saying that it would be nice to get away from everything for a while, and the invitation was extended to you. You tried to protest, but before you could give any form of reason Jimin was packing your bag for you.

    Everything had been meticulously planned out. The drive there was uneventful (unless you count Jungkook and Jimin fighting over who was the coldest), and the cabin itself was beautiful. It was definitely made to be a getaway spot, temporary, but something about the snow on the roof, and the lights up the walkway to the front door made it seem like more to you. 

    The only part they forgot to think about, was firewood. They wanted to do the whole unplugged shebang, so that meant no using the built in-heating system of the cabin. So after everyone was all settled in, no one had taken off their coats yet because it was seemingly even colder inside than it was outside. You were holding your hands to  your chest and bouncing on the balls of your feet to be warm. “We’re surrounded by trees, can’t someone just go out and get some?”

    You nodded, viciously agreeing with Jin’s request, quickly volunteering, but Namjoon frowned. “No one should go alone, we’re not familiar with the area.”

    “I’ll go with her.”

    Yours wasn’t the only shocked face staring back at Hoseok, but he only shrugged. “I was the one who had to map out how to get here and I’m the only one with a general idea of what’s around us.”

    “Are you sure? I don’t want to-”

    He cut you off by rolling his eyes. “Just grab a flashlight and let’s get going.”

    It was awkward. The silence was heavy other than the crunching snow, because you had long since learned that he did not want to talk to you. It was hard for you because you had no idea how to handle the tense atmosphere, so you just focused on the ground, not really wanting to have to chop down a tree. You could find some sticks that work, right?

    “Keep up Y/N, I don’t want to have to tell Jimin that I lost you because you got distracted by a leaf.”

    You huffed at the remark, knowing that the monotonous tone he spoke with was reserved only for you. To literally everyone else he was always bright and happy, so what makes you different? “Why do you hate me?”

    He turned around, jaw dropping open at your blunt question. “What?”

    He rolled his eyes, and turned around to continue walking. “I don’t hate you, Y/N. I never did.”

    You stomped closer. “I asked, why do you hate me? I mean, I have been nothing but nice to you. I haven’t done anything, and I still try to be nice to you even though you make no effort to me. It’s been years so tell me, why do you hate me?”

    You scoffed. “Yeah, because you sure proved that to me.”

    “You are so annoying, you know that? Why does my opinion matter so much to you anyway?”

    “That’s funny, because you’re the one avoiding answering me.”

    It was dead silent as you glared up at him, and a look came upon Hoseok’s face that you couldn’t decipher, before his gaze shifted back to cold and distant, it’s usual with you. “I don’t owe you an explanation, okay? Maybe I just don’t like you because Jimin didn’t shut up about you for weeks, but then the day before he introduced us, he decided to slip in the idea that you were off-limits, as if any of us wanted to date you. Maybe it’s because you’re so small and irritating. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent countless hours worrying about you for the sake of Jimin-”

    The look of hurt on your face was unmistakable. “If I’m such a burden,” you spat out the word, “why are you here in the middle of the woods, with me?”

    Hoseok had to keep the wince off his face. It’s not like he could say what he wanted to say, but he also didn’t know how to fix this. So he stayed silent. 

    You let out a laugh, cold, dry, and humorless, and he hated how different the hurt look on you was from your usually vibrant smile. “Yeah, okay. I’m going back to the cabin since you can’t even be bothered to tolerate my presence.”

    He groaned, traipsing after you as you stormed off through the trees. “Y/N, wait!”

“Why?” You whirled around. “So you can tell me more examples of how the only reason you even bother to acknowledge my existence is as a favor to Jimin? Or how you complain about how much I annoy you when I’ve spent the entire time I’ve known you trying to avoid get togethers like this so I wouldn’t?”

The dancer looked upset as he inched toward you, trying to talk, but you kept inching backward, not listening. “I was wrong. This entire time, I’ve been defending you, saying that it doesn’t matter if you’re rude to me because you’re just having a bad day, or because not everyone can like me.”


“But you’re just a jerk! You don’t even have a reason, and I’m so tired of worrying ov-”

    Your foot finally hit the ice he was trying to warn you about, and as if it knew about your frustration, it cracked away as quickly as your patience. You let out a shriek as you fell into the freezing water. 


    His panicked yell let him without him even realizing it. He rushed towards the ice, hoping to find you not far from where you had fallen. He felt so stupid but now was not the time to berate himself on it. He had to save you first. He didn’t even know what type of body of water this was. Did it have currents that could drag you further away from him? He knelt down, hoping that the ice wouldn’t crack and he could get you out of there before the worst happened. 

    It didn’t take him long to spot your heavy jacket in the water, but you drifting further away, your layers weighing you down. Kneeling on the ice his hand shot into the icy water, latching around your sleeve. He laid on the ice tugging you closer until he could grab onto your wrist and pull you up. “Come on, Y/N, don’t do this to me now,” he begged as he pulled your upper body out of the water. He noticed that you were shivering, and he was pretty sure that you weren’t conscious. “Come on, Y/N, stay with me.”

    The words were frantic as he tucked you into his chest, rushing back to the cabin. You had already been freezing before, but now you were practically a lifeless snowman in his arms. Was he crying? It felt like it, but the only thing he could think about over his panicked heartbeat was how shallow your breathing was. He practically took the door off its hinges when he busted it open, immediately met by yells. 

    “Is that Y/N?” Jimin shot up. “What the hell happened?”

    “She fell through the ice, someone find a heater!” Even after he laid you down on the bed, his hands were still shaking. He stepped out of the room so Jimin could get you into warmer, dry clothes, but he was still shaking. 

    The minute Jimin said he could come back in he was flying into the room. “Is she okay?”

    Jimin could have fell down from how forceful and panicked his hyung was. “She’s fine, still shaking a little but she’s getting warmer. Hyung, what happened?”

    His lip trembled. Why was he so emotional? Oh, because you were laying on the bed, sleeping, and you didn’t even look okay. You were shaking and pale, and your breathing had only barely quickened. 

    “She asked why I hate her, and I lied to her.”

    Jimin was quiet for a minute, which unnerved Hoseok since he wasn’t looking at him, but eventually the younger male sighed. “I told you when you hatched this plan that she was stubborn and something would happen. You need to tell her the truth.”

    “She thought that I meant she was a burden, there’s no way I can come back from that to, “Oh by the way, the reason I was so mean to you is because I caught feelings the day I met you but I thought you had a boyfriend and by the time I realized the truth it was too late.’”

    Jimin nodded, “That’s because you’re an idiot,” he said, firmly.

    Hoseok resisted the urge to groan. He knew Jimin was right. He almost lost you, and he didn’t even have you yet. Jimin threw an arm around his shoulder. “Come on, you need to get into some dry clothes too.”

    And only after the two set of footsteps padded out of earshot, and the door clicked as it shut behind them, did you finally crack one eye open. What?

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