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4 years ago

Creator Tag Game 2020

Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your five (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many artists/writers/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!

I was tagged by the delightful @tigerlilycorinne, whom I thank for including me in this game. You can find her post here. It actually wasn’t too difficult to narrow down the works I was most proud of from 2020. It was a rather prolific year for me! They’re all Harry Potter fics, by the way. Without further ado, here’s my list:

You Fill My Empty Spaces

Pairing: Snarry (Harry Potter/Severus Snape) for the 2020 Snarry-a-Thon Rating: Explicit Highlights: Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Demisexuality, Smut, Top Severus, Bottom Harry, Making Out, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Begging, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Aftercare, Angst with a Happy Ending Warnings: Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Past Child Abuse Word Count: 7.7k

I’m rather proud of this fic because I consider fluff and smut to be more my forte, but I managed some pretty convincing angst if I do say so myself. This was also my first ‘official’ fest fic. Previously I’d only participated in a small Discord server gift exchange, so this was not only my first time writing Snarry but also my first time writing amongst people I didn’t know. It was an amazing experience, and I hope to participate again in 2021.

Gifts for Stylish Gits and Reckless Heroes

Pairing: Drarry (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter) for A Very Drarry Secret Santa 2019 Rating: Explicit Highlights: Fluff, Smut, Mutual Pining, Gift Fic, Secret Santa, Found Family, Christmas, Draco Malfoy is a Brat, Harry Potter is a Tease, Boys Kissing, Dry Humping, Hand Jobs, more kissing, Dirty Talk, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Begging, Anal Sex, Did I mention the kissing?, Love Confessions, Sleepy Cuddles, Happy Ending, HP: EWE, POV Alternating Warnings: none Word Count: 13.7k

This was my very first HP fic, my first Drarry, and my first time participating in any kind of fest or gift exchange all at once. So a lot of firsts here! I also blew my deadline on this one spectacularly. Like.. it was awful. I was a month late. But! My extremely forgiving fest mod @triggerlil couldn’t have been more fantastic throughout the whole process. This fic was a real labor of love, and I’m incredibly proud of how well I got the characterizations of both Harry and Draco down on my first attempt. I also have a soft spot for my OC Sebastien Toussaint, who is a minor character but still managed to earn some fans of his own, which I remain tickled about to this day.

Head Full of You

Pairing: Drarry for Very Drarry Summer Vibes 2020 Rating: Explicit Highlights: HP: EWE, Soulmates, Soulmarks, Summer Vacation, Beach Holidays, Meddling Blaise Zabini, Roommates, Flirting, Banter, Stargazing, Skinny Dipping, Boys Kissing, Love Confessions, more kissing, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, Frottage, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Sleepy Cuddles, They have terrible friends, but not really, Idiots In Love, POV Harry Potter, Song fic Warnings: Light Angst Word Count: 10.6k

This was my second gift exchange fic, and the plot pretty much wrote itself when I saw my giftee’s prompt list. I liked them so much that I couldn’t choose and ended up including them all! I’m really proud of the humor in this. I think the teasing and banter is pretty good, and in case anyone hasn’t figured this out by now I’m rather fond of both smut and love confessions (not to mention sleepy cuddles).

These Scars We Bare

Pairing: Snarry for Taste of Smut Fest 2020 Rating: Explicit Highlights: HP: EWE, Severus Snape Lives, Friends to Lovers, POV Harry Potter, Photographer Harry, Photograpy, magical photography, Scars, Tea, Banter, Snark, Making Out, Enthusiastic Consent, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Dirty Talk, More Making Out, Love Confessions, Schmoop, Fluff and Smut, Happy Ending, sight Warnings: none Word Count: 8k

I think this is probably my favorite title of any of my fics, which is odd considering I usually groan at word play and puns, but it was too poetic, not to mention perfectly suited to the theme. The prompt grabbed me immediately, and I knew I had to write something for it. The idea of Harry having a creative job is one of my favorite head canons, and him pining for Severus is another guilty pleasure of mine. I rather like their dynamic in this fic, and I think it’ll always be one of my favorite works.

My Hands in Your Hair

Pairing: Drarry Rating: Teen Highlights: Draco Malfoy Has Long Hair, Harry Potter Has Long Hair, Hair Braiding, Messy buns are sexy, I have a thing for hair, Don’t Judge Me, Drabble, Idiots In Love, Boys Kissing Warnings: none Word Count: 1.2k

This was entirely self indulgent drivel that was encouraged by my dear friend @zzledri who sent the prompt ‘Draco hair braiding’ to my ask box. I relished the opportunity to get Harry’s hands in Draco’s hair (and let’s be real, vice versa), and Draco being a brat was just an added bonus. I definitely have more popular fics, but this one is still special to me. I was really proud of my depiction of Draco in particular.

Well, that wraps up the list of the five works I’m most proud of in 2020. I worked hard, missed several deadlines, and all in all had a ton of fun writing all of these. I can only hope that I continue to produce more fanfics that people will enjoy in the new year. I also write poetry, and while I am very proud of some of those, I felt like a lot more time and effort went into my fanfics this year. Naturally, those ended up dominating this list.

Tagging: @triggerlil, @enemiesbrotherslovers, @manixzen, @avaeryn, @fluxweeed, @bleedcolor, @hippocrates460, @likelightinglass, @oliverwilde105, @chuckalart, and anyone else who’d like to play along (but no pressure if you don’t). 

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