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June - Monthly Drabble
“Try it,” he scoffed, then coughed from the dust rising. “The unevenness has caused more of us to fall in these pits—and only few make it out to be reincarnated.”
“I—” Her throat closed. “I don’t understand.”
“You don’t need to,” with a wry smile, he leaned back against the decaying bones. “Just make yourself comfortable for another month or so and hope for the best. When they’re done killing each other, then try to negotiate with the gods and make it out.”
“You want to just die?”
“Turn around,” he muttered. “I wouldn’t even wish that on my worst enemy.”

taglist: @hahaha-darn-it @hadhafang @ramblings-of-teen-angst @mschvs @aajames217 @bamboozled-boi @luckyricochet @catharticallysarcastic @decamilue @theblueslytherin @tatyhend @tinyoonsblog @vsmith0099 @midnightsora @cupcakesxdomjoon @likeshatteredrainbowglass @scuzmunkie @kookiwu @xjiminsthighsx @dreadity @lovelytaes-blog @noooodlllleeee @ggukkieland @namjoonshug @angelarin @jaiuneamesolitaiire @acsycharm @hollyweird0 @yourtmblrgirlfriend @hesmyphenominiall @decamilue