First Ship - Tumblr Posts
So, so true. Mine was Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell. I was 12/13. Heero/Duo weren't only my introduction to yaoi (which later became slash), they were my introduction to fanfic period. I don't even know how I discovered fic about them, but I did and now here I am almost twenty years later and all of my ships are slash with very, very few exceptions. I think my one die hard het ship is Firefly's Zoe/Wash, and I don't even read fic focused on them because they are perfect and wonderful as is. Every other ship is (fem)slash. I start shipping things immediately upon discovering them. Instantaneous Ships Everywhere!
Everyone has that gateway gay ship. You know that innocent first gay ship that you accidentally stumble upon and then it opens the flood gates and you’ll never ship a straight ship again.
Honestly same I can’t wait for tomorrow episode. Stingyu was my first ship that I love in sabertooth so I’m really excited to see how it goes in the anime.

oof my sitngyu feels are gonna hit me like a train next week and i hope the scene is animated nicely
"I'm sorry for hurt you, kiddo."

It was 2018 and I still feel like a noob back then...
I decided to repost my old renders and other things because long time ago I made a mistake and delete all my things on tumblr. I was bored, shy and sinful then. And still I am.
Signature is different becuase I got other username back then.