God I Love This Shit - Tumblr Posts
eugh, yes
FINALLY, theyre away from the gross dad nd woong😭😭
and honestly loving how frantic and fast paced thr running away is :o adds alooot to the vibe of actually running away. and with poor hoseok :(( having a fever, hopefully hell be better by next chapter !! (which im already waiting eagerly to read♡♡)
im also VERY much enjoying how the hybrids are with one another, and how they all fit together even without y/n being in the picture. its great💕
i hope the mysterious man isnt jackson 😭😭😭 ufff would feel so bad if they got betrayed😔
DOE EYES??? I THINK I KNOW WHO IT IIIIS >:3 eurghhhh i just CANT CANT, wait for more. thank you for writing this series💕💕 and i know u said u were having an issue with the tagging, so ill just have to check the page more i suppose :]
Daddy’s Money pt 8
•25 Mar 2022•

Pairing: OT7 hybrid!BTS x [F]Reader
Genre: Angst, comfort, fluff, Mafia AU, Hybrid AU
Warning: Slight verbal abuse, hybrid abuse/mistreatment, violence, Sickness, Fever,

“I can not marry your son Yoo Jae Myung-nim.” She met Woong son’s angry face head-on as she spoke which angered the man even more.
“You bitch!” He strained against his fathers hold.
“I will return all gifts you’ve given me these past few years and you never have to see me again. Act as nothing happened. I don’t want any probl-“
“Problems?! You little shit is the one causing problems! Do you know how long I’ve prepared- how long I’ve waited for this to be done and over with?! If you think I’m just letting you go you’re wrong!” He broke free from his fathers grasp with a violent shake as he took a threatening step forward. (Y/N) swallowed hard as she tried her best not to falter. Always hold your head high, she thought, no matter what just hold your head high like no one is watching.
“Goodbye.” She said with a stiff nod as she stepped around to leave. But Woong In grabbed harshly after her and she yelped in pain as he jammed her closer. His breath smelled of alcohol and cigarettes as he snarled at her face.
“You’re not going anywhere, Princess.”
Seokjin growled in distress as he tried to step forward but a man in sunglasses stepped in between them and held him in place.
“Don’t damage the goods.” Mr Yoo warned the guard. “Woong In, play nice.” He said before he turned to the doors where (Y/N)’s father stood.
“Do not fret, (L/N)-nim, we’re just having a little chat before the real wedding planning begins.” His grin didn’t quite reach his eyes as he waved with his arms in the air.
“Let me go!” (Y/N) yelled as she stomped her heel down harshly at Woong In’s nicely clad toes. As he yelled out in pain, (Y/N) took the chance to push him away which caused him to fall into the pool behind them. The guard holding Seokjin turned his focus on the man now soaked to the bone in the pool yelling something about his expensive suit being ruined and Seokjin took the chance to throw himself at (Y/N) to get away from him.
“(Y/N)- are you okay?!” He fussed over her for a moment before her furious father coming closer made him shrink back.
“We have to go!” She pulled him as she started running along the side of the pool to enter through one of the doors as far away from the now chasing party behind them.
“(Y/N)- w- what’s happening?!” Her mother called worriedly after her as she watched them being chased by her father.
“We have to get out of here- leave- call the boys- I-“ She panted as she fell against the elevator wall. Seokjin frowned at her worriedly as he stroked her cheek.
“Shh. We’ll be alright. . . You know, when you said you wanted to run away I thought that would include a bit more planning beforehand but-“ He chuckled.
They hurriedly made sure they had something packed before they left the room.
“(Y/N)!” Her father yelled through the hall as he came walking down the hall. “If you run now there’s no stopping this!” He warned.
“Then so be it! I’m done playing your pretty little Princess in this game you’re playing!” She said as she adjusted the duffel bag on her shoulder and started running for the elevator at the other end of the hall.
“They’re taking the east side elevator down.” She heard her father say to someone before they were riding down again.
“Be ready to run. And if we’re separated-“ Her heart breath loudly- or maybe it never stopped.
“We won’t- and if we are we’ll find each other again,” Seokjin reassured.
Just as they exited the elevator, they saw people swarming from every side to stop them.
“Now!” She said as they took off running for the main entrance. They barely made it but luckily the doors broke down and wouldn’t open for the people chasing them.
“(Y/N)ssi?” She turned at the sound of the man calling her.
“Kim Rae Won-nim?” The man in the colourful suit that greeted them the day before upon their arrival stood with a worried look.
“There seems to be a problem?”
“Yes, as you can see now I need to run!”
“I can see that, that’s why I locked the doors.” He winked at her with a smile. She smiled gratefully at him.
“Take my car. It’s in the underground garage and you’ll be able to get out of here in no time. Just-“ He frowned as he handed her a fancy car key. “Be careful.” She nodded reassuringly at him before they were off around the corner to the entrance of the garage.
“Where is it?” She mumbled as they ran around pressing the car key. “Ah!” She grinned as she saw the lights blink as the car was unlocked.
“Let’s get out of here.” She smiled over at Seokjin as they sat down in the car and threw their bags in the backseat. The steak black car had tinted windows and would let them leave without anyone noticing.
“Call the boys and tell them to pack what’s important and be prepared to run if anyone but us come home.” Seokjin quickly grabbed her phone from the handbag she had carried all night. Not until then did she notice his hands were shaking. She grabbed his hand as they pulled out onto the big road.
“I’m so sorry for this. . .” She mumbled as tears of frustration blurred her vision.
“Don’t be.”
“But what if he takes out his anger on mom while we’re off running away to a better life? I-“ She let out a frustrated scream that made Seokjin flinch slightly. “I’m sorry.” They fell silent as Seokjin waited for Namjoon’s response.
“They must be worried. . .” She mumbled. “I hate putting you under stress like this.”
“Like this? I hope you haven’t been forced to run away from your aggressive father and his goons before.” He tried to lighten the mood but his endearing windshield wiping laugh slowly died out as he sank further into his seat.

“Why isn’t he answering?” (Y/N) wondered worriedly as she glanced over at Seokjin as he checked the phone again.
“Namjoon?!” (Y/N) called as she hurried through the doors. Seokjin quickly grabbed her arm to stop her as they were met by the three hybrids and a man with his back facing the door.
“Who are you and why are you in my house?” (Y/N) scanned all the hybrids faces as the man turned around. Her breath caught in her throat.
“Jackson? Oh, thank god!” Relief washed over her face as Jackson smiled at her. He met her halfway in a quick hug.
“What are you doing here?”
“I heard what happened. . . I’ll help as much as I can but as soon as my father hears about this I have to step down. Now let’s go!” He helped them with the bags to the car before they parted ways and drove away.
“Jackson said a woman is renting out room an hour outside of town. Let’s go there first.” (Y/N) let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding as she scanned the road ahead.
“(Y/N). . . What’s going on?” Namjoon said, leaning over the shoulder of her seat.
“I broke off the engagement with Yoo Woong In and now both they and my father are chasing me.” She concluded quickly so she wouldn’t start rambling.
“Are you hurt?” He looked her over worriedly.
“No, we’re fine. We got some help from a man working at the hotel- it’s his car.” They fell silent for a long time after that, focusing on the long road ahead soon turning into smaller ones. (Y/N) could see Yoongi in the rearview mirror. His otherwise calm exterior as he looked out the window was given away by his pulled back was twitching every once in a while. Hoseok was curled up under Namjoon’s chin for comfort as the larger hybrid sat deep in thought, his hand mindlessly running through the blond’s hair. (Y/N) couldn’t begin to understand how stressful this must have been.

“Do you have one large room?” (Y/N) tapped on the counter nervously as she waited for the woman to check their bookings list.
“Sorry honey, it’s occupied for the rest o’ the week.” She gave an apologetic smile.
“It’s alright, any room will do.” She nodded.
“How many did ya say ya were again?” (Y/N) looked unsure for a moment. “It’s alright honey you can trust me.” She looked at the woman with surprise as she chuckled. “I know someone on the run when I see them.” She winked. (Y/N) breathed out.
“My friend said I should go here before continuing.”
“Oh, you’re not Jackson’s friend by chance?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Then I have a room prepared for ya. Here take this.” She handed a key from one of the drawers behind the counter.
“Thank you so much.” She gave the woman a grateful smile before she jogged out to the car.
“I got it!” She smiled at the tiered hybrids still in the car. “I’ll just move the car closer.”
They made quick work of getting the bags inside and locking the door before they dared breathe for real.
The room was larger than most rooms but probably not the largest.
“We should be safe here for now. Jackson knows the owner apparently.”
“And you trust that Jackson?” Yoongi suddenly spoke up with a frown.
“Yes, Yoongi, I do. I’ve known him for a long time, he just hasn’t been to our house much. We mostly met at fancy dinners our fathers attended. His father is a well known Chinese businessman my father sponsors sometimes.” A knock at the door had everyone tense up and move further away. (Y/N) rushed over to peek through the blinds and sighed as she saw the woman from earlier. She slowly unlocked the door.
“Yes?” She asked as she opened just enough to show herself.
“I just came to drop these off. It can get quite chilly out ‘ere durin’ the night. And I saw the hybrids you brought with you, though they might need the extra comfort if you’re on the run.” She winked as she whispered the last part. Namjoon came up to stand behind (Y/N) with a stern look.
“Well, aren’t ya a handsome boy.” The woman said as she seemed unphased by the grown building in his throat.
“Joon stand down, it’s okay.” She glanced over her shoulder at the canine hybrid before she gladly accepted the pile of blankets from the woman.
“Thank you.” She looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Hobi why don’t you take these and make the bed a little cosy?” She smiled as she handed the blankets to Namjoon who delivered them to the scared dog hybrid clinging to Yoongi in the furthest corner of the room.
“Oh, dear.” The woman cooed as she caught a look at them. “Are ya hungry sweetie? I’ll make sure to bring over some food. Don’t want ya getting seen by anyone.” She fussed before she was on her way.
“Thank you.” (Y/N) smiled before she closed and locked the door again. The room was indeed colder than normal. The air conditioner was probably broken. She sighed tiredly as she sat on the worn-out sofa on the wall opposite the beds as she watched Yoongi help Hoseok build a small nest on the beds now pushed together. Namjoon sat down slowly beside her, tucking his head into her neck with a grumble. She mindlessly brought her hand up around his wide shoulders to pet his rough pointed ears.
“They have arrived, sir.” A man spoke into his phone as he hid behind a corner. Sunglasses covered his eyes as he glanced back at the window with the closed curtains.
“Good.” A voice answered with a chuckle and the line went dead.

“We can’t stay here. It doesn’t feel safe anymore.” (Y/N) but her bottom lip anxiously as she turned back from looking through the blinds in the window. She had felt eyes on her back ever since they arrived a week ago and the feeling continued to grow. And now Namjoon seemed to have grown restless too which only confirmed her suspicions.
“But we don’t have anywhere else to go,” Yoongi grumbled as he chewed on some fries while sitting cross-legged on the sofa. (Y/N) sighed heavily as she plopped down next to him. He was quick to fall against her, head landing against her collar bone and his tail swishing against the seat while he fed her a fry. She stroked his cheek gently making him purr happily.
Just then a knock came from the door making the half-sleeping hybrids on the bed stir slightly.
“Hi sweetie, just came by to drop off some food.” The kind woman smiled as she pushed the multiple plastic bins of food into her arms. She chuckled with a smile.
“Thank you. But we won’t be staying for much longer. We have to get on the move.”
“Oh. . . I totally understand honey. Would you like me to look up somewhere else you can stay?” (Y/N) thought for a moment.
“That would be wonderful. Thank you.” She smiled before she said goodbye and closed the door.
“You think she’ll find something?” Seokjin asked as he looked up from where he had been tucked in under Namjoon’s chin, tail curling in the air back and forth.
“I hope so.” She sighed as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

“How’r you feeling?” (Y/N) sat on the edge of the bed where Hoseok was resting with Seokjin and Namjoon curled into his sides, Yoongi behind Joon. Hoseok’s skin was hot, ears pinned back flat against his head. She lifted the wet towel from his forehead to re-wet it. Namjoon growled slightly in his half-sleeping state as she stood up.
“I’ll be right back.” She reassured him as she brushed his bangs out of his face. A satisfied grumble left his chest as he settled again. (Y/N) smiled slightly before going to the bathroom. She took a moment to look in the mirror. The bags under her eyes were dark and clearly visible. She sighed as she turned her focus to re-wetting the towel. Another growl grabbed her attention, this time louder, before Yoongi’s voice was heard.
“Joon, calm down.” Another grumble. (Y/N) wrung out the towel slightly to stop it from dripping before she hurried out.
Namjoon was sitting up, a frustrated frown on his face as Yoongi sat beside him while rubbing and massaging his shoulders gently. Hoseok had turned into Seokjin’s side. Yoongi looked up at her as she came back into the room.
“He’s getting frustrated. And it’s not helping Hobi getting better.” He shot a harsh look at the back of Namjoon’s head.
“Sorry.” His ears turned back as he gave her a pitiful look. She let out a deep breath.
“Oh, Joonie.” (Y/N) sat down carefully on the foot of the bed and handed the towel to Seokjin who laid it on the dog hybrid’s forehead again.

Hoseok grumbled as he came back to his senses for a bit. He felt a pair of soft lips pressed against his neck as a hand gently stroked along his cheek.
“Hyung?” His voice was raspy with sleep as he turned his head slightly to see the mop of golden brown hair on his shoulder. A light hum came from Seokjin as he lifted his head slightly.
“Where are we?” He asked as he squinted and looked around.
“You don’t remember? We left the rental after (Y/N) found a big camper for sale. Your fever is still high.” Seokjin sat up to look down at the dog hybrid.
“Oh. . .” Hoseok frowned as he sat up, leaning on his elbow.
“How are you feeling?” (Y/N) asked as she came over to the edge of the bed with a tray of drinks.
“Fussy. . .” He groaned as he stretched his arms high above his head with a pop of his back.
“Get some more rest. If you need anything we’re just outside.”
“Are you sure he’ll be alright soon?” (Y/N) asked as she sat nursing the cup of hot liquid in her hands that Yoongi had prepared to calm her nerves. The three sat at the foldable table outside the camper, looking out over the lake nearby. After they had arrived at the location where the camper was located they had struggled to move a feverish Hoseok into the camper and Namjoon had grown restless at the lack of nesting materials for the bed but (Y/N) hadn’t had time to go into town yet so they were left with the things the previous owners had let them keep.
Namjoon hummed in thought as Yoongi looked at the camper behind him.
I’m sure he just need some rest and love.” He reassured before looking back at them. “But we should look out for more signs of the fever worsening just in case.”
(Y/N) glanced into the camper for a quiet moment before glancing down at her cup. Suddenly the warm liquid inside no longer seemed inviting, making her frown and put the mug on the table instead of welcoming the warm feeling rushing down her throat into her stomach. She sighed with a frown.
“I should go get more nesting materials.” She said as she stood up.
“No,” Namjoon growled followed by a whimper. “Don’t leave.” His ears were pressed against his head as she halted her movement. He frowned worriedly at her.
“Didn’t you want a better nest?”
“It’s more important to keep together right now.”
“Okay, I’ll just go check on them again.” She could hear Seokjin mumbling sweet nothings into Hoseok’s ear to keep him calm.
“Such a good pup. . . Nothing will hurt you. . . (Y/N) and Joon are making sure we’re all safe. . .” She smiled at them before sitting on the edge of the bed behind Seokjin’s back. She reached over the brunet boy’s shoulder to pet along Hoseok’s folded ears. He grumbled happily in response.

The others soon joined them in the camper as the sky started turning darker and the sunset colours reflected over the calm water of the lake. There was a calm air over the place but (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel uneasy still.
“What’s got your head in a spin?” Yoongi asked quietly as he joined her at the table in the front of the camper. She sighed as she gave him a small smile.
“Just thinking.”
“Care to share?” He said as he sat down and moved her legs to lay across his lap as he started kneading at the flesh of her ankles.
“Now I wish I had just kept my mouth shut at the banquet. . . Play the pretty princess as I’ve always done. Then you wouldn’t all be in danger because of me. . .” She ran a frustrated hand through her hair.
“Don’t. We’ll figure something out and it will all work out in the end.” He grabbed her hand and stroked a gentle thumb over her knuckles.
“Do you really think we can settle down here?” She chewed her lip anxious.
“Stop with that.” He pulled her lip out with his thumb. “You’ll irritate it.” He sighed. “Why don’t we get some sleep and think about all this tomorrow. You need the rest.” He nodded to the door leading to the bedroom in the back of the camper where the rest of the hybrids were already piled on top of each other. In no way did they actually fit that many in it but they would be damned if they didn’t try.
But sleep never came. So (Y/N) got up in the middle of the night after hours of endless twisting and turning. She made sure to close the door as quietly as possible before she took the kettle filled with water out to the burner outside. She sat with a thick blanket tightly around her as she waited for the water to heat up, trying desperately to stay calm in the strange cold laying over her. Filling her mug with water and adding a teabag she sat holding it in both hands close to her chest.
Her mind was so clouded with what if’s and what could happen that she didn’t notice the pair of big doe eyes watching from the bushes.

Taglist: @haleypearce | @illnevertrustmyselfagain | @beeeee06 | @scentedsope | @moxianne | @mayla548 | @jcrml | @btsriseatdawn | @youngbloodslut | @tinyoonsblog | @btsriseatdawn | @rich-man-v | @littlebrownngirl | @nichmeddar | @yourleftsock | @momoriki

lil 682 💚My Ko-fi & Commission Info💚Do not edit, trace, or repost!
au where 999 and 682 are thematically the same ai "prophecy of doing great/horrible things, but is just a child right now."
This is your reminder that I am always in a Pokemon mood, so if you have any questions or wanna talk about it please buy all means hit me up : D
Out of the WL, Yuno is the absolute worst of playing Yugioh. Absolute trash.
Ichika is half asleep as she cooks Yuno in Yugioh
He is like me fr fr (I have never won a single dual in my life )
The reason why ppl think that he is good this bc a) his bff are some of the best dualists out there b) he looks intimidating and smart
He has won all his duals by tooth and nail dissipate paying Clear Wings and other cool decks like that
Also adding to this, Lolo sends Yugioh memes to the group chat. Everyone loves it