Gerald Irl Swag - Tumblr Posts

Gerald Irl Swag Lol Hoping To Make This A Series But Oh Well We'll See

Gerald irl swag lol hoping to make this a series but oh well we'll see

Ignore how cluttered this looks tbh the shirt and shorts designs were kinda important (the short one is cassettes btw I'm just shit at drawing that kinda stuff)

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I Can't Be Bothered To Actually Do The Shirt Design On This One But It's The Same As The Last One

I can't be bothered to actually do the shirt design on this one but it's the same as the last one

I'll probably make this into my official sona outfit who knows 😭😭

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Stupid Black Shirt With Random Japanese Writing AND IT HAS A HUGE FISH ON THE BACK (5 Days)

Stupid black shirt with random Japanese writing AND IT HAS A HUGE FISH ON THE BACK (5 days)

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So I've Dumped All Of My Drawings In My Instagram I'm Not Captioning Anything Actually And I'm Still

so I've dumped all of my drawings in my Instagram 😭😭 I'm not captioning anything actually and I'm still gonna have tumblr as my main media but I just thought I'd let y'all folks know :3 I think I'm just gonna have it as an archive lol

On a separate note NEW IRL GERALD PFP???? Damn my hair color was so hard to nail right what with the dye already fading (it was blue)

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COOKINGGGGGGG It's Morning Now And After A Good Night's Sleep I'm Clear Headed And Ready To Get On With

COOKINGGGGGGG it's morning now and after a good night's sleep I'm clear headed and ready to get on with this project huehuehuehue

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Should I Do Closeups Now? Xd Preview Of What You Can Get Thru The Gacha LOLOLOL I'll Do Individual Ones

Should I do closeups now? Xd preview of what you can get thru the gacha LOLOLOL I'll do individual ones for the actual pulls but Idk I need input help 😭

COOKINGGGGGGG It's Morning Now And After A Good Night's Sleep I'm Clear Headed And Ready To Get On With

COOKINGGGGGGG it's morning now and after a good night's sleep I'm clear headed and ready to get on with this project huehuehuehue

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