French Chef Kiss - Tumblr Posts
the cw pr department might be the only people in the world who are good at their job. look at how effectively they utilized girlpower to make the enduring image of destiel shippers as fucking crazy fujoshis making stuff up in their head. they put two DIFFERENT love confessions in there they put he's in love dot dot dot with humanity in there they put love overcoming brainwashing in there . you guys remember castiel heaven plastered with shirtless dean? and still the overall reaction to november 5th twenty twenty was "THEM TWO STRAIGHT BOYS FROM SUPERNATURAL?" and other some such that agreed it was the most heterosexual sexless television show that never even alluded to them having feelings for each other. genuinely truly cia level propaganda and effectiveness. what if the singleminded determination, foul souls, and budget behind the public campaign on war on drugs instead turned to shows that they play on the treadmill at the gym. if they used their powers for good we could well and truly make republicans cringe in this country for good. i would never have to see a reagan '84 shirt again. but instead they will continue to use them for evil. not sure what they will turn to now that long form television is dead but i'm sure it will increase the net amount of evil in the world