Get Some Sleep Johnny Boy - Tumblr Posts
Come to Bed
John Donovan X Reader
Warnings: None, this pretty fluffy and sweet. I just think donovan needs some sleep.

Coming home to the TV still on, and the news still playing was not an irregular occurrence. The coffe pot looked to have been refilled during the day, otherwise it would have been empty. Stepping further into the Motel Room it was then worry started to build in you chest, if he wasn’t sleep on the couch then where was he?
The feeling of worry quickly went away when you picked up the sound of the News playing on the tv. Coming to the office door Donovan was still in the same place you had left him this morning. Standing in his office, red sharpie in hand, circling faces and drawing arrows on what you assumed where photos for lincoln.
What Donovan was doing for lincoln was the same as what you would do for your own. This revenge plot would take time and hard work of course, and you knew that. It’s just, you really were hoping it wasn’t at the expense of donovan’s health and already terrible sleep schedule.
Leaning against the door frame you took a closer look at him. He looked... disheveled at best. At least he had undressed from when you left him this morning! Boxers and the t-shirt was always what it came down to when he wanted to be comfy. Yes he was cute but he looked so tired, his eyes were puffy and just a little baggy.
You made use of the lack of attention yiu has gather from him, and quickly went to go hang up your stuff and put your things from work away. Taking off you shoes was the final step and then you crossed the threshold into his office. He was really into what ever he was reading. But it was time for him to get to bed. And it was time for you as well.
When you stepped around his chair and wrapped your arms around his chest, It seemed like it was the first time he truly noticed the fact that you were home. He heard you come through the door, he felt you eyes watch him, and felt them dissappear when you went you put your things down, so he knew you were home but was truly to tired to express his joy. In fact when exactly did the sun go down? His train of thought was quickly derailed when he felt you pressing kisses against his neck. That combined with your hands moving slowly along his shoulders he could have fallen asleep right then and there.
And then it all stopped. you pulled his root chair out from under the desk and spun him around to face you. oops. he had no where to run.
Finally he spoke “Hello darling, light of my life, my sugar, honey, and iced tea how lovely it is to-“
“ why are you still where i left you this morning?”
“Excuse me but i happen to be very comfo-“
“How long have you just been sitting here john?”
“ for exactly how long you think I did... but yes since you left me this morning but I just got really into this one case and was about to-“
“So in other word you know it’s time for you to get some sleep, yeah? “
He was about to argue some more but stopped when he felt you slip your arms from off the back of his chair. It was this that made him realize how tired he really was. He suddenly wasn’t as comfortable anymore and decided that he would get up and join you in bed once and for all.
He got up and followed you through the door into the other room. And then unceremoniously dropped face first into the bed. You changed into something to sleep in and then took it upon your self to turn off the lights around you, on both sides of the bed. And finally slipped into the bed along side him.
You weren’t in the bed for more than a minute before you felt him shift over so he could hold you in his arms You felt his arms wrap around you protectively and went ahead and put your face right over his chest. If this is all it took to get him in to bed and sleeping, then you could live with that.