Goblin Shark - Tumblr Posts
A goblin shark protecting her little baby for MerMay day 10, safe!
UGH is a lineart ever so good 'ya can't commit to coloring it?!
Small update on my SpongeBob OC
Lori Bigfin
And this thing...
I had to dawg
aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
MooD: JoiYe!! 😝
aRTiST(?): Me?! (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): THiS iS "JaMMu" aN oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR oF "TAKEO / hecantus"
WHiCH iS a... GoBLiN SHaRK THeMeD CHaRaCTeR WiTH a PuRPoSe oF BeCoMiNG a VTuBeR MaSCoT oF SoMe SoRTS?? 😅
aNYWaYS!! No uNCeNSoReD VeRSioN To You! & HaVe FuN aLWaYS!? 😝
“Goblin sharks are scary”
nope, you’re just weak to things that are cool and from the deep sea
I am here once again to share breaking news in the world of fisheries science/marine biology
Currently everyone is going wild over a paper about goblin sharks that cited a photo which others have pointed out looks incredibly suspiciously similar to a goblin shark toy
I've seen people calling it SharkGate already