From: Dira333 - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

kiss, marry, call the ambulance

kuroo, oikawa,aone

kiss kuroo

marry aone

call the ambulance for oikawa (i'm sorry bby </3)

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10 months ago

kiss, marry, set up with someone else - libero edition:

nishinoya, komori, yaku

oh this one is easy

kiss komori

marry nishinoya

set yaku up with someone else

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10 months ago

would you rather have an academic rivals to lovers with Kuroo or an he falls first and he falls harder with Oikawa in Argentina?

stop why would you make me choose that's actually so mean.

okay. let me think....i do really love kuroo, but he falls first and harder is literally my fave thing ever so i have to go with option two

rip academic rivals kuroo πŸ˜”

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9 months ago

If you could pick one Haikyuu character to take into your world but you can never date, who would you pick?



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9 months ago

if you could choose:

Would you rather have a fic exchange or a fic written for you?

As in, both people give a fic or you get gifted one?


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7 months ago

kiss, marry, send him to the dentist

Nishinoya, Yaku, Komori (the libero edition)

oh this is so hard. let me think.

i'd kiss yaku, marry nishinoya, and send komori to the dentist to see if i can pull his cousin by enforcing personal hygiene

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7 months ago

what kind of weather do you prefer?

#ask.revival 2024

oooh, i love hot weather because i really enjoy swimming and other summer activities, but i also really, really, love when it's foggy or raining so it's a toss up for me!

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7 months ago

would you rather shave Kuroo's hair for a dare or dye Atsumu's hair pink and face the wrath?

#ask.revival 2024

i could never shave kuroo's head, and dying atsumu's hair pink would probably score me brownie points with his insanely hot twin so....yeah. i'd dye atsumu's hair pink

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7 months ago

Who is Soshiro and why do you love him so much?

#ask.revival 2024

oooh okay don't even get me started. soshiro is from kaiju no. 8 (a new anime) and *melts into puddle*

i don't think i can ever begin to explain how much i love him so here's a five point list (keep in mind i haven't read the manga yet so these are just my interpretations of him)

i love how well he knows himself, and how dedicated he is to pursuing his dream. despite being told that he wouldn't be able to make it in the defense force, he insisted on continuing and sure enough, became one of their strongest fighters. he also knows his strengths and weaknesses, but he doesn't let them stop him

this is shallow but he's really hot. i didn't think anyone would be able to pull off a haircut like that but he makes it work somehow

i love how he encourages kafka. despite kafka being unusually weak and having suspicions of him, he gives him a chance, and essentially tells him that he trusts him, and the more kafka improves the more he'll trust and respect him.

he's really loyal. he cares deeply for everyone in his group, and although he might not show it all the time, he worries and carries respect for his subordinates. when he saluted to kafka?? i almost cried i swear

he's just a bit of a goofball at heart. i know he had ulterior motives in having kafka join him, but i love that he was like, that dude's funny. i want him. he also has an adorable laugh and i love his little fangs and his smile and- you get it.

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5 months ago


πŸ›Œ What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?

Hi Dira! I want to say like a true childhood best friends to lovers fic. It's hands down my favorite trope (other than hurt/comfort lol) so I've always been nervous I won't do it justice. Maybe someday though!

i'll be by soon to send in some asks of my own! i hope you have an amazing day/night <3

from this get to know me event!

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5 months ago


πŸ¦‰Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?

Omg there are so many I'm really not sure. Off the top of my head I would say @ponderingmoonlight, @just-jordie-things, and @andypantsx3 were some of my biggest inspirations when I first started writing, and still remain people I deeply admire and respect for the quality of their writing!

from this get to know me event!

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5 months ago


🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?

probably this one! it's one of the longest fics i've ever written, but i really enjoyed writing it and i think i did a pretty good job with it. either that or quiet

from this get to know me event!

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