Final Wars - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

In a Scenrio where all the Godzillas were to meet up and G-force/Monrach were to Catgorize them here is how I'll do it( at least I have so Far).

Legandary: "Horus/Richard(The Lion Heart)/ or Heracles"

Minus One: "Ares/ or Lucifer"

Earth: "Jourmangander/Set/ or Shiva"

Singluar Point/ Ulitima: "Toth/Merlin/Odin"

Shin: "Leviathan/or Bloop"

Final Wars: "Mars/or Chityou"

GMK: "Sekhmet"

What codenames would yall think would fit with the other godzillas?

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7 months ago

"Beware Lucifer My Son. He unlike his Kin has no consepct of calm, serenity, and peace. He is the most enraged Godzilla unlike Ares(Final Wars), he is most spitful towards mortals unlike Jourmangander(Earth), though he suffers less than Leviathan(Shin Godzilla) from Man's bombs he cares not for his own suffering. But he makes sure for Motrals own Suffering and death.

His Warriors both man and alien whom praise "The Never Ending Storm" takes the mantle of violence and death to his extent, they feed upon his toxic blood for repentance for the sins cast upon him. Unlike the Men of Heraclues, Ares, and Sekhmet stand aside thier pathons' path, the relentless soilders of Lucifer permit thier deaths before him as absolute repentance under his feet with heads bowed down.

And if you cross paths with our Lord Lucifer, all you must do is run from his wrath, hide from his endless rampage, and pray to Mothra he won't catch your scent."

Godzilla Minus One, 2023

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