Golden Hour Part 1 - Tumblr Posts
Woke up at 4am to find that Seonghwa and Yeosang performed in crop tops

I'm going back to sleep I can't handle this
I've been listening to the golden hour part 1 preview and this is the ranking of the songs that i think i'll like best. At least based on the snippets.
1. Empty box
This sounds like it would be soothing and comforting. I haven't read the lyrics though so i could be wrong.
2. Golden hour
Similar vibe to empty box.
3. Blind
Everyone calls this Arriba's little sister and i think i might like this one better than Arriba. I'll be honest....i liked Arriba but not as must as the fandom loved it.
4. Work
Not a big fan of the rap chorus i guess. I'm pretty mixed on it. Hopefully i will love when it get released in its entirety.
5. Siren
6. Shaboom