Ghosts Incoherent Rambling - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
I Need To Ramble Incoherently For A Minute, Cause This Game. This Fucking Game. I Was But A Tiny Child

I need to ramble incoherently for a minute, Cause this game. This fucking game. I was but a tiny child (9-10) when it came out, and it has caused my brain to become a nuclear wasteland. I've been asked about how I write characters and how I keep them in character, and I 100% blame undertale for how I write and understand characters.

I've always loved the multiverse theory. I ALWAYS have, and Undertale combined with my brain in a way that made that obsession with universes and shit absolutely wreck how I view media and the world around me. The multiverse to me is no longer just "an alternate version of you", because you, as an individual, are not that important on a cosmic scale. In fact, you're the least unremarkable thing in existence. So why would the multiverse just be earth? Repeated over and over and over again? Why do the bounds of reality have to be the same every time?

Undertale ended up convincing me that the characters in every media I consume are, on some level, real- that- While I'm reading their story, they exist in a multiverse outside our own. Their stories are real, maybe not down to the exact wording, but they do in fact exist on a cosmic scale. Your actions might just be tied to a game or a book, but you're still seeing these characters that originally come from an alternate universe on your screen or in writing. They're real, even if in this reality, they aren't.

Every time I write, I'm not writing a character, I'm writing a person. Someone who has friends and family and morals. Someone who has gone through traumatic events, someone who has gone through highs and lows, a person. Even if a character I'm writing has a very standard one note trait, the character themself is not one note. I can't stop myself from giving them morals, from making them complex, because they aren't just a character to me, they're a real, genuine person.

Toby Fox is a master at making simple characters complex and interesting, of making each character stand out and act as a person, as well as creating games, worlds, that accept that they exist alongside our universe, inadvertently making it so that everything that happens in the real world is diagetic to the world of his games, and that has done irreversible damage to my psyche in a way that makes this entire post redundant because I can barely even get my point across without sounding like I'm tripping balls.

Toby Fox you fucking mad man. I hope that your woes are few and your bitches many.

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