Freelance Art - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Apologies for the silence. Been taking time off social media to recalibrate my mental health.

Apologies For The Silence. Been Taking Time Off Social Media To Recalibrate My Mental Health.

I’ve been painting pretty manically, working on a professional portfolio of my art. I’ve spent 10 years trying to be a SuCcESsFuL adult the way we’re all told to succeed, and have only met with failure. So, I guess I’m gonna take my chance failing as a freelance artist.

So, while I slowly work on my portfolio art, please enjoy this caricature of ‘OG It Girl’ Clara Bow that I painted this morning to celebrate the completion of my 1st Portfolio Piece~!

I primarily used a brush pack called Sargent’s Oils. My father was an *amazing* caricature artist, and I’ve been kind of obsessed with old pulp artists of the 30s-50s, so the influence kind of rubbed off this work, heh.

This is based off an OLD OLD sketch I drew of Ms. Bow like…5 years ago. I promised myself if I ever got the proper equipment I’d paint it. Now that I do, I figured I’d keep my promise to myself :”3


Anyway, I’ve got LOTS of work to do! Wish me luck! It’s this or the loony bin :D

- qveenbuji, Freelance Artist <3

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