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Gearing Up!
--- Originally posted by ZacharyEverlust@DA on 2014-11-07 ---
"Dude seriously, you rock!" I smiled, him getting me the limited edition "Rock You" headband of Sol Badguy was the greatest present he could ever gave me.
"Haha no problem man!" He smiled, Zach was an awesome guy despite being slightly peculiar in his obsession with his "stories", I never got to read them much...although some of them were quite interesting.
Ring Ring Ring!
"There goes the bell! See ya later Sean!" He made his way off to his lesson, literature of course. Leaving me to well...suffer, after all, it's P.E. I was never one to exercise frequently, although I managed to keep moderately fit, the rest of the jocks in my class ace the lesson in flying colours. Why do you ask I am in the same class as jocks? I don't know? Maybe its cause my Science is so poorly done that I'm classified with them.
Oh damn it, I'm going to be late...
I quickly changed into a white tee and blue jeans as I made my way to the school's outdo-
"You're late Sean Baker." The Coach humbly replied, and whenever she spouted words so gently like that, it means that someone's in trouble. And it's me.
"You know the drill right?" She smiled, whoever is late by more than five minutes have to run 2 laps around the gigantic track field or until class's dismissed, and if the coach isn't satisfied, you'll have to do 'make-up' sessions after school. Goddamn my luck. I could hear the giggles and snickers of the girls and the football team as I began to jog, trying my best to conserve my energy by not being annoyed by their taunts.
"Huff Puff" I began to jog, normally I wouldn't be one to exercise, but I guess I'm kind of forced to while the others play "simple" games. As I made my way to a quarter of the track, I felt the cool wind pressed against my skin.
"Huff Puff" I began to jog more, increasing my pace every minute, I'm not sure why but the more I jogged, moving my legs, it seemed to be easier and easier every second. "This...isn' bad..." I muttered, not noticing shreds of the sleeves of my tee-shirts beginning to fly off with one large RRRRRRIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPP!. Forming into a large, sleeveless, black undershirt with a white cross imprinted on it.
The Changes continued as jeans began to change in colour, turning a pure white in contrast to my shirt, thought becoming slightly baggy. My blue sneakers began to morph into red shoes that were larger and huger than what I used to wear, but allowing me to run faster than ever.
One Lap completed. I can hear the gossiping behind my back as I made my way around the second one, though I can see some of them having shocked expressions. Could it be because I'm faster than usual? U shrugged it off as I continued jogging, no, running.
As I made my way around the next lap, unknowingly, a belt began to form around my waist, tightening by the minute in order to support my new attire, with a belt buckle with the words "FREE" implemented on it. Finally, as the wind grew stronger and stronger, it began to materialise a jacket, a red sleeveless jacket, wrapping around my body tightly.
As I began to finish the lap, I finally realised my changed attire...and my improved body. It had a tan which symbolised glory and fitness while enough muscles to maintain the image slightly, and enough muscles to carry me around the two laps...without much effort.
"Whoa! You think your superman?" The Coach laughed, pointing to my new outfit which exposed several parts of my body, which in the past isn't a good thing, but now...
A handful of muscle began to show on the exposed areas, as though I've been working out for quite a while. And with today's progress, I doubt it's just the areas that were exposed. I assume that probably underneath the new fabric lies more lean muscle, which allowed me to succeed in today's "challenge".
"No way, your outfit really shows." A bimbo-tic cheerleader leaned on my arm as she continued to repeatedly squeeze, feeling and enjoying my developing muscles of each of my arms. Although they aren't as big, they do have some definition in them.
"Maybe you should join the football team." The captain nudges my shoulder, pleased with the progress and success I managed to accomplish in today's lesson. I guess this weird change did bring more good than bad, good thing neither of them suspected anything fishy going around in my body.
"Alright Class DISSMISSED!" The Coach yelled from the corner as the students one by one went back into the school, leaving the outdoor gigantic field track, each giving me a glance, with the occasional smirk and hi-fives as they left to their next lesson. " lesson down...what's next?" I heaved a sigh of relief, good that everything went well just now, I can only hope this lasts for the rest of the lessons.
Reading the time table with my han.... "Oh shit! There's a test today!" I groaned, I didn't study at all yesterday, and what's worse, is that it's my worst subjects. Sighing as I made my way to the classroom, or should I say, my "hell room".
"Alright Students! You may begin." The Teacher proudly announced as every student began penning down their name, while I'm just searching and scanning for answers in my brain, I need a miracle to even pass this paper.
"Crap Science" I sighed, another one of the challenges of life, not knowing that the headband would help me out even further. I picked up my pen with my left hand...wait, I thought I was right-handed? "Well never mind about that." I thought, as I gracefully wrote down my name onto the piece of test paper, having a better penmanship than before. "Sean Baker." I said, as I finished off the finishing touches of my name and began reading the questions. Unknowingly, more things are about to change over time.
Belts beginning to form around each bicep, tightening by every minute as the clock ticked and ticked. They began to constrict the veins within my arms, removing every imperfection and bacteria which hindered muscle growth. As the process continued, his arms began to swell more and more as the snakes continue to suck the fats out of him, leaving only a chunk of muscle that has the potential to grow.
"Gosh darn it!" I continued to write while bearing the weird sensation on his arms, there was only fifteen minutes left and he could not afford to waste any minute wincing or screaming for attention. He began to sweat, his body began to sweat as he oozed out more and more of his frustration and weakness, as well as any flaw or lack of knowledge of the subject. He began to answer the quiz in record time, not hesitating to slam down the remaining answers with his bare thickening hands.
"Phew! I wonder why I took that long. Although wasn't Science my weakest subject?" I thought to myself as I scanned through the paper for any errors, rectifying them before the bell rang. Unknowingly, the more I thought, the more knowledge began to flow into my head through the headband, even more than the basic subject, skills of engineering, building up machines, and even some skills like sword wielding came to mind. Despite that, there was a side effect I didn't know of, Age Progression.
"Pens down!" The teacher suddenly called, startling me in my thought process, causing me to crush my pen to pieces. "Huh?" I opened my left hand, watching the bits of pieces fall, and the ink smudges drip from my hands. Immediately, my hands were tucked deep into my pockets, deciding to sort it out later than explain it to my friends. Not questioning my much bigger and beefier arms despite them being more prominent than the crushed pen.
Everyone handed in their tests to the teacher before leaving, I followed in suit, trying to blend in with the crowd as I throw away the bits and pieces as I made my way to the bathroom. Not noticing my height increasing along the way, up to 184cm above 6ft tall even, rivalling a basketball. "Crap what's going on?" I began to wash the ink off my dominant hand, finally noticing their new size as...wait, huh?
The ink began spreading wildly on my left hand as I desperately attempt to wash it off with water, sadly it was my biggest mistake. The ink caught hold of my right hand as began to do the same as it did for my left hand, it began to crawl up my arm until it just before reaches my biceps. Materializing as the ink remained as deep black while solidifying until it becomes pure, smooth leather. The ink begins to form a complete shape, turning into thick, huge leather gloves with his non-dominant hand's fingers being slightly exposed, and forming finger-less gloves on the right, normal gloves on the left.
"Whoa!" I stared in astonishment, it's not every day that your hair changes, ace-ing P.E. even though your body is above average, flawlessly completing a science test despite it being the opposite of...well me. Little did I know as I thought of those imperfections, the belts constricting my chest, my waist, the ones on my arms began to glow and pulsate over my whole body.
First was my hair as "raven to brunette" was just the beginning of the change. My hair began to grow longer and longer, until it reached the side of my thighs. As it began to twist and turn, tieing a huge pony tail around the end of my neck. As it becomes tighter, my hair begins to puff up wildly, developing spikes throughout my mane until it was like a hedgehog. "Seriously?" I began to feel my spiked hairdo, feeling a sharp piercing sensation. "Ugh, better not do that again..."
The Second stage has arrived as the belts throughout my body continued to constrict, as though they are multiplying in number near the red drape around my buckle and white jeans. My muscles itched, ached, and began to expand and grow.
First were my legs and feet as they began to toughen up, not just made for running long distances, pressing and leaving imprints on each jean, clearly showing that I have well-defined, muscular trunks holding each feet? Speaking of feet, they began to grow fittingly to the shoes I'm wearing. My pectorals and abs became harder and harder along with my nearly fully developed biceps, giving me a really buff look which seemed like one of an extreme bodybuilder.
Finally, the remaining knowledge of...Gears? And...battling? It's as though I've been battling this whole time, as though I'm meant for battle...Huh?
I ran out of the restroom, trying to avoid the crowd and stares (even some drooling fan girls), as I made my way to my friend.
And Of course, he wasn't any help. Despite my various attempts of reasoning with him, he just seemed to "play dumb" and act as though nothing has been happening, I can feel like I'm growing older, with a matured body and face, as I continue to talk to him.
"Dude, you must be imagining things, you looked completely the same as you did since morning." Zach stared at me with confusion...grrr, godamn it Zach! Frustration boiling in my head as I began to age, becoming older than a guy in his late thirties, heck, I sworn that this body was older than that. Although my features said otherwise, I still looked younger, like a bodybuilder just out of his late twenties, or probably less than that. Probably anyone would agree on the second part...except Zach, damn his obliviousness.
"Zach if you are not going to help me, I'm going to leave." My voice sounding deep and gruff as I walked away from him, he wouldn't understand even if I tried responding to him. "Sean I..."His voice trailing off into nothingness as I walked further and further away... ...
...Huh? What's this? Where am I?
"Reality transportation...check."
A voice came nearby.
"Transformation complete...check."
It became louder and louder as a silhouette of a man started to appear before me.
"Mental change...not check."
I recognise him...he is the man known as...Ky Kiske...
"Sol! So glad to finally meet you once more." The Blonde smiled earnestly, as he placed an arm on my shoulder and began to lead me away to...where are we going? He seemed rather pleased with himself, and although I would like to interrupt him, I feel like best if I don't do so.
"Welcome Sol, to my laboratory!" Kiske proudly announced to Sol, not caring that he was slightly out of character to what he was portrayed in the anime. "You'll be working here until your adjustments are complete." Ky handed me a sword...wait, what's it called? Fireseal? Yeah it's the sword Sol would normally carry around in his...battles...Wait, what?
"You must feel a little confused right now, don't worry, in time you'll don't have to worry about THAT other realm anymore." Ky replied calmly, what is he talking about? The OTHER world? Does he mean the world I live in, Earth? Where is this place? Why am I here? But I can't, I'm trapped here aren't I? And they only way out is through that man.
"But I..." I tried to respond and deny him, as a last desperate attempt to stay in the human world, and possibly to be normal aga... "Doesn't the sword give you a purpose in life? Didn't you seek for one so badly?" Ky Kiske smirked as he touched the sword, causing my hand to grip it ever so tightly as though it gives me though it's truly mine.
And honestly...I think Ky Kiske is right, with this sword I don't need to be what I was before, it's better that they just disappear over time...and I become Sol Badguy...unfortunately that may never happen, but I will do my best to adjust anyway, as I played the music on my iPod, I continued my training to defeat the man, even if I don't have a personal grudge against him, Sol does not me...but I will do my best to fulfil his duty.
Well, Time to Rock!
Well this isn't so bad, I mean, I used to hate exercising but this music makes it a whole lot better, now I can see why Sol enjoys the queen so much, it allows him to pump iron all day and fight these simulations of Dizzy, Justice, even Ky Kiske himself. He's an awesome guy I suppose, at least that's what I think.
Well it doesn't matter, I'm rocking in these tests, and I've even mastered the fireseal I thought it would be impossible to accomplish, heck, I'm in bullet Heaven. The tunes and jams of the Queen began to replay in my head from every day's work out, it is an awesome band isn't it? Modern Day pop being replaced with The Queen's singles that lasted for over a decade, not like that shit those youngsters listen to is cool to be honest.
Shit, this is getting boring, doing the same routine every day, I think I even caught myself talking back to those simulations. Hell, what can I do? Ky Kiske made some amazing simulations, even with some effort given to him...well what can I do? These battles are wearing me out, it ain't fun doing the same thing every day. Even with my advanced knowledge of gears and the field of science can't really do much when you are bored to death, with only the Queen's rock keeping you sane.
My patience running thin as I fought endless amount of battles. Each opponent would constantly blabber about nonsense that serves no purpose, which really ticks me off. Some people say my attitude began changing to one of a rude and cocky individual, as he spoke little to nothing besides making taunts and witty comments about their appearances. Tch, they're just jealous I'm much stronger than them.
Heh, although, I find it more bearable whenever I respond to them and shout out commands when I fight them, heck, it's quite fun actually.
Although, I did learn to actually feel for others more though...I really understand what they've been through. Like Dizzy, heh, that brat said I've developed a heart as big as my muscles. Well I wouldn', I made sure to show mercy to those who deserved better, it's all That Man's fault after all. I may be a Bounty Hunter, but I ain't one to take the life of a being who truly did no wrong.
Wait...wasn't I called Sean? No, I've been Sol Badguy, the one and only bounty hunter all this time haven't I? Heh, I must be dreaming. I used to say I worried about losing myself, becoming someone different from what I truly am, but wasn't I, me, this whole time? I scoffed, a big strong gear just like myself shouldn't worry over such trivial things, and it just gives me a headache.
Ky Kiske smiled, he finally managed to seal the last bit of transformation in order to balance the time and space. Of Course he wasn't really THE Ky Kiske, but rather, just an observer before he is sent back to the real world with the rest of the Crusaders. He laughed as he opened up the portal, back to the dimension of the dimension with the real Guilty Gears, who said memory alteration wouldn't happen with all the band's music he's been listening in my lab. "However even if he tried, the memories lost were like files deleted from a computer. Of course, Sol Badguy didn't even bother trying. After all..."
Can't you shut your mouth for a second, punk? I've got gears to rust.
"And there goes Se...Sol Badguy, the newly improved one." Zach smirked, knowing his plan has been finally completed.