Ghostsona - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Its Luigis Mansion (3) Hours So You Know I Gotta Make A Ghostsona
Its Luigis Mansion (3) Hours So You Know I Gotta Make A Ghostsona

It’s Luigi’s Mansion (3) hours so you know I gotta make a Ghostsona

Aight, so this is Alley the Art Ghost 

(Her name’s supposed to be a pun/joke on Artist Alley at Conventions)

She’s a Demigirl who uses She/Her pronouns mostly, she works in both traditional and digital mediums and she also knits when she’s not in the mood for drawing. She’s an amateur/beginning artist and hands are her worse nightmare...

She likes to wear big oversized hoodies, and she wears a paint stained tank-top under her hoodie. She’s got 240 HP and she was 16 when she died.

She died by choking to death on a HUGE wad of gum in her mouth, she was listening to a podcast whilst drawing and someone cracked an unexpected joke and she didn’t have time to move the gum in her mouth so when she sucked in to get more air she swallowed her gum and her parents weren’t home to help her so she bit the dust.

I haven’t decided if 1.) I’m gonna make her a ‘resident’ of the Last Resort yet, and 2.) Figure out her backstory as to how she ended up there

For now she’s a ghost who found her way to the Last Resort after the events of Luigi’s Mansion 3

She’s also probably gonna also exist outside of the LM3 Universe

I’m also gonna start uploading both traditional and digital art because, not gonna lie I kinda like drawing traditionally again, too bad I’m bad at drawing people ;v;

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5 years ago
Oof, @creepychippy Had Made Super Cute Fanart Of My Ghostsona, So I Decided To Make Art Of HER Ghostsona,
Oof, @creepychippy Had Made Super Cute Fanart Of My Ghostsona, So I Decided To Make Art Of HER Ghostsona,

Oof, @creepychippy had made super cute fanart of my ghostsona, so I decided to make art of HER Ghostsona, Sarah!

The headshot is supposed to be a reference to Boo’s and how when you look at them they get shy and flustered and Sarah here is shy, anxious-bean

(You can check out their Ghostsona: Here! )

(Why did God have to make hands so freaking hard to draw????)

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5 years ago


I’ve been meaning to draw something for the last few days but had art block, so I made this instead. I might do more ‘serious’ art tomorrow but idk...

Originally the top half was gonna have more drawing of Alley clapping then going “Everyone’s Favorite Soft Boi” but for the life of me I can draw arms over the body...

(I plan to try and draw some boss ghosts tomorrow, hopefully)

Also have Alley and Sarah (Creepychipppy’s Ghostsona) sinfully giggling. What are they giggling about? Idk, maybe they saw someone fall, or maybe they’re about to commit crimes™, who knows? I sure don’t.

(Soft Boi comes from- HERE! If you want to listen, it’s weird)

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5 years ago

For the oc dress up thing, @hotelmist's Coraline

Here we go anon!

For The Oc Dress Up Thing, @hotelmist's Coraline

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4 years ago

Making this was super fun and actually helped me figure out Blues ghost ability


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3 years ago

Pauline the Ghost

"Oh hello! How are you today, friend?"

Pauline The Ghost

Name: Pauline

Species: Ghost, Human(former)

Abilities: Poltergeist things

Died cause: Death from overwork

Gender: Cisgender-Female-, Bisexual

Loves to talk with her friends, work, and collecting the stuffed animal.

is too kind for everyone, even they're mean for her.

yeah, she's a sucker.

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