Fursuit Head - Tumblr Posts
Just realized this is the first time yall have seen my werewolf mask!!
More pictures of it (ignore my "human" hands and headphones)
I built it using a dinomask base and paper mache to get the right shape!! The teeth are also all hand sculpted out of polymer clay by yours truly!!
Despite being werewolfkin, I don't actually consider this gear, it's more of a fursuit to me, mainly because the mask is a werewolf with no fur on its face, and I myself am a werewolf with fur everywhere ^^
I love my harness I love my harness I LOVE MY HARNESS!!!!!
Letting everyone know that im selling my moth head and gloves and would very much like it out of my house asap
Just as I promised, a finished helmet of my protogen Voyager! This was my first time making something big with a 3d printer, it was quite the experience lemme tell you, but a positive one in the end at that.
Hopefully the photos are fine my phone camera ain't the greatest. I was done working on this in May but I forgot to post it.
This was supposed to have LEDs on the visor but the strips ended up being too dark because of the tint so I didn't install them. Oh well maybe when I figure how to work with LED matrices I'll put them, but hey at least the triangles glow!