Fuckoffretards - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
So This Bitchass Got All Fucking Mad At Me Because I Didnt Like Her Post About How This Mom Stuck A Seatbelt

So this bitchass got all fucking mad at me because I didn’t like her post about how this mom stuck a seatbelt cover on her kids seat saying he was autistic. I have autism myself. I know that I sure as hell would absolutely HATE my mother if she did that. (if it’s possible to hate her anymore than I do LOL). The point is, this bitch made a post and since facebook has different reaction options I put the angry face because I didn’t like it. If you don’t want to hear people’s opinions than don’t post it on fb. Sidenote: Bitch says she’s 20. Sure as hell doesn’t act like it. Lmao. 
#snowflake #snowflakes❄ #special #specialsnowflake #specialsnowflakes #specialsnowflakesyndrome #Specialed #Sped #retard #retardedteens254 #retarded #fuckoff #fuckoffcunt #fuckoffsnowflake #fuckoffsnowflakes #fuckoffsped #fuckoffretard #fuckoffretards #fuckoffbitch #fuckoffbitches🖕 #fuckoffbitches #fuckoffbitch🖕🏻 #fuckoffbitchez #fuckyou #fuckyousnowflake #fuckyousnowflakes #fuckyouspecialsnowflakes #fuckyousped #fuckyouretard #fuckyouretards #fuckyoubitch #fuckyoubitches 

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