For Your Thoughts Only - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

You. Are. So. CUTE!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this fic. I appreciate it so much. Maybe I should include a word count if they get this long!

As long as your fine...... how would we feel about a bonus chapter of this one? A few years later perhaps? BTS performing in LV perhappppppsssss

You. Are. So. CUTE!!

The Price We Pay

The Price We Pay

Warnings: Violence, angst, fluff, swear words, mentions of human trafficking, black market, extortion, blackmail.

Pairing: OT7!BTS x reader. (mafia au)

Authors notes: This drabble got waaaaaay too long. It was supposed to be short. But once again, I blame the 5 hour plane ride 😅

Premise: Shoes echo in the room as they all leave him alone with his thoughts. Goodbyes unheard by the man now drenched in sweat, fists gripped tightly to his desk. This could be a terrible idea, one of his worst, but he had to try.

There was only one person capable of helping him now, to keep his boys safe.

But at what cost?


The Price We Pay

Slowly meandering your way back from the convenience store, you notice the 3 young school girls from before. They were hogging the chip aisle, much to your annoyance.

They had looked at you questionably. Dressed in grey baggy sweatpants, a black tank top, black converse, a black oversized hoodie and a black cap, topped off with a mask. Ok, yes you did look a little suspicious hanging around the shop. But hey! They were in your way of your favourite chips.

They had left before you had, watching them giggle to each other as you began to pay for your snacks. You watch them walk out, then followed by a small cluster of older men.

You took a step back to get a better look at the men. They were definitely staring at the younger girls legs as they followed them.

“Ma’am?” The cashier refocused your attention.

“Do me a favour, call the police and tell them 3 young girls are being stalked by 5 grown men. Give them this address, I’ll bring the girls back here.” You stated, throwing a handful of cash at the man. “Keep the change!”

Obviously highly over paying, but that wasn’t the issue at the moment. You grab your snacks and shove them into your hoodie pockets, running to the glass door, throwing it open to check on the girls.

A block and a half you see the girls huddling together, clearly they had noticed the creepy men following them, they sneak down an alleyway trying to dodge the men and get away quickly. But you know better, that’s a dead end. No cameras, no windows, and all the shops there are long closed for the day.

You watch the men following the girls out of view. You take off in a full sprint. You had a sinking feeling in your gut, you knew what was gonna happen and there was no way you’d let it play out as the men wanted.

Rounding the corner, the 5 men had surrounded the school girls. The 3 of them huddling together.

You slowed your pace, hearing the men usher “it’s ok, we just want to play”, “come with us, we can buy you food” and other reassurances.

The girls shaking their heads frantically, still giving polite “no thank you”s. Even in their situation.

You walk at a steady pace, confidently moving past two of the men. Stopping in front of the girls, turning to face the men.

“I think it’s best if we all go home for the day” You state slowly. Voice dropping lowly, confidence and intimidation seeping past your lips.

“And I think you should leave this alone, little girl.” One of the men stated, leaning his face a little too close to yours. His hand coming up and resting on your shoulder.

Peering up from the brim of your hat, you make eye contact. A small snarl passes your lips, a grin hides under your mask. As the skies overcast and the rain begins to pour down over you.


This is the fourth time this week these letters have been sent to the BigHit building. At first it was just a general set of vague angry hateful words, but over a few months things have gotten progressively worse.

The words now target specific members with threats beyond anyone’s twisted, evil imagination.

Bang Pd knew he couldn’t take these threats lightly. They were threatening the lives of his second family. He realized shortly after they started, he had to tell the boys what was going on. And why he had to cancel appearances and tighten security. He’d already doubled the security team, but now he was on the verge of quadrupling it.

Looking around his office, looking at the scared faces of the young men. The concerned faces of the employees he had entrusted to look after the precious lives of the members.

This couldn’t last forever. He had to do something.


“Thank you”

One of the girls manages to croak at you, once they had received blankets from the shop worker.

“Don’t worry about it, I’m glad you’re all ok” You reassure them, kneeling in front of them as the youngest one grasps your hand tightly.

Slight bruising begins to form under your mask. You were sure the bruising on your ribs would fully show tomorrow. Thankfully you only had one blow to your right cheekbone to deal with. At least the only one visible.

“The police are almost here” The worker informs you rounding a sale stand. You nod at him. He knows you can't stick around for long now.

“I have to go.” You tell the girls, giving the hand in yours a quick squeeze before getting to your feet. “You point to where the alley is ok? And tell them exactly what happened. But I can’t be here when they arrive.”

You nod at the worker. Before jogging over to the door before hearing a “thank you again Miss!” As you sprint out into the dark wet night.


He didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know where to turn. They all looked at him for answers. They could no longer leave their dorm. Prisoners in a place they once called home. He could see it breaking them, each of them. They had already been through such hardships to get them to this point, why couldn’t it be enough? Why couldn’t these young men catch a break?

Unable to make eye contact with anyone, his eyes glance to his bookshelves. On the top shelf, is a picture in an old wood frame. A picture of himself, an older gentleman and a young girl about 16/17 years old.

Realization then dawned on him.

“I need to make a phone call.” He states to the ever so silent room. “I’ll let you know about it after. You boys should go home, it’s getting really late.”

Shoes echo in the room as they all leave him alone with his thoughts. Goodbyes unheard by the man now drenched in sweat, fists gripped tightly to his desk. This could be a terrible idea, one of his worst, but he had to try.

There was only one person capable of helping him now, to keep his boys safe.

But at what cost?


“Mistress, you cannot keep playing this game. It is too dangerous.” Your butler Chul-soo, holds out his hands for you to take off your drenched sweater and cap.

“Relax Soo. They didn’t see me, and the girls won’t say anything either.” Sliding the now cold clothing off your body creating goosebumps along your skin. The shop worker undoubtedly called him and told him of your escapades. The shop owner being a friend of his. One of the only reasons he didn’t heckle you about your late night escapades to find snacks.

“What would the master think about all of this?” He sighs, disappointment and worry are evident in his voice and on his face.

“Really? What do you want me to say?” You sharply reply. “They needed help and I helped them. That’s all. Stop acting like I’m out there looking for this.”

You know it’s not his fault, he worries. His worries are valid, but he also knows you wouldn’t be doing this on purpose. You had bigger issues to deal with.

You shoot him an apologetic look before turning to walk away, down the large main hallway.

“Mr. Bang called. He says he has a favour to ask of you.” He speaks after you.

“I’ll return his call in my office.” You wave over your shoulder.


“What are we waiting for?”

“Boys ssshhhhh.” Hitman Bang silences the members completely.

Heels echo through the hall into the drawing room. A steady pace getting louder.

He frantically looks at the boys.

“I need you all to listen to me. This person is the only one who can help, for now you must keep quiet and let me talk. Understood.” It wasn’t a question. All murmur an agreement.

Bang had dragged them all over to a large unmarked office building just after lunch. Telling them the bare minimum to get them to not question his motives. Understanding they all had an appointment to keep.

However, what did strike them as odd was when their high security detail didn’t follow them into the building. Instructed to stay with the cars underground, they followed 8 largely built men in suits, up to the top floor. They expected more floor to ceiling windows, just like the rest of the building was lined with, but the top floor was more blocked off from the outside. 36 floors up, a large office in the back. The room itself contains a large oak desk, bookcases lining behind the leather chair at the desk and two 6 seater set couches facing each other. The lights were dim and shades drawn down.

This wasn't what they thought this appointment would be. They still had so many unanswered questions. Especially after being ushered into the room, the door shutting behind them with no explanation.

The heels click just outside the door, muffled voices can be heard. Bang ushers all the boys to stand.

The tension weighs heavy in the room. The boys, unknowing as to who is going to walk through the door and why they seemingly had Bang extremely nervous. Terrified even.


“Bang!” You greet cheerfully upon entering. Eyes lighting up to see the older man. He steps past the members and meets you halfway. Offering his arms out to you for a hug. “It’s been too long.”

“It has. You are looking well.” Bang offers releasing you. “I am sorry to hear about your father.”

“Ah, yes thank you.” You motion to the couch. “Please have a seat.”

You move over to the adjacent couch. Sliding your coat off, handing it to one of the men that followed you into the room. You take your seat, crossing one leg over the other. Waiting for the men to take their seats before continuing.

“Has it really been 6 years already?” You sigh looking at the man. Not sparing a glance at the gorgeous figures proceeding to sit on the couch. All of whom looked at you with mouth agape, clearly you weren’t what they were expecting. You force yourself to not smirk at their not so subtle reactions to you.

“I almost can’t believe it myself.” Bang laughs reminiscently but still slightly guarded.

“You’ve done well.” You smile fondly. Allowing yourself to look over each of the men. Nodding to yourself. “They’ve done well.”

“They have.” Bang agrees wholeheartedly. He was overwhelmingly proud of the members of BTS. They worked harder than anyone he’s ever had the pleasure of working with. Well, except you. “That’s why I wanted to speak with you.”

“Yes, you have a favour to ask of me.” You nodded to yourself. You had heard things from your contacts. You already knew what was going on, but it was best to keep exactly what you knew a secret for now. “I would presume it has to do with the threat against them.”

“So you’ve heard.” He sighs defeatedly.

“I keep my ears peeled at all times for you... and them,” You explain slowly, pausing a moment to really let your words sink into the older man. “My first investment will always hold a special place in my heart.”

“And I thank you for that. You’ve done so much for us all, as a company we owe you so much.” He replies hurriedly.

“Speaking of owe…. You want to ask a favour even with the debt you owe. Having never been collected from in all these years, yet here you are asking for a favour.”

Bang grips his pant legs until his knuckles turned white.This was what he was worried about. That you would seek collection before helping, or even refusing to help completely.

“And I am forever thankful to your father for that. We were able to build and grow from his generosity.” Bows his head slightly.

Your eyes narrow at the top of his head. “I assume, the favour would be protection. Protection and retrieval.” You redirect.

“Yes.” He continues his bow.

“First-” A smirk slowly breaking on your face. “I think an introduction is in order, formally. I’d like to meet these members of yours.”

“Of course!” Bang abruptly sits up. He nudges Namjoons elbow with his own. Clearly all of the members were beyond confused about Bangs interaction with you. There were definitely things they didn't know about.

“Uhm, I am Kim Namjoon.”

“Kim Seokjin.”

“Min Yoongi”

“Jung Heosok”

“Park Jimin”

“Kim Taehyung”

“Jeon Jungkook”

“Hello Boys.” You nod at them. “You can call me Sphinx.”

“For you Bang. I will honour this favour.” You say looking back to him.

“Thank you-” He bows again quickly before worry spreads through his features and his posture.

“This debt.” You begin slowly. “My father left it to me to decide what shall be done with it. I am afraid with all of your assets and the company is not enough to cover the interest alone.”

“However, as I have said I have maintained a watch over them. They are exceedingly worthy of every penny.”

Bang holds his breath. Waiting for you to demand a timeline for payment. He knows he would lose everything if you demanded it all up front. He wouldn’t be able to save himself, nor the boys. This debt would hang on them as well.

“Consider it void.”

His eyes widened.

“V-v-v” He can’t believe it. Were you really serious about this? That was a lot of money to brush away. To never see a dime of.

“Yes.” You had made up your mind long ago. “These boys earned everything they did. I don’t see a reason to cash in on their hard work.”


“No arguments. I’ve already decided.” You wave him away, “Now, give me a couple days to sort out my current affair and then we'll talk about adequate protection and discuss a plan.”


Once again the boys are ushered into Bangs office. The older hasn't stopped shaking since leaving your office.

None of the boys knew what to say. They didn’t know what they could say.

Bang collapses on his chair. Body completely deflating, a shaky breaky breath turning into a hysterical chuckle. Hand coming up to remove his glasses, wiping the sweat away with his sleeve and replacing them again.

He looks at the boys, some truth finally breaching the worry in their thoughts.

“Years ago, before you debuted. Hell, before RM joined the company we were in some serious financial trouble. But one by one this picture of you all was coming together, I had the gut feeling that I needed to give my everything for this group. But I had run out of options….” He begins. “To be able to give you what we need and to not lose everything, I borrowed a lot of money from someone. I had heard his name from an associate at the time, he knew of this man snd how to get into contact. I didn’t know what else to do at the time. So I contacted him, set an appointment. Brought videos of your practices and vocal rehearsals, everything I could to convince them to loan me enough money to keep everything afloat.”

All of the members were completely stunned. They knew Bang was struggling, it was one of the reasons they worked so hard to be noticed. To receive time slots on TV and never complain about the grueling practice. But this...this they never would have guessed.

“He agreed. I was loaned everything I needed to keep the business going, get you guys performance outfits, meals, bookings, hotel rooms, choreographers, stylists, PAs…. I mean everything. I’ve kept in contact with him all these years, he’s never demanded a collection. He never brought it up, just asked for updates on how you were doing. I offered tickets to your shows, but he always said that he would just buy them. As far as I know, he never accepted freebies for anything, but I was informed that there was an account under his last name that ordered merch, albums and tickets.”

“He passed away just over a year ago. But the account still ordered things. Then I remembered he had an adopted daughter, around the same age as you guys. He always talked about her, about how one day she would take over his business.”

Nodding to himself, he recounts all the stories he had heard of you. The meetings you attended when he had lunch with your father, handing over videos of BTS’s growth and business incline. Your father always seemingly handing it right to you, and you would sit there and watch and listen. Silently memorizing everything you could before handing it back to Bang. Only then for you to talk about your schooling and your after school adventures you would force your body guard through. He saw you go from a shy young girl to a strong, business minded woman, who your father was undoubtedly proud of.

“That was the woman we met today. The woman who has completely voided our debt.” He sighed still in disbelief.

“How much was the debt?” Namjoons voice was the first to break into the silent awkward tension.

“Let's just say. I would lose everything…. This company, my house…..I wouldn’t have enough to cover everything….”

“And if we helped?” Yoongi asks suspiciously from the back of the room.

He pauses before he answers, momentarily thinking through just how devastating it would have been if you had decided any other outcome. But he stands firm, locking eyes with Yoongi, letting them know just how terrifying it would be.

“You’d all be ruined too.”


“Listen very closely Mr. Gwan, if your son ever comes into contact with Miss Kem again. I cannot promise the longevity of his life.” You state icily. Your words come out slow and dark.

“Are you trying to threaten me?” His voice raises an octave as he abruptly stumbles to his feet. Chair falling backwards.

“You, I am not.” Your words coming out calmer than you actually were. “It is a promise for your son. For you however, I will say this. Our companies have done business for the past 12 years, we have worked well together. But-”

Standing slowly you prowl around your desk, eyes never leaving his. Fingertips ghosting behind you on the oak.

“Do not think you have placed a veil over my eyes to your backhanded business exchanges. I am well aware of what you have been doing on the side and though I do not agree, I have chosen to turn a blind eye. Your warning is this, I will not hesitate to pull the plug on all of our proceedings.” You stand in front of him. Shoulders square, eyes shooting daggers into him. You can see the panic on his face, the shock of understanding.

“Now, for the time being. Before I lose any respect I might still have for you, and our business, you will leave my office now.”

Flicking your wrist you signal for the 2 large men to escort the pathetic man out of your office.

“No. Wait!” He barks as he’s dragged out of the room.

You collapse back into your chair, releasing a deep breath making you feel momentarily dizzy.

Hopefully your warning would be heeded. Either he taught his son right from wrong or it would cost him his life.

Gathering yourself, you reach for the phone on your desk. Now that that was dealt with it was time to talk to Bang about a plan for his members.


“I know this isn’t ideal boys, but she’s offering to keep you safe and track down these people.” Bang tries to reassure the members from the driver's seat of the unmarked van. “You just have to stay here until they’re caught. Then you can go back to before.”

Glancing in the rearview mirror, he can see all of the young men sitting tensely in their seats. Jungkook in the middle right side chews on his cheek. Jhope shifts nervously next to him. Jin unable to find anything to say to lighten the tension, hands fidget in his lap. Taehyung sitting center in the far back, holding both Yoongi and Jimins hands as they in turn stare blankly outside the windows. RM sitting in the passenger's seat, jaw extending as he falls deeper and deeper in thought.

It was after 7pm by the time the van turned onto your long gravel driveway. Somehow being shrouded in the dark made everything seem so much more frightening to them.

Pulling up alongside the large old house, Bnag PD brings the van to a stop. Jungkook peers up at the old building. Making out your figure in one of the dimly lit upstairs rooms, he loses focus on you as another figure pulls the curtains shut. Sitting back in his seat he faces the front again.

“We can do this right?” Bang asks, turning to face the group. “Together?”

The boys had so many more questions for their Boss. What debt did he owe? Who was this woman? And what exactly does she do?

One by one they nodded their heads in agreement. If Bang trusted you, then so would they.

“Together.” RM spoke for the group.

Breathing in deeply to steady himself, Bang exited the van. The members follow suit. As they stood in front of the intimidating building the front doors opened slowly. A gentleman in a neatly pressed suit appears, followed by several men dressed in only black behind him.

“Mr. Bang. Gentleman.” The older man bows to the startled cluster of men. “My name is Chul-soo, and I am here to escort you to your rooms for your stay. Mistress is sorry she can’t be here to do it herself, but she’s tied up in some unavoidable business.”


You had issued a second warning to Mr. Gwan over a week ago. This time, it seemed that they were listening to your words more carefully.

You had come home late from the office, not seeing the boys but hearing them in the kitchen as you made your way up the large staircase to your master bedroom.

Slipping out of your suit from the day, you opt for your comfiest grey sweats and black tank. Bare feet finding your slippers that you chucked under your bed this morning.

Briefly stretching your stiff muscles, you make your way out of your room down the hallway to the large staircase. The kitchen now silent, as you wander in, the noise has migrated back to the media room.

You hadn’t eaten in a few hours, but it was late, so you opted for a snack of your favourite chips you had hidden from the kitchen staff.

Snaking the bag out of its hiding spot under the sink, you drag your feet back towards the stairs. You weren’t tired and you’d normally binge watch this new animation you were watching. However, you preferred to watch it in the media room with the big comfy couch, dim lights, surround sound and large TV.

Unfortunately tonight your phone would have to do.

As you pass the media room you hear arguing between the members.

“Well what do you want to watch then?”

“Everything we’ve suggested you’ve all said no.”

“You’ve only suggested two things! That’s hardly giving any options.”

“Look, we've all agreed on an animation. We’ve narrowed it down this far.”

Leaning against the open pillar in the media room, you muffle a laugh. They hadn’t noticed your presence, amusement plastered on your face as you continued munching quietly on your chips.

“Kibo and the age of Wonderbeasts, is pretty good.” You eventually interject.

They all fall silent. Taehyung peers over his shoulder at you before whispering something to the members closest. You roll your eyes at their obvious flustered states.

You remove yourself from the pillar and walk over to the back of the couch. Leaning over your snag the remote out of Yoongi's hand, clicking on the thumbnail of the show. Hitting the start from episode one option.

No one says anything as the intro music starts. You round the couch, flopping down, feet up on the coffee table. Right between Yoongi and Jin.

Leaning back you can now see how stiff they’ve become. Backs turned to stone, shoulders locked in place. They were nervous around you, they had all the right to be. But this? This was too funny.

Refocusing on the tv you laugh at the moments you know are coming, and comment when someone does something you dislike and throw chips at the screen when the character you hate appears.

3 episodes in and all the boys have finally relaxed. Now more intrigued by the show then being nervous to be in the same room as you.

“Wait, who’s her mom!” Jimin asks, more to himself than looking for an answer.

“The lady at the beginning. Don’t worry she’s not dead.” You chirp from your relaxed seat.

“She’s the monkey thing right?? I bet she’s the monkey thingy!” Taehyung guesses enthusiastically, now looking at you to confirm his suspicions.

“Gonna have to find out.” You wink at him, he blushes and directs his attention back to the screen.

You spend well into the night laughing, talking and having fun with the boys. They took a while to fully relax around you, but realizing you all had a lot more in common than they originally thought sped up the process quite a bit.

Somewhere around 3 in the morning, you are on the floor as well as Hoseok and Jimin in heaps of laughter over Jungkook and Jin's argument. Namjoon Yoongi and Tae mirroring your tear stricken faces on the couch.

Unfortunately your delight was soon cut short by Chul-soo entering the room.

“Mistress, you have a meeting in 4 hours. It would be wise to get some sleep while you can.” He explains politely. He hasn’t seen you smile like this since before your father passed away, to say he was overjoyed would have put it lightly. It broke his heart to break it up.

Struggling to regulate your breathing you clamber onto unsteady legs. Dusting yourself off, you walk over to the door to follow Chul-soo out.

“Duty calls boys!” You throw them a mini salute and a wink. “Same time tomorrow?”

“Can we play that video game with you that you mentioned?” Jungkook piped up cheerfully.

“Whatever you want bubs.” Waving to them you exit the room and begin heading upstairs.

You might actually be able to sleep for the first time since losing your father.



“Beautiful?” A voice chimes in.

“I was gonna say, normal. But yea, she’s really beautiful.”

“I think we’re gonna have to be careful.” Namjoon laughs from the couch, where he’s still sitting.

“Of what?” Hoseok asks from the floor.

“We can’t all fall for her.” Yoongi finishes Namjoons thought. Namjoon continues to laugh at them.

Once the tension had died down, and she began to open up, it's like they all became enthralled with you. All sharing the same puppy like heart eyes for the same person.

“Agreed this could get dangerous.” Jin nodded seriously to himself in the corner, trying to stop himself from laughing.

They were all in deep water here.

But how could they stop it?

Keeping your word you came back the same time the next night. Playing with them until 3am again, then trudging off to bed after being pestered by your butler.

And when they asked you’d come back.

One night of rounds of pool.

Video games.

Movie marathons.


Baking cakes.

And every time you came back they’d forget everything except that they had you with them and they enjoyed every second of it.


“Where?” You ask, heels clicking angrily against the marbled tile of your entryway.

“Holding 2 mistresses.” Chul-soo explains. Next to you, he takes the items from you that you are bitterly extracting from your body. Gloves and jacket discarded, you roll up the satin navy sleeves of your blouse.

This was your favourite blue shirt, you didn’t have time to change it, which only made you angrier at the knowledge of staining it. You huff down the long hallway, men behind you following as you then descend down the staircase. Not once noticing the seven men watching you storm past the media room.


“What do you think is happening?” Jimin whispered from the couch, seated next to the two youngest. They were in the middle of a game, but paused it when they heard you burst through the front door.

“I don’t know, but that’s where those men dragged that guy from before….” Jin responds, standing next to the open archway to the hallway.

“She wouldn’t… hurt him would she?” Jungkook gasps, doe eyes widening at the thought.

A PA comes into the room, offering the boys their snacks and drinks.

“If she did, she had a good reason to.” She huffs, placing the tray on the center table. “Honestly I hope she does.”

The members gather around her, waiting for her to explain.

“That boy is a disgusting human being. He doesn’t deserve anything good in life after what he did.”

“What did he do?” Hoseok asks worriedly.

“We used to have another chef here. His daughter would visit occasionally. She was a beautiful girl, full of joy, such a pure spirit too. However, that man took advantage of her naivety and lured her into a physical relationship.” Her demeanour shifted into something cold and distant. Crossing her arms over her chest. “I say relationship, really it was just him forcing himself onto her. So when her dad found out, he told the mistress and the mistress warned that man's father.”

None of the boys knew what to say. What could they possibly say?

“And it looks to me that he didn’t listen.” Shaking her head in deep thought, before letting out a few sighs and leaving the room.

“I guess there’s a lot we don’t know about this place….her.” Yoongi huffs annoyedly. They just couldn’t figure you out.

One minute you were like any normal person their age, sneaking snacks, binge watching tv shows, staying in your pyjamas all day to …. This? What do they even call this?? Worst of all they can’t get the thoughts of being an ‘investment’ out of their heads. Is that all they were to you?

Because that’s not what they wanted..they wanted so much more from you.


Walking late into the media room, arms full of black fabric. The boys scattered around the room, you didn’t tell them you were coming tonight. They thought you were still away on business. They abruptly stop playing the arcade machines, pausing the tv, discarding their laptops on the big table as you walk in.

You walk to the center of the room, dumping the contents you're carrying onto the floor. They have all moved to look at what you’ve dropped.

“Are you guys up for an adventure tonight?” You smirk at them.

“Really?!” Jungkook exclaims excitedly. Namjoon and Yoongi share a look of confusion with each other.

“Yep!” You chirp, pointing to the pile of black. “I’ll give you 20 mintues to change into these and then I’ll be back to get you.”

You leave the room, turning around to face them as you close the door, winking at them.

Running hurriedly upstairs, you change into your own black sweats and sweatshirt. You’re unsure why you felt this extreme urge to show them this place. It had been a place of solitude and comfort when you thought you had none left. It might not seem like much to them, but to you, it was an escape.

You hear a faint knock on the door. Sighing, you already know who it is.

“Enter Chul-soo.”

The door opens and your butler comes in, a faint smile playing on his lips.

“Taking the boys with you this time.” His voice was hopeful.

“Yes..” Unable to face him, you turn your back to grab your converse. Sitting on the edge of your bed, you begin to slip them on.

Peering up at him through your lashes, you can see him smiling now.

“Don’t look at me like that!” You groan, throwing yourself onto your back.

“I’m just happy for you Mistress.” You can hear the brightness in his voice, you hadn’t heard it since you were young. “It’s been a long while since you’ve let someone in. I’m glad you’ve been able to open up again.”

Pushing yourself up onto your elbows, you really think about it. Think about how normal you’ve felt this past while, just a normal girl with friends.

Friends…. Your brows furrow. Friends? Your eyes abruptly make contact with Chul-soo, wide with shock.

This time he fully relaxes, a belly laugh escaping his lips. You fling back in defeat. You couldn’t even be mad at him. These feelings you had felt had progressed beyond friendship long ago, but you didn’t even notice….but your ever wise butler had.

The instant you fell, he knew.

“Shut up, how was I supposed to know?!” You shriek into the large room, rolling off the bed onto the floor. Sitting there you look at him, his laugh pausing momentarily, before you both lose it in laughter.

Collecting yourselves, Chul-soo is the first to speak.

“Go, they’ll be waiting for you.” He shifts to open the door fully for you, holding out the van keys. The only van that can accommodate all of you.

Wiping the tears pooling in your eyes, you clamber to your feet. Rushing to the door, stopping briefly.

“We’ll be back late, don’t wait up.” You take the keys from him and leave the room.

Flying down the stairs, skipping ones along the way, smile still plastered on your face as you round the corner. All 7 men, dressed in head to toe black waiting for you, excitement dancing in the air. You jog over to them.

“Let's go!” You wiggle the keys at them, as they follow you towards the garage.

Getting ou wasn hard, neither was stopping at your favourite corner shop to grab drinks and snacks. No, the hard part came when you looked out the windshield slightly to the right and saw the large structure in the distance, passing the old warehouses.

Warehouses you had too many complicated feelings towards, jumbled memories of you and your father and everything he taught you.

Ignoring the emotions welling up, you continued on your course. Tempting a glance into the rearview as they vanished behind more of an abandoned shipyard.

You slowly maneuvered the van close to the waterfront. The docks decayed and rotted away years ago. Parking the van, you don’t spare a glance at the others as you climb out. Walking over the steep edge of the cemented platform, you stare out over the horizon. Water reflecting the stars above.

“What is this place?” You can hear Jin’s voice almost directly behind you. You hadn’t heard anyone get out of the car, too lost in the memories this dark quiet place carried for you.

“This is my safe place.” You begin, not looking back. You don’t think you’d be able to speak if you did. So instead you focus on the shallow waves in the distance. “I used to come here when I needed to get away...or my father didn’t want me to see anything.”

Rolling your shoulders back allows you to smile and relax. This felt right, for you to be here...for them to be here with you.

“If you guys are willing to listen” You hesitate before turning around to look at them. “I think it’s about time I tell you about myself.”


This is what they wanted. In this moment, you face them so beautifully and confidently. Stars shimmering behind you as you offer to share yourself with them. This was the moment they knew just how far they had fallen in love with you.

After collecting the blankets from the van, which had been sneakily placed there by Chul-soo, and placing them on the cement platform, you all sat down with your food. They stared at you expectantly, they didn’t want to push you.

“When I was about 5 or 6, my family visited Japan from overseas. I don’t know anything about my birth parents other than they had a lot of financial issues. I’m not sure if its because they were into drugs or something, but father did hint at it a few times.”

“I was an only child...the child rings in Japan were at an all time high at that point. So to save themselves from whatever debt they owed. I was sold to a child trafficking ring. My parents left Japan immediately after receiving the money. I’ve never seen them since. I’ve never bothered to care too much about it.”

They could see you force yourself to swallow, your eyes not looking at them. The unknown of their reactions would be alot to handle. No one interrupted, just waited for you to collect yourself before continuing.

“The child ring I was sold under was hosting an auction. I was one of the children to be auctioned off that night. Father was visiting from Korea for work, when he heard about it from an associate at the time. He said he felt bad for the kids, disgusted at his associate for taking part in those types of things. But at the time he couldn’t say no, so he went along with them. Father had lost his wife and son 2 years prior, he had been alone and sad for so long. Just like me…”

Her chest rising and falling rapidly, her eyes closing momentarily. Caught in emotions they couldn't understand.

“I had just turned 8 when I was auctioned off. I was fortunate enough not to receive the same treatment as the other children. I was mostly ignored and forgotten about. Which was probably why they didn't care about me, they just wanted to get what money they could.”

“I still remember the hot lights from the makeshift stage, the shit connection on the microphone they were using. The thick nauseating smell of old cologne and cigarettes. I could barely understand anything, it was so loud. Everything was melting together. Except…..”

“Father. While there were men standing and shouting. Father sat there, his eyes never leaving me. His paddle raised and he offered 4 times more than the last man. My auction was closed, and I was sold. Looking back I should have been terrified. But there was something.. Comfort? In his eyes that made me trust him.”

“SInce then his business grew to unspeakable heights and he taught me along the way. Brought me to Korea and raised me as his own child, hoping that one day I would take over for him. And I worked hard to get to this point. He never forced me, always gave me the choice. I told him I didn’t want to be apart of it, that it would be better to pick someone else.”

Your whole body shudders, they don’t think it was from the light breeze coming from the ocean side. They could see it in your face, there was more. Something that you were still hiding.

“Why did you decide to…” Hoseok spoke softly. One of them had to be brave enough to ask. To ruin their silence. For you to know that they were still there, still willing to hear everything.

After a long pause, you let out a slight chuckle. They were shocked to say the least, they weren't expecting you to find humour in all of this tragedy.

“I bartered with Father. There was an investment presented to him, one he was about to reject. He said it was too risky. I was shown the items supplied by the man, and I- I saw something in it. I knew it would be great. It was a gut feeling. He said the only one capable of issuing approval was the head of the business. His predecessor would probably dismiss it. He couldn’t guarantee the continuation of the agreement then. I thought it over for weeks. I was 16 at the time, I knew what he was insinuating. If I wanted to personally approve this investment I would have to agree to take over from him. I looked over the agreement over and over again. I had made up my mind. I accepted the agreement. I would become his successor and he would approve the investment in his name.”

Something you said plagued Yoongi’s mind, circling over and over again. He had to ask.

“What were you shown?”

A smile breaks over your face, it was close to dawn when they had sat down. Now the sun was rising on the horizon. Illuminating your face, your smile now glowing warmly.

“A grainy 8 minute video of 7 boys my age. A compilation of them in dance practice, vocal lessons, in a production studio, eating together, living together, telling the camera about their hopes and dreams.” You finally face them.

You had seen them. They finally understood, you agreed to be a part of this life because of them. Guilt washes over all of them. Almost all consuming, they begin to shut down.

“It was the best decision I ever made.” Your voice is just loud enough to shatter the shame. “Best decision for me and for them.”

And they believed you. They believed in your smile.


“I’m sorry it took so much longer than expected.” You politely bow to Bang.

It had been 3 months since you took the boys in. Finding the people behind the threats was a little trickier than you first envisioned it to be.

But soon enough they were apprehended and handed over to authorities, and they were to return to their lives.

“No, please. You have done more than we could have ever asked for. I could never say thank you enough!” Bang shakes his head violently.

Standing straight, you smile at the older and try to focus on him alone. But you can’t. You can see it.

Over his shoulder you can see the boys standing in your foyer with all of their luggage. All sharing the same sad, hurt puppy pouts, shoulders sagging. They didn’t want to leave. You’d realized it after the first month, just how attached they had become to you. A part of you was overjoyed, but the logical part of you knew that this was for the better.

As much as you wanted to keep them with you forever….it was safer for them to be as far away from you as possible.

Over the past month things had gone from bad to worse with Mr. Gwan . First his son and then a shady business deal gone wrong. Threats had been made against your company. One even towards the ‘secret lover’ you had hidden away. You knew it was the boys that it was unintentionally referring to.

You knew then it was time for them to leave you.


“Hyung I can't do this.” Taehyung whined from the couch in the production lounge, they were scheduled for a live interview that day. “I need to see her.”

The boys were devastated when they heard they'd be leaving. Your face never once falters from your business smile, but by now they could see right through it.

But they left as instructed. Watching your figure fade from view as the van took them away. An image they couldn’t forget.

“It’s been 3 months and I can’t stop from loving her.” Tears started to well in his eyes, followed by a pout on his lips. “None of us can.”

“I know Tae. But what can we do?” Namjoon asks, he was just as close to breaking as the youngers. “We have no way to contact her.”

The youngest 3 didn’t stop crying for weeks, he and the older 3 were trying desperately to keep it together, but they could only fake it for so long. Each finding time alone, in solitude to cry.

“I have an idea,” Yoongi breaks the silence. “It's ballsy to say the least, and we might be into some serious shit for it. Do you want to hear it?”

Looking around the room, he’s met with 6 nodding heads. He motions for them all to gather around the couch. This would either be his dumbest idea yet or his brightest.


Your whole body trembles as you continue to watch the live interview you had taped earlier in the day. The boys' voices ringing in your ears.

“And we’ll be there tonight. Waiting in the safe place you shared with us.” Namjoon states.

“We’ll wait all night if we have to.”

“Please come tonight.”

“We won’t leave until we see you.”

Hands shake so violently you almost aren’t able to continue to hold the photo in your hand. You register your phone ringing. Reaching forward you grab your phone off the coffee table. You answer without looking.

“Hello Sphinx.” The male voice drips in sick pleasure. “Did you get the photo I sent you?”

“Yes.” Was all you could say.

“Did you manage to catch BTS’s live interview today?”


“Such bright boys.” Amusement laced in his voice.

“They won’t show.” You force through gritted teeth.

“Oh I believe they will.”

“What do you want?” Stomach bile rising up your throat. Eyes drifting back down to the photo of the dimly lit abandoned shipyard's edge, the one just passed those old warehouses that haunted you.

“Meet me alone in an hour. Let’s say in your fathers favourite warehouse.” A single tear escapes your eye, running down your cheek onto the photo in your lap. “Come with anyone and i'll have my men meet the boys in your place.”

You want to throw up. Hoping to god Bang has them on lockdown. That they are safe in their dorms.


“Good good. I’ll see you there, Sphinx.” He hangs up.

You try to control your breathing. There’s no way they’d be there, it’d be fine. You’d take your men and deal with this once and for all.

You stand on shaky feet. Thoughts caught off by your phone ringing again. Looking at the caller ID. Your heart sinks.

“Hello?” Your voice comes out as shaky as your hands are.

“Y/N!” Bangs rushed voice desperately crosses the line. “Please tell me you know where the boys are”

“The boys?” Your stomach drops, tears fill your eyes.

“I can’t find them!” His voice hoarse from panic. “They said they were going back to their dorms together, but I’m here and they aren’t! I don’t know where they’ve gone!”

Tears stream down your face. Mind reeling ‘no no no no no no they didn’t, they couldn’t, they wouldn’t. No no no no’

Panic grips you internally. Externally you’re frozen.

“I’ll find them.” Somehow your voice comes out steady and monotone. It doesn’t feel like your own. The voice inside your head is screaming, your heart hurts.

“Thank you.” Is the last thing you hear before the phone drops to the floor.

‘Not them. Please not them.’

Their faces flash behind your now closed eyes. They needed to always smile, always be happy and safe. So many big dreams they still had left to achieve.

You thought your heart broke when you watched their van drive away, convincing yourself it was for the best. But you had been too late. Nowhere near you was safe, somehow along the way you forgot. Now more than ever, the reminder slaps you in the face.

Like a robot you head upstairs, everyone has turned in for the night. You had dismissed them all early today.

You swap your suit for a pair of leggings, tank top and zip up sweater. Not stopping as you leave everything behind. Wallet, keys, watch and phone left behind. Upon reaching the front door you hesitate. Looking down at the necklace your father gave you, you slowly unclasp it with still shaky hands. A small metal pillar he had engraved with the day he legally adopted you. A gps tracker you never took off, one you knew still worked till this day. You place it on the cabinet next to the door and head out on foot.

Closer to the main road you catch a ride to the small corner shop. You picked out a burner phone and a card for it, placing it on the counter you froze. You forgot money.

“Take it.” The cashier smiles at you. It was the same one from all those nights ago, with the girls. “You overplayed that night. It’ll cover this.”

You give him a quick nod and grab your items.

“Can you call a taxi for me?”

“Sure, and here.” He hands you some cash. “For wherever you’re going.”

“Thank you.” You manage out.

You wait outside for the taxi to arrive. It takes less than two minutes before you’re on your way to the meeting spot.

Your mind and body are screaming at you.

‘Please don’t take them too’

This isn’t a price you were willing to pay.


Walking into the abandoned warehouse, you don’t let yourself think twice.

Marching through the large open wood doors, grabbing a long wooden shaft from a pile of debris you continue your march.

Snapping the wood piece over your knee, you turn the corner. Twirling the two rods in your hands.

Lifting your right arm you swing diagonally down, wood colliding with a figure's face. Not stopping your steps you spin out of the way of a pair of hands that come at you from your left. Wood colliding with the back of a head.

The only one thought circles your mind; keep the ones you love safe. Keep the boys safe.

Another figure swings at you. You dodge down wood coming up to meet his chin. He falls to his knees. You kick into the side of his head, sending him to the floor.

The only thing you can hear is the sound of your blood in your ears. You can’t hear the yelling or screaming. You can feel when the wood your holding collides with the next 4 figures. But you aren’t lucid enough to focus on it.

Turning around an arm already raised, you fail to register the figure appearing to your left.

You feel a cold sharp pain in your side. Time goes slowly. Gaze travelling down you see the hilt of a short blade sticking out of your side. The man's hands let go of it. You bring your eyes up to look at him. He smiles at you, your eyes glaze as you drop the wood in your hands.

Before you can rethink your situation, you grab the blade and pull. Adrenaline makes your body and mind numb to everything. You step towards him and force the blade soaked in your own blood into his inner thigh. Yanking the blade from his flesh as he drops.

Regaining some composure, but not in time to deflect a fist that shoots into your peripherals a second too late. It collides with the right side of your face, sending you crashing to the floor as well.

A hand grabs a fist full of your hair yanking you to your knees. Staring at the ceiling you finally see the man you’ve been looking for. He smiles at you wildly from the side. A snarl breaks past your lips.

Fists punch into your rib cage repeatedly. Anger bubbles deeper within you.

‘Keep the boys safe’ If you died how could you keep them safe? A scream erupts from you. You grasp the blade on the floor, slicing across the man's stomach in front of you. He staggers away.

In a second of shock you manage to get to your feet. All at once you slide to the right and take a step back, elbow meeting stomach of the man holding you. You feel some hair ripped from your scalp before he lets go. Hunched over grasping his stomach you bring your knee up hitting his face with enough force to send him back. You feel his bones crunch under the impact. Spinning around, before anyone else can move you throw it.

Directly at Mr. Gwan. Blade meets chest. As the last man runs over to him, holding his boss steady to not cause anything fatal.

Your body collapses to the floor. All the energy you had was fading, but you forced yourself to your feet before you could black out.

Shakily you begin to make your way out of the warehouse. Hand reaching into one of the unconscious men's pockets, locating his phone you dial 911, you hear the phone click to connect and you drop it. Near the door.

Mind finally catches up to the body, the loss of blood making you nauseous. You try to put pressure on your wound, as you start to limp your way down the gravel road. Towards the waterfront.

They were gonna be there. They told you they would. You had to make sure they were safe.

I’m the distance you could see 7 figures standing by the waterfront. Pacing back and forth, worried…panicked. Waiting for you.

But you stop. Shifting to your left, you step behind a wooden structure. Reaching for your burner phone you text the address of the shore front to the only saved number. Sinking down on your butt, legs bent up in front of you, you lean your head back.

Trying to keep breathing, to keep conscious and ignore the pain in your side.

Moments later you hear sirens in the far distance. A faint smile graces your lips. Then you hear the screech of tires, a lot closer than the sirens.

Scooching over to peer around the wooden structure you see the Bighit security exiting cars, along with Bang.

You can hear the boys shouting as they’re dragged into the cars. Away from you. Behind closed eyes you can see each member's hysterical faces. Tears begin to stream down your face….relief. They’re safe now.

Leaning back again. Spots cloud your vision. The world becomes deafeningly quiet as you finally lose consciousness. Body giving up, sliding down face meeting the dirt below you.


“Mistress.” You hear a voice call you. “We’re preparing to land.”

Shaking yourself awake, you gingerly stretch your locked joints.

“Thank you Chul-soo.”

Yawning, you slowly wake up.

Staring out the window of the private jet, looking down at the world below.

It had been 7 months since that night. Upon seeing the photo you left in the media room Chul-soo vaguely knew where you were going. Your men had found you, unconscious covered in blood. The boys were already long taken by Bang. You recovered quickly. Then business was back as usual. You were once again alone.

You didn’t want the boys to know why you never showed up, but Bang refused to lie to them again. So he told them everything.

This was the price you had to pay: it was too late for you to tell them you loved them.


“I can’t believe we won!” Jimin shouted excitedly as they entered their dorm. All of them were buzzing with adrenaline.

After they had heard what happened with you from Bang; they couldn’t shake the guilt. They blamed themselves for it. If they had just kept their mouths shut and endured, you wouldn’t have almost died. They wouldn’t have been used as bait.

They understood now that the distance between them and you was necessary. Safer for everyone. Their hearts broke all over again.

What they wanted more than anything now was for you to not hate them. They still loved you.


In the middle of their dining table stood a massive assorted bouquet of flowers. So massive it would take two of them to manoeuvre. But how did that get in here? Who had been in their apartment.

Dropping their bags they all hesitantly made their way over to it. A small envelope was slotted amongst the roses.

Namjoon was the one to grab it, slowly opening the envelope. A white card worth the word ‘congratulations’ written in cursive. Opening the card, his breath hitches.

The rest of his members peer around him to take a look for themselves. Wide eyes, gasps and tears are the only things they are able to respond with.

With a black pen, written with your handwriting.

‘The best decision I ever made’, and your red lipstick kiss on top.

This was the price they had to pay: It was too late for them to tell you that they loved you.


Collecting your bag out of the plane's compartment, you head over to the doors.

You hadn’t been to this side of the world since your parents. Your nerves creeping up, you push them down. This trip to America was necessary, if this business deal was successful your business would be untouchable. As well as anyone personally connected to you. Everyone you cared about would be unconditionally safe.

Checking the time on your watch, you had around 2 hours before it was time for the meeting. You could relax, at least for a short while, at your hotel.

The doors finally open, you make your way down the connected stairs, sun glaring down on you. You're about to place your sunglasses over your eyes when something catches your attention.

Smiling wildly, you stare at the billboard, seven beautiful faces shining brightly at you.

‘BTS announces world stadium tour’

“Well done boys.” You say to their poster. Sliding your sunglasses onto your face, you pivot towards the car. Chul-soo waiting, door open for you.

Unable to stop smiling, you climb into the backseat of the car. Taking one last look at them, and how happy they are.

This was a price you were willing to pay.


The Price We Pay


This one was ALOT. Please tell me your honest opinions on this, PLEASE🙏🏼🙏🏼.

Look now I'm begging…

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