Glassy House - Tumblr Posts

12 years ago

I would love a house like this. Minimalist, sharp features with a lot of light. Plus its in Sweden, where everything is modern. The location is a bit creepy though. 

I remember going to the movies to see the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I specifically remember the scene where Daniel Craig's character is in the kitchen, drinking wine out of those fancy canisters, and enjoying the hosts' company. The glass windows, white floors and bare walls intrigued me. Could I really live in a house with absolutely no privacy? Would I feel comfortable enough to walk around naked? To be alone there? It makes me wonder why I like this house, and why others do as well. Maybe its because the house is so innovative and modern, and I would like to develop those qualities in myself by surrounding myself with it. It may make me feel more important, but there is no innate warmth to it. The glossy veneer may be barren inside. Nonetheless, it is stunning.

The Glassy House FromThe Girl With The Dragon Tattoo- Home To A Member Of The Mysterious Vanger Family

The Glassy House from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - “Home to a member of the mysterious Vanger family in David Fincher’s American adaptation of Stieg Larsson’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, this slick modern house is no figment of a set designer’s imagination, but rather a very real, and very cool, private residence on the outskirts of Stockholm, Sweden.”

via Curbed.

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