Gene X Nubsib - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
How Lovely Writer Exposes The Damaging Effects Of Fanservice And RP Shipping For BL Performers:
How Lovely Writer Exposes The Damaging Effects Of Fanservice And RP Shipping For BL Performers:
How Lovely Writer Exposes The Damaging Effects Of Fanservice And RP Shipping For BL Performers:
How Lovely Writer Exposes The Damaging Effects Of Fanservice And RP Shipping For BL Performers:
How Lovely Writer Exposes The Damaging Effects Of Fanservice And RP Shipping For BL Performers:

How Lovely Writer exposes the damaging effects of fanservice and RP shipping for BL performers:

This scene was featured in episode twelve was so chilling....

Effectively, Nubsib was giving both the fans and Aey what they wanted but it really showed the lasting damage that fanservice and the act of shipping actors together can cause.

The pain is clear on Aey’s, even though he was getting exactly what he ‘wanted’. He was so desperate for love and attention that he was willing to do anything for it, even compromising Gene and Nubsib’s relationship. Nubsib gave Aey a taste of his own manipulative medicine though and Aey felt the disgust and fake ness that he so often instilled in others bubble up inside of him because of Nubsib putting on an ‘act’.

If this is the kind of things that fictional characters go through in this situation, imagine how difficult it must be in real life for these actors to navigate this bizarre aspect of the BL industry. How could it NOT leak into their personal lives and potentially wound their relationships with their acting partners?

The thin and grey area that fanservice and RP shipping creates is beyond what these performers should have to deal with. They are actors and the fact that they have to continue to “act” beyond the realm of their shows so that it often bleeds into their personal lives is a bizarre expectation of the fans, the production companies and also the companies that sell products through the platform of BL.

And yet, so many actors participate in it because it’s a part of the industry that is so prevalent. It has just become an expectation when one enters the industry. Lovely Writer does such an incredible job of showcasing the negative effects and imposition that this creates for the performers.

Some would argue that actors know what they are ‘signing up for’ when they enter the BL industry but those are the same people who don’t have empathy for how invasive and high pressure the fandom, production companies and marketing teams are...

Actors should be allowed to be their authentic selves when the camera stops rolling, not be forced by their contracts to be in love with a co-star just to sell whatever makeup or spicy snack that sponsors the show.

Lovely Writer’s existence is hopefully one small step in the right direction but it’s also up to us, as viewers of the genre, to remain vigilant and critical of the media we choose to support.

Sure, these shows are made for entertainment purposes but remember that the people behind the shows are just as human as we are...

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