Gentle Caretaker - Tumblr Posts
"You- you know how you, uhm... p-petted my hair the other day?"
Whumpee swallowed nervously, practically bouncing on the balls of their feet as they worked up the courage to spit out their question. "Do you th-think you could do it again? It made me feel so nice... and safe..."
Caretaker smiled instantly, petting the seat beside them as an invitation for Whumpee to come sit down with them. Then, after they were properly seated and comfortable, Caretaker let their hand come trailing down Whumpee's head, right to the back of their neck a few times.
"Of course I can. Like this?"
If Whumpee could have purred, they would.
"Yes," they whispered, resting the side of their face against Caretaker's outer thigh as the gentle head pets continued. "Thank you so much."