Ghost Fanart - Tumblr Posts
just finished the ghoul page ™️I literally spent hours on this lmao

4 Papas and a Cardinal

Bunch of Swiss doodles as well

Just a little cardi doodle from 4 in the morning loll

Mountain ghoul with his money makers out. This is mostly a joke (insert skull emoji here)

Dew sketch dump 2/2

I always find it funny how different people can be on stage compared with real life, i obviously don't clame to know who Sodo is outside of ghost, far from it, but just seeng his interactions with fans, he looks like a genuinly kind and sweet person, and that, in comparison with the mean gremlin energy he gives on stage makes it all the better, it shows how talented they are not only as musicians but also has actors and entertainers.
That being said, please guys always be respectful, you will never really know the people you idolize or cheer for, enjoy the content they make and what they decide to share, and never cross the line, what they do and who they are outside of it is non of our buisnes, respect they bounderies and privacy and always be kind :)
I don't enjoy dooing disclamers but i fealt it was necessary, sorry, I just want to see them all happy.
Ok changing it up from sleep token we have some silly ghouls :) this is a little different from what I normally do but phantom as phantom of the opera was a friends idea

And last but not least we have Rain and Arther being the best of friends. I still miss our silly banana ghoul

a papa sketch that never came to fruition 💔💔

"He's a little possessive."

I caved

Low-key I read this a long time ago, but this bl manga gives off ghostsoap vibes.

I hate lineart it's annoying seriously.

Finished! I had fun trying to figure out text fonts in Ibspaint for this.
This man has given me back the desire to draw after months of not being able to do so. Bless him.
