Forever Upset About Death Too Ong - Tumblr Posts
You know that joke about how the voltron reboot feels like it was written by people who hate giant robots? Netflixvania feels like it was written by people who hate any monsters that aren’t vampires. And also shonen. It feels like the writers wanted to do the vampire chronicles instead or something.
Shdksskksk I only have second hand knowledge of the trainwreck that was voltron but man
And yea! The vampire favoritism is huge, considering how we're supposed to feel pity for them despite their atrocities w no redeeming qualities. They dont write them as nuanced monsters with some trying to coexist despite their nature, they're basically amoral fanged elves who are mistreated by those simple minded hunters :( (ignore the atrocities they commited on screen 5 minutes ago). And with this ask i do realize they placed other game's bosses to the sideline. My memories of the show are blurry but i don't remember any non vampires being part of Dracula's generals or having mayor roles (aside from uhh, Legion and Abel?)
And this truly shines in the way both Alucard and Death (and the belmonts) were rewritten, the former went from a tortured soul who sealed himself to stop his cursed blood, to someone who considers vampires his kin and defend them from the belmontd in the face of their implied child murders; and the latter who went from a spawn of Chaos with the purpose to serve the Dark Lord into an special soul sucking vampire who speaks like a league of legends player
It just feels like it tries to tell a gritty grimdark story, which doesnt works with castlevania ( cv is a silly monster smasher! And with optimistic tones! It's part of its charm),and it doesn't works on it's own ( the writing doesnt has the maturity and it doesnt takes itself seriously, not with the gratuitous vulgarity and oversimplification of nuanced subjects). And its pretty sad bc a shonen esque tone would suit Richter n Maria's story so well (the RoB cutscenes my fellas!)
Like i said tho, my memories of the show are a bit diffuse ( thank the gods) so i apologies if i have gotten things wrong and such