For The Record I Am Summoning On This Banner Too - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

You are right but the biggest crime of all was that Thracia got an Ascended unit to steal a slot to begin with. It has the largest number of units missing in FEH and it really could have used an OC like Ash way more than the Awakening banner who had almost the whole cast in. That they actually picked one of the three characters that already had two versions in the regular pool is just adding insult to injury.

What they did to Thracia Rep this time was outrageous!

The trailer reveal for the new Thracia Banner left me seething.

I understand that someone would had to take the blow for the AHR banner but what they did with THIS banner was an utter abomination.

Galzus, the absolute monster of a unit, from the Odo family, got relegated to a very bad 5 star locked PRFLESS unit is a bloated class.

(They didn't even had the decency to give him the Astra variant like the rest of his family)

Karin is demote flier number trillion with an art so bland that it felt like someone copy n pasted her OG artwork.

Salem, the FIRST DARK MAGE IN THE FRANCHISE, didn't get a Prf Tome, he got relegated to generic red mage fodder of Red Plegian tome.

August is the ONLY noteworthy character from this banner and it's kind of a shame that half of his weapon's effect is locked behind one of your units dying because that goes against the purpose of 90% of the content of this game!


Honestly, fuck this shit, I'm salty, vinegar and the entire salad right now, screw AHR, don't care if I'm fucking myself for not pulling on it, I'm putting all my orbs on the Thracia banner so these fuckers know that it has FANS.

It's not new for Thracia to get done dirty like that, but at the very least it made up for it by bringing good gimmicky/utility units every single time with things like Reinhardt, Nanna, Kempf, Sara and now Veld.

...Guess it's time to find a way to put August on the radar.

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