Gay Skins - Tumblr Posts

Today I decided to be just me. No fancy pose and/or statement. Just me and rubber.

No caption needed.
Your POV always: Focus your eyes on the essential. I know for sure you want to lick my bulge.

The shorter the leash, the higher the obedience. Dare to contradict me!

Just because it's Sunday, I'm that nice to show you the dirt. Actually, it's your job to make sure my boots stay clean.

I am not the biggest smiler. But sometimes I try.

You should know by now how to greet me appropriately

What could be the next phase here? What would happen? Tell me...
Ready, set, go!!!

You know what's going to happen, don't you?

There is no shame being leashed. I show everyone the real you.

You need the hard way? Fine by me

I'll chain you to the fence and you'll wait until I get back!
Do not trust my angel eyes. This is a well-meant warning!!!