God Valley - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Dragon Hunt 1

Godvalley, West Blue


"Father! Father!" King Ozmond, the ruler of the independent Kingdom of Godvalley perked up as he gazed out the veranda as he sipped from his tea. The portly man gazed alongside his fair wife, Queen Emma.

"Dorothy?" He pondered, as his teenage daughter of eighteen, fair and beautiful with soft red hair and freckles, carried in her arms a boy in green, bleeding out.

"Good heavens! Where did he come from?" Emma cried out, rising from her table. "Doctors!"

"Don't worry Dorothy," Ozmond ran over, seeing the injured and tattered young man, smiling at his daughter. "He'll be alright."


"so his name is Midoriya Izuku... what an odd name." Dorothy said as she wiped her apron. Ozmond stood by, seeing her daughter wash her hands with the nurses.

"you didn't have to help heal him Dorothy."

"Father I couldn't just let him be like that. I wanted to help!" Dorothy exclaimed. "Besides, I want to be a doctor someday." Ozmond rubbed his temple a little.

"You can't be a doctor sweetling, you're a Princess." Dorothy pouted.

"Then have more kids with Mother then. Gimme siblings!" Ozmond looked flushed.

"D-Don't just say such things! Making children isn't as easy as making a cake you know!"

"Well you said I was a bun in the oven in once." She stuck her tongue out, and the king puffed his cheeks before sighing loudly.

"Anyways, how is the young boy?"

"The worst will pass, but he's hurt bad..." Dorothy frowned. "He looks younger than me, yet he's put through that kind of hell... what for Father? Why would he fight when he looks like he should be in school?"

"I don't know..." Ozmond sighed. "For now just rest." And the king departed down the halls, leaving the red head to her own devices.

Dorothy poked her head inside the room, seeing Izuku look out the window to the amazing twin peaks that made the titular valley of the Gods.

"Hey." She whispered, Izuku's eyes going to her. "My name is Emeral Dorothy." She took a seat by his bed. "You're healing okay so... I was wondering if I can read you a story and-Oh! You're crying." She grabbed a kerchief, and dabbed his eyes. "So... Izuku." His eyes went to her.

"It looks like you could use a friend." She held out her hand, settling it on his scarred one. "I can be that for you..."

The boy looked touched, and nodded despite his immense injuries.


Weeks passed, and the boy began to heal as Dorothy learned of his tale. An island called 'Japan', Heroes and Villains, and his valiant quest to defeat the Demon King called 'All for One'. It was so amazing! Yet... the ending was so sad. The failure to save two people...

She had stuck by his side, helping him heal, Mother and Father coming by and taking a liking to the boy as he healed and wanted to repay the King and Queen as best he could.

He was quite the shy boy, easy to fluster. Kind yet knowledgeable. And yet looked so strong and built... it made Dorothy's heart flutter the more they bonded. He was so differential to her too.

She even heard word of Ozmond wanting to make the boy his ward, to raise him as his own as he always did want a son. It was paradise here.

Until that day came... when the World heard of their island. Of their name.

And Hell arrived on their shores.


"Stay here and hide!" Emma shouted, Izuku and Dorothy inside the hidden passageways.


"Don't come out! Whatever you do!" Emma urged, as Izuku was still in bandages as he held Dorothy and they hid within the walls. The doors came crashing down, and Dorothy began to weep as the boy held her mouth.

They heard laughing and jeering, and Emma was dragged out of the room as minutes began to pass.

Izuku began to shake, an hour passed, and Dorothy walked through the hidden passageways and came out of one end.


Their bedroom was trashed. Ruined. Shelves tossed over and items and china shattered on the ground. Outside, a great bonfire was being held as Dorothy went.

Outside, she saw it. Those white robed men and women laughing as people were strung up on a burning crucifix.

"And with the death of the False God King of Godvalley!" Someone said over Snailspeaker. "The Native Hunt will begin! Of course remember St. Garling, you have a 10,000 point deficit for killing the King early!"

Dorothy fell to her knees, and Izuku embraced her. She gasped, unable to cry. Unable to weep.

Izuku looked down from the window, and his eyes... began to harden as he heard their rules. Seeing all those people in chains, the white robed men armed with guns and mounts.

Lives... being worth... points?

"Unforgiveable..." He uttered as he brought Dorothy in closer inside. Dorothy wept, eyes covered.

"Why... why would people do this... to other people?" She blubbered as Izuku went over to a knocked over chest, finding his hero gear.

"It's going to be alright." He uttered darkly as he began to get dressed, tightening his iron grieves. His dark green suit. And he put on his mask and his hood. "Stay hidden Dorothy." He marched out the door, dark tendrils emerging around him much to her shock.

The way he looked...

He didn't look like the hero he said he was.

But she followed his lead, going back into the Passageway. Going down to the stables should help...


"Myohihihihi! That's Thirty Points!" Saint Topman Urlic declared, aiming his rifle as he shot down another rabbit. "How many do you have Mjosgard!" He laughed. He snorted back his snot, cursed lower world air. They always mess up with his sinuses!

"Twenty-Seven! I'll catch up to you yet!" Donquixote Mjosgard jeered, the young man laughing as he fired his pistols. "Pity Homing couldn't come along, the soft hearted fool!" He fired more into the bushes.

"Come now gentleman." The Obese and chortling Figarland Custar said as he rose upon a struggling Bear Mink, a handcannon in hand. "Let's enjoy ourselves. We cannot dare to hope to catch my beloved brother." He wheezed, the bear mink groaning as he moved on hand on knee. "I heard he's at a thousand points already."

"As expected of a Holy Knight." Urlic scoffed. "Ah! There's a rabbit!" He heard rustling in the bushes, and fired his rifle there. "I must have gotten it for sure!" He ran up...

And saw no body. "Huh... must have been an actual rabbit then." Mjosgard stood by his side as they turned.

And Custar was gone, the Bear Slave confused."What the-Custar?" Urlic snarled as he aimed his rifle. "Slave, where did your rightful Master go!?" Mjosgard reaided his pistol.

"I-I don't know... he was there and-"

"Out with it! Don't you stutter before your better's presence." Urlic rifle-whiped him, the bear whimpering. "Or so help me me and Mjosgard will turn you into Swiss Cheese, won't w-"

Mjosgard was no longer standing there as Urlic felt the wind blow through the forest. He looked around.

"Custar? Mjosgard? Is this some kind of joke?" He called, looking around the dark forest... whic hwas growing ever darker. Foggier.

He felt fear begin to grip him as he aimed his rifle at the Bear's head.

"You better come out now! Or You'll be down a mount Custar! This isn't funny! I-" His rifle was ripped from him, as a dark shaped landed on the tree looking down as Urlic gazed up.

It was a Demon. A demon in dark tendrils as it gazed down, with emerald eyes raging in fury.

Dragon Hunt 1

And his claws... were dripping with blood.

Urlic yelled as he began to ride, and felt pain with the beast launching at him.

And he knew no more.


The faint sound of screams. Gunfire.

Saint Saturn sat within his luxury ship, eating his sausage as he can hear the Native Hunt take fold.

Today was a good night.


Dorothy made it to the stables, poking her head out. "Made it..." she murmured. No sign of those Celestial Dragon enforcers. She turned her head, and to her surprise...

"Vho are you?" Said a young shocked boy with a large head with violet hair. A small girl missing a tooth with pink hair was beside her. And beside the boy was a large hulking boy with broad arms and kind frightened eyes.

Dorothy brought her fingers to her lips. "It's okay..." she whispered. She saw the marks on their necks.

"Ve vere just about to launch our mission, are you ze Princess of this island?" The boy said. "You can call me Ivankov."

"Ginny. I'm his lil sis!" The girl added, and Dorothy looked to the large boy.


"Come. hide down here with me." Dorothy urged. "Before more guards show up."

"Thank goodness, a place to rest." Ginny sighed, before giving a big grin. "Before the fun begins." Dorothy blinked.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Our big plan of course!" They were all in the passageway underground. "Ginny called for pirates to come for the Devil Fruit Prizes! Soon, pirates from ze New Vorld will come storming in! And zen we can make our breakaway! Yeeeeehaw!" Ivankov cheered.

Dorothy felt hope swell within her. An escape?


Garling rode upon his Chocooster, content as he counted his tally mentally, swinging his sword to get rid of the blood. "Now... where are those Rare Rabbi-" He paused, and he saw them.

Broken, mangled, and pulverized. His fellow Saints. His Celestial Dragons.

There was no one on this island who could resist thanks to the shock collars. This was supposed to be a Safari.

Saint Ulric's head was twisted like a screw.

He went to his snail. "This is Saint Garling of the Holy Knights." He urged. "We have a situation. Several Celestial Dragons have been found dead! I rep-" He heard explosions off to the side, and he turned, seeing... Pirate ships?!

"You're kidding me!" The Red Haired Noble cursed as he kicked on his Chooster, and began to run down to the main city. They had to defend their kin!

He felt his Observation Haki tingle, and he turned, parrying with his saber as an iron grieved Kick smashed into him, off of his mount and down to the ground. Garling rolled to his feet, glaring at the dark interloper with dark tendrils, blood on his claws.

"So it was you!" Garling hissed. "Demon!"

"You killed King Ozmond. you're not one to talk." The green Demon snarled, his eyes boring into him as Garling's saber turned black with Haki.

As cannonfire rang out down below, Garling and the Demon leapt, kick colliding with his sword as hurricane force winds erupted in the forest as Garling's grey eyes bore into the emerald hellfire that came from the Demon's eyes.

The Godvalley War, has begun.


Thank you guys who read this to the end but don't worry there will be more.

Original writer IS Zaru19 (Author of Heroes of the New World) who Made this amazing Omake story. Next u can wait for next part see u later.

And yes, i have permision from Author

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5 months ago

One Piece headcanon! Shanks and Uta

Everybody knows the theory about Figarland Garling, King of God Valley, Supreme Commander of the God's Knights, being the father of Shanks, right?

Well, I'm thinking about the God Valley incident and the theory about Shanks having a twin. What if in the Native Hunting Competition, the God's Knights offered one son when twins were born, and this was the reason that Shanks was in the chest that Gol D. Roger robbed during the incident? Does this mean Uta has a twin too?

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