Fushiguro Megumi Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts
HII!! I saw you had your requests open for jjk, so can i request a megumi fic with a reader who went to the same middle school as him but was being bullied? And thats why megumi would always get in fights? Thank you!! ❤️

Sypnosis - Contrary to popular belief, there were very few things in the world that Megumi liked. One of those things happened to be you.
Warning(s) - canon JJK violence, mature themes, foul language, Megumi is a little shit, insecurities
A/N - Casually making this fic follow the "I hate everyone but you" trope, don't mind me.

Groaning lightly, you continue to hold the ice pack over your blackened eye per the nurse's request. The cold does little to help with the dull pain, but considering that it was your fifth black eye that month, there was really nothing else that the nurse could do. She was sick of seeing you so often anyway.
You shift uncomfortably in the too-small seat of the nurse's office, looking around at the two other students that sit in the office with you. Neither of them make eye contact with you – not that it bothers you in the slightest.
Still lost in thought, you adjust the ice pack against your eye, feeling the skin beneath it slowly going numb at the cold sensation. It feels soothing enough, and it helps in distracting you from the dull ache that your black eye gives off.
Your ears perk at the sound of the door to the office opening, expecting it to be another student looking for a remedy for some injury or a pass to skip their next class. But it’s neither of the two; it’s Megumi.
“Fushiguro?” you ask with a perk of your eyebrow, eyeing him curiously as he crosses the room to you. His hands reach out, ripping the ice pack away from your eye. “Hey-!”
“Stupid ass,” he mutters, inspecting your injury with his lip curled upward. His other hand holds your cheek, tilting your head left and right — likely inspecting to see if you had sustained any other injuries.
“Nice to see you too,” you mutter sarcastically, rolling your eyes as Megumi places the ice pack against your eye again. You hiss at the sudden cold, and for a moment you can see a flicker of regret over Megumi’s expression.
He ignores your sarcastic quip, turning his body halfway and dragging an empty seat behind him, lowering himself into it.
“What happened this time?” he asks you, his voice low so that none of the other students in the office can overhear.
“Nothin’, just some guys — you know how it is,” you answer truthfully, adjusting the ice pack. You can feel it already melting against your face — you’d have to change it in a little bit.
Megumi lets out a small “tch”, his eyes glazing over with an anger that you were all too familiar with. You already knew what he was planning — or rather, who he was planning to beat within an inch of their life.
“I’m gonna-“
“Can you not this time?” you cut him off. His gaze flickers to yours, stunned at your sudden boldness.
“What?” You almost laugh at how genuinely confused he sounds, but you keep that same stern look on your face. You didn’t want to be the reason why someone went home with a broken nose — or worse.
“I said, can you not this time? I don’t wanna be targeted again because you decided to thrash someone’s face in,” you explain, trying to keep your tone as level as possible. Megumi only stares back at you, looking at you as if you had suddenly sprouted another head.
“I — was just trying to protect you,” he murmurs, already feeling an unfamiliar heat rise to his cheeks.
With another roll of your eyes, you reach a hand out, placing it on top of his head and smiling at him. His eyebrows pinch together in confusion.
“And I appreciate it. But it gets you in trouble,” you remind him. Now it’s his turn to roll his eyes, but oddly enough, he also smiles.
“Yeah, yeah. But are you okay?”
You nod, smiling and removing the ice pack from your eye. He winces at the sight of it, but he doesn’t comment.
“I’m fine. You’re here now, aren’t you?”
The tips of his ears burn pink — but you would never say anything about it. Your odd little protector.
jjk megumi pinning us to a wall and drunk confessing!!!!

Sypnosis - Read above request.
Warning(s) - None besides alcohol consumption.

"Itadori! Have you seen Fushiguro around? I've been looking for him," you say worriedly, silently grabbing onto Itadori's arm and lightly tugging him closer to you, your lips ghosting over his ear so that he could hear you clearly over the too-loud music.
The pink-haired male turns to you, eyes narrowing before his gaze quickly flicks over the entirety of the room – a silent search for the unaccounted for Fushiguro. He shakes his head, his eyes returning to you, irises softening at the worried look that passes over your face.
"I haven't. But the last I saw of him, he was at the bar getting himself and Kugisaki something to drink," Itadori admits, frowning as you release his arm, turning your body halfway so that you can get a better look at the bar.
You smile at him in thanks before weaving your way through the crowd, muttering out "excuse me's" and "pardon me's" as you walk to the bar, leaning against it and peering around in search of Fushiguro, hoping that maybe you had just overlooked him by accident.
But the bar is occupied by random people that you don't know, none of them are Fushiguro. An exasperated sigh leaves your parted lips as you turn from the bar, leaning your back against it and scanning the dance floor.
In the center is Kugisaki, hand-in-hand with Maki and dancing to the upbeat music played by the DJ, who occasionally yells into his microphone to keep the club in full swing. Your lips turn upward in a smile as you continue to allow your gaze to wander about the club.
Finally, you spot that familiar tuft of jet-black hair halfway across the club, haphazardly holding onto a half-empty glass and leaning against one of the booths – one occupied by Yuuta and Inumaki. You find yourself smiling, making your way through the crowd and approaching the booth.
"Fushiguro!" You lift a hand to wave as you move closer to the booth, not failing to notice the gentle pink hue that coats Fushiguro's cheeks – it makes you wonder just how much he had to drink. You hadn't expected him to drink so much, especially considering that he had warned both Itadori and Kugisaki to "take it easy" before any of the four of you had stepped into the club.
He turns to you, stumbling on his feet and placing down the glass that he had been holding, not caring about the high-pitched clink that it makes from how roughly he had set it down. "(Y/N)?"
You giggle lightly, catching him as he walks over to you, hands on his arms to steady him. His eyes flicker up to meet your own, narrowing in order to decipher just who you were before his lips purse. You lift your hand, brushing away a few strands of hair that had fallen over his forehead.
"Yeah, it's me. Why don't we get you some water?" you offer, steering Fushiguro to sit across from Inumaki, then looking around for a waiter who could give you the water that Fushiguro definitely needs.
The raven-haired man shakes his head, fingers clasping around your wrist and tugging you clumsily to the dance floor. You follow, allowing yourself to be dragged around by Fushiguro, though you're definitely confused by his spike in boldness.
"C'mon," Fushiguro mumbles, his voice completely drowned out by the booming music playing over the club's many speakers. Your eyes narrow in confusion as Fushiguro stops just at the edge of the dance floor – located near the back of the club itself.
You tilt your head curiously at Fushiguro, his hands now settled on your hips, fingers lightly squeezing you. Your cheeks flush, shocked at the sudden contact — Fushiguro had never been this direct with anyone let alone you for that matter.
“Megumi?” you inquire, glancing down at the pale hands that hold onto your waist as if you would vanish into thin air should his grip loosen. “Are you okay?”
“M’fine,” he slurs, swallowing the growing lump in his throat as his head drops to the junction between your collarbone and shoulder. “Jus’ wanna be near you.”
You flush from head to toe, feeling your entire body light aflame as Fushiguro pulls you impossibly closer, his grip only tightening around you. You can hear your heart thumping in your ears, pulsating in a way that is borderline uncomfortable.
“Here, let’s go outside,” you say quietly, linking your fingers with Fushiguro’s and leading him to the back entrance of the bar. You push the door open, sighing thankfully as the cold night air licks at your skin like an excited dog — contrasting greatly with the stuffiness inside the bar itself.
Slowly, you lower Fushiguro to sit on one of the small wooden chairs that the bouncer must’ve left outside. You sit down cross-legged on the chair beside Fushiguro, bravely leaning your head against his leg as he remains quiet, simply staring out at the busy road that the back of the bar faces.
“I love you y’know,” Fushiguro says bluntly, not reacting even as you swivel to face him, a look of shock passing over your face at his blatant confession. You stare silently at him, wanting to see if he would continue without you prompting conversation — and continue he does.
“Jus’ everything about you; your smile, your eyes, your demeanor, everything,” Fushiguro finally turns to look at you, staring silently into your awestruck eyes. Your lips tremble, struggling to decide whether they should turn upward in a smile or downward into a frown (likely because you thought that Fushiguro was bullshitting you).
“And I want you to be mine (Y/N). And I want to … to be yours,” Fushiguro says, reaching a hand over and lacing his fingers with your own, squeezing. “Please.”
Chuckling gently, you return the affectionate squeeze of his fingers, leaning up and pressing a fleeting kiss to Fushiguro’s cheek. He stills, watching as you rest back on your legs, keeping your gaze locked with his own.
“Let’s sleep on it, then we’ll talk, yeah?”
Fushiguro nods, closing his eyes and smiling at the lingering warmth that your lips left behind. “Yeah … okay.”
Can I request a fic where someone else confesses to reader infront of Megumi? How would he react thank you!

Sypnosis - A student from Kyoto is a little too bold ... but who is Megumi to say anything without accidentally revealing that he likes you?
Warning(s) - None.

God … he hated Valentine's Day.
But not for the cynical reasons that everyone else seemed to despise Valentine's Day for – no, his loathing for the holiday stemmed mostly from his frustration with himself.
His frustration over not being able to say something … anything … to you. Every time that he thought about it, about confessing to you or saying anything to you about his feelings, it felt like someone had lodged something in his throat. It felt like someone had stolen his ability to speak, locking it away in a tiny metal cage and swallowing the key for its lock.
And it wasn't like Yuuji or Nobara made the situation any better. If anything, they only added fuel to the flame – constantly teasing the poor boy any time that you were in his vicinity. Megumi would have to bite back his growing scowl whenever you approached; knowing that Yuuji and Nobara would smirk at one another and embarrass him in one way or another.
Thank God that you never really noticed … unless you did. Maybe you were just being nice in order to not add to an already bad enough situation (you genuinely had no idea what was going on, Megumi would later find out).
"C'mon Fushiguro, get her something nice and tell her!" Yuuji had told him first thing that morning, leaning against the open doorframe of his dormitory and smiling widely. Megumi bit back his urge to roll his eyes.
"Here, I'll give you everything. All you need to do is speak, yeah?" Nobara had said when he and Yuuji joined her in the school's courtyard. Again, Megumi had bitten back the urge to roll his eyes towards his skull.
It wasn't that he didn't want to tell you, it was just that he had absolutely no idea of how he would be able to stomach your rejection when it inevitably hit him.
"Fushiguro! There you are!"
His head turns at the sound of your voice, the scowl on his face fading almost immediately upon seeing you make your way over to him. You lift your hand in a friendly wave, one that he doesn't hesitate to return.
Yuuji and Nobara exchange knowing looks as you wave to them as well, eyebrows momentarily furrowing together at the snicker that Yuuji hides behind his hand. Even Nobara's smile seems forced, but once again, you don't draw any attention to it.
"Hey (Y/N)," Megumi says with a polite bow of his head, feeling his chest swell at the smile that you flash in his direction. "Gojo didn't send you on a mission today?"
"Nope! I think he was more heartbroken at the fact that Nanami didn't get him any flowers for Valentine's Day," you reply with a dismissive wave of your hand. Yuuji laughs heartily at that, but his laughter is quieted immediately by Nobara smacking her palm against his mouth.
Your eyes flicker to watch as Nobara smiles at you, her eyes closing as she slowly begins to drag the pink-haired boy back into the school.
That leaves you and Megumi alone.
"Oh, I wanted to ask you--"
You lift your head at someone calling out your name, smiling as a visiting second-year from the Kyoto school walks over, his hands closed around a comically large bouquet of vibrant red roses. He smiles at you once he's standing in front of you, not noticing the confused look on your face … or the deepened scowl that had settled over Megumi's features.
"Oh … hello," you say, mustering the politest smile that you could without looking as though you wanted to shove the Kyoto student away. He returns your smile, then shifting the bouquet of flowers forward, silently urging you to take them.
Megumi can feel his heart sink to the depths of his stomach as you take the roses, holding them against your chest to ensure that none of them would fall. You nod your head at the Kyoto student, already feeling an uncomfortable sensation beginning to bubble in your stomach.
"Here, this is for you as well!" Suddenly, a white envelope with a bright red heart scrawled into it is shoved into your free hand. The Kyoto student only smiles wider, watching you through glistening eyes as you chuckle – a chuckle that Megumi immediately pegs as you being uncomfortable.
"Thank you, you're too kind," you reply, still chuckling even as you shift to stow the unopened letter into the pocket of your uniform. The Kyoto student opens his mouth to speak, but his words die on the tip of his tongue at the glare that Megumi shoots in his direction.
"N-no problem," the Kyoto student mumbles out, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck as his gaze flickers between an uncomfortable you and an irate Megumi – whose glare looks as though it could light blazing fires.
And without uttering another word to you, the Kyoto student scurries away.
You turn to Megumi, finally noticing the frown that had settled on his face. "Fushiguro? Everything okay?"
He shakes his head, bringing himself back to reality as he turns his head to catch your awaiting gaze. His eyes dart between you and the flowers that you hold, though he doesn't dare to say anything regarding the roses that are borderline falling from your arms.
"Fine," he answers coldly, lifting his arms to cross them over his chest. You furrow your eyebrows for a moment, then a knowing smile curls the corners of your mouth upward.
"You know, I was hoping to get flowers from someone else today," you say with a little shrug of your shoulders, already bending to place down the bouquet of roses. Megumi's eyebrow perks, eyes following you as you fold your hands behind your back and cheekily smile at him.
Megumi's frown only seems to deepen at your words, the letter he had written for you suddenly feeling as heavy as stones where it sat in his jacket pocket.
"Yeah? Who?" Megumi dares to ask, feeling his anger double at the sight of your smile widening.
You giggle, already reaching into your pocket for something – removing a small black box with the letter 'M' engraved into its thick fabric. He stills, staring down at it, puzzled.
Hesitantly, Megumi reaches out, taking the box from you and opening it. Inside is a silver ring, and turning it over reveals a little message engraved into the silver.
Megumi <3
His cheeks immediately flush a bright shade of red, the tips of his ears burning as his gaze returns to you. Your lips are turned upward in a smile, this one soft and gentle – the one that crinkles the corners of your eyes and makes your smile lines stand out.
"Do you like it?" Megumi flushes again at the sound of your breathy chuckle. It was cute to you, how he was admiring the ring while simultaneously trying to catch your gaze.
His fingers snap the box shut, arms lifting to wrap themselves around you. You let out a shocked yelp as you're tugged against Megumi's chest, his face hiding itself into your hair as he squeezes at you with a strength you had no idea he possessed.
You chuckle after a moment, finally lifting your arms to return his embrace. He relaxes upon feeling you around him, closing his eyes and simply savoring the feeling of you.
"I like you too, by the way," you whisper into his ear, smiling as he pulls back just enough to glance at you. His face reddens impossibly further, but he finds himself smiling nonetheless.
Maybe Valentine's Day wasn't that bad after all.