Fictif Last Legacy - Tumblr Posts
Last Legacy LIs and an MC who plays a difficult instrument (ie harp, japanese koto, violin, etc)
Takes an interest when you first mention it.
Will ask you to play for him when you have a chance.
When you do finally play for him, he falls in love.
Will always want you to play for him. Especially to get him to sleep.
He will 100% brag that you can play so well.
He can probably play some instrument too so you two can make a duet.
Is very interested in hearing you at some point as well.
Will probably cry at how well you play your instrument.
Will ask you to play while she does paper work.
Will also want you to try and teach her how to play. She'd love to at least try.
Will just be like "cool"
Doesn't get the hype.
Will be a 1000% mesmerized when he does hear it though.
Finds it super relaxing.
Will ask you to play for him after a bad day.
Astraean MC Falls Face First Into a Cafe on Earth (Felix-Centric)
A continuation of this request!! Sorry @gwenene @sweet-milky-tea705 for the delay!!
"We're clooosed," Felix calls out, not bothering to look up from his book. Worst case scenario it's yet another customer stumbling their way in to make an order one minute before closing; best case scenario it's just the cafe ghost making a racket yet again. Felix swears this place is haunted but no one believes him.
She never told this to anyone, but Anisa has put so much thought into which tool in the bar is best fit to be a weapon, and now that a thief has come for her she can finally put that knowledge to use! Slowly she raises the porta-filter above her head and—oh my God, is your nose bleeding? The tool falls out of her hand and Anisa completely overlooks your fantastical get-up, far too focused on getting you an ice pack and some tissues after you've fallen face first into the floor.
You're from another realm called Astraea? Yeah sure Sage heard a few other crazy stories. This one might just take the cake since you're so committed to your bit.
Anisa is cautious but curious. Felix on the other hand is enchanted. That world you speak of sounds way too cool for him to care whether you've made it up or not. What's wrong with a writer committed to their bit if the world-building is on point?
All doubts vanish the moment you show off your magic. Only Sage remains slightly more skeptical—he's seen more impressive displays of sleight of hand; you're gonna have to do better. Freak him out by switching his ears for cat ears; now he's a believer.
Anisa has a million questions to ask and Felix brings his journal to take notes. When Anisa's done asking about the food and the knights and the royalty of Astraea, Felix starts grilling you about the magic system. How did you get your relic? How many other relic wielders are there? How do your abilities differ? What's magic school like? What are the chances he can cast magic too?
You're unsure if someone with neither relic nor magical heritage can cast magic, especially in a realm where these powers don't seem to exist. Perhaps you can get Felix started on sigils or potions until you figure out how to go back; surely, it can't be any more difficult than wielding these strange machines with which he concocted the delicious beverage he offered you.
Hell, you might not even be well-versed in magic yourself, but now you've got yourself an enthusiastic study partner—about time you opened these books your captain insisted you look into.
Anisa and Felix offer you a place to stay; Sage says he might have to check with his roommates before bringing someone in (wink wink) but otherwise you're still welcome.
Well, you've already promised Felix to teach him all about magic, so he becomes your earth tour guide until you figure out how to make your way back to Astraea.
Felix chalks it up to your fascination with a different realm more than anything, but he truly appreciates how intently you listen to his rambling about whatever. You're one of few people (if not the only one) to not react to his taxidermy hobby with repulsion or fear (you've probably seen far stranger things in Astraea).
For quite some time Felix has you up on this pedestal. You're a magical being from another realm and returning to your home is an inevitability. You, as far as Felix is concerned, are a star beyond his reach even when you're sitting in the same room together.
The longer you stay with him though, the more... normal you become. Not in a bad way of course, but you seem more human to him, therefore more approachable; perhaps he could even consider you a friend.
As soon as that mystifying veil drops, Felix feels like he's seeing you for the first time. He starts noticing the little quirks that make you you, and not just an Outlander from Another Realm: whether you're a morning bird or a night owl, how you like your breakfast, the sound of your laugh, your taste in fashion when he splurges on your new wardrobe, the little things you do when you're idle like humming to yourself or pacing around the house, etc.
He thought Anisa was a little silly for asking about knights and royalty when clearly, this mage from another realm had so much more valuable knowledge to offer! Now, however, Felix finds himself curious about the more trivial things in your world. Did you have ballrooms? Did you attend parties? Is there... any chance that you could dance with him?
It's an innocent question, really! It doesn't mean anything! But you're already pulling him up and towards you; it doesn't matter if neither of you is that good at dancing, what matters is that it's just the two of you right now, and you can dance like no one's watching because Stella has already fallen asleep on Felix's reading couch.
He's terribly stiff at first, caught off guard by your sudden proximity, but the longer you sway together the more he loosens up, throwing his head back and laughing freely when one of you stumbles over the other's feet. Then your footsteps fall into perfect tandem and you draw in closer and closer until you can feel his chest pressing against yours. There's a split second his eyes linger at your lips, which costs Felix his composure and sends him stumbling yet again.
A hopeless romantic like himself knows to find beauty both in the mundane and the strange but he truly believed that none of it was enough to impress you when your world has magic. Still, you regard all things new to you with a child-like wonder and he finds it very endearing, even if you're very subtle about it. Felix is quite the observant man when in love.
...In love? Felix's face glows a bright red the moment he realizes it. Hells, how does he always fall fast and hard?
You've even made him fall in love with making coffee, of all things. With your magic, you could easily enchant the cup and the ingredients to move of their own accord and fix your drink, yet you always choose to do it the long, boring way—something about the process, you'd always insist, and the effort that goes into it. (You just think the coffee machine is really neat, and wonder if Rivath has ever had something similar.)
Regardless of whether you feel the same way about him or not, Felix decides he wants to take you to all the wonderful places on Earth that he can afford if only to see the world through your eyes and fall in love with it all over again.
For now, though, you'll have to make do with the coffee shop and all the books there while Felix works; he feels bad about leaving you home alone without much to do. Tease him about how you don't mind spending an entire day with Stella, and there'll be just the slightest hint of jealousy to his pout.
If it's too early for anyone to have arrived, or if it's so late everyone has already gone home, Felix will show you how to operate the coffee machine since it fascinates you so much. You accidentally brush hands in the process and this man's soul ascends to heaven.
Finally, finally, he gets a potion/sigil to work and oh, the joy on his face makes all those sleepless nights so worth it. He takes you by the hand and shows off his work and you ask him to show you again, and again, and again, and he gladly obliges every time. Even Stella's interest is piqued when your excitement is so contagious it can be heard outside Felix's apartment.
The joy is short-lived though, as not too long after you announce you've finally figured out the way back to Astraea.
If you decide you want to stay longer on earth, he'll be so overcome with relief that he finds the confidence to finally confess to you. The moment you tell him you return his feelings, Felix feels like he could take on the world; he could travel abroad with you, find a new job, move to a better house, get married— Yes, yes, he wants to take it slow, but the man just can't help how his imagination runs wild when he's excited and in love.
If you're going back to Astraea, though, and you've got your portal ready, he'd feel very conflicted—he wants to tell you of his feelings so the what-ifs don't haunt him well after you leave, but at the same time, he wouldn't want to make the situation complicated or make you feel guilty for leaving.
So you'll have to take initiative this time: promise him that you'll come back to visit, and Felix will take your hands in his and promises to visit [distant place that drew your attention and you really wished you could see] together.
It occurs to him to ask whether he can follow you, but this whole time you've been teaching him to love his mundane life as it is; how could he let go so easily? Perhaps when you figure out a stable portal to go back and forth between realms, then, you can take him for a promised tour around Astraea.
Every day since your departure Felix has been tormented by his yearning. His coworkers had gotten used to the bored/sleepy expression he wore every day to work, but nowadays he looks like he's permanently lost in another world. Whenever something mildly entertaining happens, his eyes drift towards the beanbag you'd always sink into as you waited for his shift to end, and Felix wilts when he remembers you've already left.
And who would he share in his glee when he masters a new sigil?
Once in a while, when sleep won't grace his eyes, he'll play that melody to which you once danced the night away, and lets the sweet memory lull him to sleep. Sometimes he'll even pick up Stella and sway around with her, cooing at her like she's a fancy Victorian lady he's courting.
There's some solace to be found in writing letters. Felix knows he can't send them to you, but he likes to imagine how you'd react reading them, and what you might write him back. The letters are kept in a neat stack in a box he hides in his closet, and when you finally come back, he'll gift it to you so you can slowly unravel his heart and see all the ways he fell in love with you.
me towards felix. i adore that man. he's so [heart eyes]
![Me Towards Felix. I Adore That Man. He's So [heart Eyes]](
they're in love your honor!!!
spreading felix x yaretzi propaganda

Okay...hear me out..but ear kisses for Sage.
Like just- MC and Sage are cuddling or smth and MC just cups his ear and plants a smooch right there.
And our boy would be sooooo flustered. And then MC plants more, and more and more. And he's just so giggly.
( on the more dirty side note.. cats ears are very sensitive, so with MC warm lips planted on his ears, breath trickling down his fur. He just freaks.)
- No-shame-anon 🤫
I think about Sage's ears. All the time. Actually.
GN!Reader, sort of a scene, suggestive headcanon stuff towards the bottom but nothing too intense so I won't be tagging it as NSFW or anything but I'll have a mini disclaimer, red text is Sage's thoughts, I haven't really done any writing in like a month so sorry if this is bad!!
Sage has always been very particular about his ears. He didn't let you touch them until he really trusted you (he says it was only because he was cold but you know how he is), and if anyone else tries then they get growled at/bit. And when you're brushing his hair, you have to be mindful of his ears. The bristles of the brush can be painful if you don't do it gently enough, and he doesn't like the feeling of it anyways.
But then he manages to get a bunch of gunk in his hair - and no you're not really sure how, he went out drinking with Tulsi and that's the best explanation you're getting - and you're the one that has to wash and comb it out.
So you do. Slowly, carefully, gently, trying not to pull too much. And he grumbles and growls and bites at the brush but that's what he always does anyways. Frankly, he's more well-behaved than usual, though that might just be because he wants it done faster. You talk to him throughout the process, trying to keep him calm. Tell a few stupid jokes, tease him here and there, that sorta thing. It seems to be working...
Until Stella wanders into your room.
Then Sage is trying to jump up to chase her away. You have to wrap your arms around him and hold him in place because running around will only make his hair/tangles worse. And the best way to get him to stop trying to run around?
Smooching his ear!
It stops him cold. Or, well, hot. His cheeks go red and he gets that adorable flustered smile on his face and his tail starts wagging wildly. The more you smooch him, the more he purrs. It's almost enough to make him forget about Stella.
Then she hops on your bed and starts gnawing at your pillow and he actually does chase her away.
But now you know a new way to get him flustered!
The next time you try it is at the tavern. Sage is getting a little too overstimulated and he can't calm down on his own. It doesn't help that some of his old "friends" are riling him up. 'After all,' they say, 'Sage is only any fun to be around when he's plastered.'
Needless to say you don't like them.
Currently they're trying to pull Sage out of the booth and over to the bar to play darts and do shots. When he tries to turn them down they start needling him, saying he's gone soft. Is he really that whipped? Doesn't he wanna impress you? He better toughen up, or someone else is gonna catch your eye-
You promptly lean over and smooch Sage's cheek. His angry growl softens to an uneasy purr as he finally settles in his seat.
And then you very calmly tell the band to go pound sand (or something much more creative and violent, that's up to you). They finally do back off with a few more mumbled complaints, and you drag Sage out of the tavern to have an emergency cuddle session.
Back at Fathom, you've piled your bed full of soft pillows and warm blankets. Sage has his cheek on your shoulder, arms around your waist and tail around your knee. He's sobered up for the most part and is now in sulking mode.
He hasn't gone soft, damnit! He's still Sage Lesath, the super cool-and-sexy mercenary who can kick ass any day of the week! And sure, maybe he likes having his hair brushed and his head patted and his forehead smooched, but that doesn't make him any less badass!
... okay maybe a little less badass. But is that such a bad thing? He knows he doesn't deserve it, but-
You promptly smooch his ear. It's all soft and silky and flutters lightly against your lips. His words end in a surprised little stutter and the tip of his tail flicks and fluffs against your skin.
You keep kissing him over and over and over again while also petting behind his ears and that - combined with the buzzed state he's still in - quickly renders him a giggling mess.
No self-deprication for you!!
He deserves to be cared for and protected. He deserves to be soft if he wants to be. He deserves to be loved. And you'll keep reminding him of that as much as he needs.
He's giggling too much to even try beating himself up anymore. Except he's also purring at the same time so your chest/body is vibrating so much it feels like there's a mini earthquake.
Happy kitty cat :3
Suggestive stuff below!! Nothing too explicit
You don't even have to kiss him to get him flustered. You can just blow some warm air along the edge of his ear. It drives him up the wall.
His inner ear is softer than the backside. The fur is a little more delicate and overall just sensitive.
B,,bit,,,biting his ear?? Sorry that you're getting a little bit of fur in your mouth but ohohoho!! He's putty in your hands. His pupils get massive and he starts rubbing against you and purring and his tail won't stop wagging.
Sometimes when you brush his hair you give his ear a little kiss/bite and then you just get too darn busy to finish brushing!!
He genuinely will just start babbling and even drooling a tiny bit if you do it long enough. Especially if your breath is all warm and heavy and you whisper that he's being such a good boy for you,,,,, oooooh,,,,,, He Just Perishes™
Okay some small doodles because I really miss them...

☀️Leonardo Montes☀️
This is my other oc for the visual novel Last Legacy from Fictif, so the profile bio belongs to Fictif. Check the game out is awesome!!!
Random facts about him:
☀️He’s a known cosplayer in social media, he’s working so one day he can become a professional fashion designer.
☀️He dropped out of college cause his father got injured on his construction job, in order to support his family he gave up his dream.
☀️He has low self-confidence but he has a lot of experience in bed so he acts more assertive *cough* in those scenarios *cough*. And he’s gay.
☀️He’s a pushover whenever he is on his own, but around the people he’s close with, he takes charge on things on his own and is more comfortable to express his own opinions.
☀️He has many hobbies and goes through many obsessive phases, some of them are odd and random like he would visit cemetery often and would sent flowers for the graves that didn’t have any.
☀️He has 4 siblings, he is the second sibling, he has an older brother and 3 younger sisters. In order to support his family he works part time as a mechanic in their family’s mechanic shop, as a barista in the same coffee shop as Nova and in his spare time he cosplays and manages his brand deals. Nova always wonders how he has enough energy to handle all of this.
☀️He was bullied in middle school when he befriended Nova, that was the root of his issues with his self-confidence. Still, he wouldn’t trade his friendship with her with anything in this world.
☀️His ilephta is a cardigan welsh corgi.
☀️His love interest is Felix.
Also no repost please, be respectful towards the artist’s work.

✨Happy Holidays Everyone!!
This is my oc for the visual novel Last legacy from fictif!!!✨
🔥Random facts about Nova:
🔥She has asthma, her asthma triggers whenever she has high physical activity. 🔥She has a degree as a nurse but never applied for a job.
🔥As a kid, she wanted to be a veterinary.
🔥She loves animals, she volunteers often for pet shops, animals welfare or shelters.
🔥She curses a lot and is very blunt.
🔥She was asked once to work as a model, but she refused it.
🔥She's an orphan, she lost her parents when she was 7 cause of an explosion of her own house, she was the only survivor.
🔥Nova isn't self-conscious of her scars but she doesn't like the attention they attract in crowded places, so she wears hats and turtle necks to make them less visible. With the people that she's comfortable with, she doesn't hide them.
🔥Nova doesn't trust people easily, but she has a best friend since middle school called Leo. Leo's a known cosplayer and he's the one who made her Starsworn cosplay outfit for the LL con.
🔥Her love interests are Anisa and Sage.
P.S. I post my drawings always first on my instagram, so if you wanna see them earlier follow me on my insta if you want to.
Also no repost please, be respectful towards the artist’s work.

☀️Leonardo Montes☀️
This is my other oc for the visual novel Last Legacy from Fictif, so the profile bio belongs to Fictif. Check the game out is awesome!!!
Random facts about him:
☀️He’s a known cosplayer in social media, he’s working so one day he can become a professional fashion designer.
☀️He dropped out of college cause his father got injured on his construction job, in order to support his family he gave up his dream.
☀️He has low self-confidence but he has a lot of experience in bed so he acts more assertive *cough* in those scenarios *cough*. And he’s gay.
☀️He’s a pushover whenever he is on his own, but around the people he’s close with, he takes charge on things on his own and is more comfortable to express his own opinions.
☀️He has many hobbies and goes through many obsessive phases, some of them are odd and random like he would visit cemetery often and would sent flowers for the graves that didn’t have any.
☀️He has 4 siblings, he is the second sibling, he has an older brother and 3 younger sisters. In order to support his family he works part time as a mechanic in their family’s mechanic shop, as a barista in the same coffee shop as Nova and in his spare time he cosplays and manages his brand deals. Nova always wonders how he has enough energy to handle all of this.
☀️He was bullied in middle school when he befriended Nova, that was the root of his issues with his self-confidence. Still, he wouldn’t trade his friendship with her with anything in this world.
☀️His ilephta is a cardigan welsh corgi.
☀️His love interest is Felix.
Also no repost please, be respectful towards the artist’s work.

✨Happy Holidays Everyone!!
This is my oc for the visual novel Last legacy from fictif!!!✨
🔥Random facts about Nova:
🔥She has asthma, her asthma triggers whenever she has high physical activity. 🔥She has a degree as a nurse but never applied for a job.
🔥As a kid, she wanted to be a veterinary.
🔥She loves animals, she volunteers often for pet shops, animals welfare or shelters.
🔥She curses a lot and is very blunt.
🔥She was asked once to work as a model, but she refused it.
🔥She’s an orphan, she lost her parents when she was 7 cause of an explosion of her own house, she was the only survivor.
🔥Nova isn’t self-conscious of her scars but she doesn’t like the attention they attract in crowded places, so she wears hats and turtle necks to make them less visible. With the people that she’s comfortable with, she doesn’t hide them.
🔥Nova doesn’t trust people easily, but she has a best friend since middle school called Leo. Leo’s a known cosplayer and he’s the one who made her Starsworn cosplay outfit for the LL con.
🔥Her love interests are Anisa and Sage.
P.S. I post my drawings always first on my instagram, so if you wanna see them earlier follow me on my insta if you want to.
Also no repost please, be respectful towards the artist’s work.
🌸Nova’s birthday comic part 1🌸
(Read from left to right)
Lore things to note from this part of the comic:
🌸Nova has an arm tattoo on her right arm, it has a sword with the moon, a cat, a fox, a wolf howling under the moon and a snake going around her whole arm. This whole tattoo is supposed to tell her personality in a nutshell. (I hope in the future I can post the full design.)
🌸Nova and Anisa flirt from time to time, until Nova and Sage become more serious with one another.
🌸Nova holds grudges, she has been trying to find the perfect way to take revenge on Sage after he called her a baby he had to take care of, on the first day she was assigned to him.
🌸Nova has scars on the left side of her face, neck, shoulder and forearm. When she is more comfortable with the people around her, she doesn’t try to hide them.
🌸Nova in general isn’t friendly, but cute girls are an exception.
I have fed you enough with crumbs of lore and good content, I hope you enjoyed it. I am aiming to post the next part after two weeks, cause I have an exam this weekend and another next week. See ya on the next part!

🌸Nova’s birthday comic part final🌸
Hey I’m back, late as always! Besides that I was sad during these times, drawing this comic did make me feel better and I’m feeling better lately again. This was a good practice, I will be taking some points for future comics I will make like I didn’t expect that even speech bubbles can take me a few hours lol(I need 100% do less shading).
Let’s meet each other again, with another project hopefully. Thank you for the support, I would love to hear criticisms for the comic. If this is the first time you have come across my posts, check out the first part of the comic to have a better understanding 🥰🥰🥰

🏳️🌈Happy Pride 2022🏳️🌈
Keep supporting the LGBTQ community throughout the whole year! Keep spreading love 💕💙💕💙💕
These are my ocs for the Last Legacy game!! Nova’s pansexual and Leo’s gay.

🪄Last Legacy-The Prologue (Part 1)🪄
P.S. Comments and constructive criticisms are appreciated! 💕
🪄Each part will be posted once a week. (I will notify on my stories on insta if there will be any delays)
🪄After I post the whole thing in here, I will make this comic into a webtoon format and post it on webtoon.

🪄Last Legacy-The Prologue (Part 2)🪄
There aren’t any dialogues for this part. It has mostly just Nova’s monologues, but hopefully it is pleasing to look at. 💕Next time tho, a fateful encounter will pop up (I still haven’t figured how to draw his hair lmao 😂😂)
P.S. Comments and constructive criticisms are appreciated! 💕

🌑Happy birthday to my fav cat man, Sage 🌑
There’s no better way to show him off, than for him to be without a shirt and wet lol 😂
It will be awhile until Sage pops up on my LL the prologue comic, so this was like a fun practice time 💙
Even tho LL is dead, we can still show love to the character we love 😭😭

🪄Last Legacy-The Prologue (Part 3)🪄
✨Comments and constructive criticisms are appreciated!💕
✨At last, more “interactions” between the characters!! This is my favourite part so far, art wise! Glad that I took my time with it.
✨Felix’s hair is always a hit or miss with me, I tend to draw it more curlier or wavier, cause he looks cuter in my opinion. Especially since he cries a lot on this part, so beautiful *muah* lol ✨😭✨😭✨
✨Also you guys get a chance to glimpse at angry, annoyed Nova, why is she annoyed tho? You may wonder until the next part lmao 😂😂
✨P.S. During this month, the updates(as you have seen) are gonna be erratic and random, cause it’s exam time. Next month I will try and figure out my schedule, since I have to take in consideration that I’m gonna find a job soon as well. But my goal for September is to post at least one more part. Stay tuned 💕🌸💕🌸💕

🎃Last Legacy Halloween special-Nova (Part 1)🎃
✨🍬✨Happy Halloween!! 🍬✨🍬
This is a special event that I have been working on since last week and unfortunately couldn’t finish it entirely for today. Because of that, I have decided to post each part for each day of this week(hopefully). There’s also a short comic included and for tomorrow you will see Sage’s costume I picked and draw.
Nova’s costume is The Phantom of the Opera(the japanese version, reference on the last slide) as a werewolf. This was based on the recommendations I got from @benii_bene and @bmkad07, so congratulations!! You guys will be getting a half body character doodle(just lineart, no shading and coloring). I will be dming you for more details! I will keep mentioning on the future parts the other recommendations I took in.
I hope you guys will like it! Comments and constructive criticisms are appreciated!💕💕💕

🎃Last Legacy Halloween Special-Sage (Part 2)🎃
🐺For today we have Sage as Princess Mononoke (genderbent). I used as a reference the first thing that pop up as I searched this up on the internet and that was the cosplay from Taryn_Cosplay on insta. You can check the reference and their account on the last few slides.
🐺I won’t deny drawing men’s bodies is difficult for me and I’m not very good at it but I really appreciate good cosplayers that push boundaries and through their work give us references or inspirations and a chance to learn and improve.
🐺I was having a tough time picking his costume, even the recommendations I got didn’t help, but I like what I came up with. He’s living through his style which is sexy and dangerous lol
Comments and constructive criticisms are appreciated!!💕💕 For tomorrow we will have the one who did all of the dirty work to get this costumes done in canon 👀👀

🎃Last Legacy Halloween Special-Leonardo (Part 3)
Who comes out for you today?
💀It’s ya boy, Leonardo Montes as Baron Samedi, who is known from Haitian folklore as the guardian of the dead. He used to guide the dead safely to the afterlife. His influence became more widely known in Haitian Vodou, which is why he’s often associated with black magic and voodoo curses. He is quite fond of cigars and rum lol 😂😂😂
💀There are many variations of him out there, but I went with the most vibrant looking one lmao😂😂😂I recommend for you to look up more about him, he’s an intriguing folklore character.
Next time, I will post Felix’s costume. It will be posted either tomorrow or Saturday! Stay tuned✨✨