Freshman 15 - Tumblr Posts

Compression shirt is a little tight

I’m a little soft in the belly😅. I guess all the candy I eat adds up. I’ve gotten a jelly belly.

Damn I’m getting soft

I guess I put on a few

I remember when I used to have a flat stomach with abs. Now I’ve got a soft gut from all the burgers and candy I eat. This shit used to show off my 6 pack now it shows off my fat rolls.

Plenty to grab 😈.

Love handles are starting to come in
Damn his shirt is looking a little small. One of his fat tits is completely hanging out. And you can see the little fat rolls under it. Definitely a frat boy who has let himself go

I’ve lost all the muscle in my chest I’m now left with moobs. They are so soft and flabby. My love handles and fat ass are continuing to grow too. I’m so out of shape, and it’s only going to get worse

George definitely has that ex jock body. He’s still got some muscle but look at that big gut he’s sporting. That college lifestyle has definitely gotten to him. He used to be an in shape football players but now he’s a tubby frat boy.

Here’s some more of him. He even rolls his belly to show his viewers. He’s getting some soft moobs too.
I’m so soft and out of shape. No trace of abs left just fat from all the ice cream. And my chest is so flabby. I’m getting moobs

Had to get the belly and tits some sun.

Had to get some sun on the belly today. I’m so out of shape, I was struggling after an hour of walking. Guess that’s what happens when you don’t workout for a year and half and eat like a pig

Looks like one too many beers for him. A blue collar boy with a fat gut. And he’s getting some massive love handles and moobs to go along with his beer gut.