Glad This Line Doesnt Give Away Anything - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Ahhhh love this tag @sunshinejunghoseokie!

From my upcoming Hogwarts collab fic, Chameleon Boy:

“What do you say, Nerd?”

Also tagging @hyungieyoongi @alpacaparkaseok, as well as @joyfulhopelox and @mochi-molala!

WIP Chain Gang

i was tagged by the lovely @water-writings thank you Mel!!!

tagging: @twinmasks @thesunsummonerr @darknightfrombeyond @oreostars @myoc-eansmind @starcrossedjedis @ceruleanmusings @fiercefray @inkoutsidethelines

Rules: Write the latest line from your wip and tag as many people as there are words in the line. I didn’t have as many people to tag as there are words so if you’d like to play then feel free to tag me and try it out for yourself!

“Taking advantage, Kay slipped away, eager to confront Deathstroke.”

Tags :