Good Omens X Alt Fashion Event - Tumblr Posts
Any Mods Out There? 👀
Do you like Good Omens and Alternative Fashion/Fashion Subcultures? We want you!
I had an idea for a semi-casual Good Omens x Alt Fashion event. It would probably include artists, writers, and anyone else who'd like to participate posting within a set timespan and those posts being compiled on one blog/in a collection on ao3/etc.
Unfortuantely, I doubt I could run such an event at the moment. That's where you come in! If you enjoy Good Omens & alternative fashion of any type, and are interested in running such an event or being a mod, please. Do that! Just make sure to let me know so I can spread the word to anyone interested!
If you are wondering what "alternative fashion" includes, it'd be anything considered out of the norm! From gyaru (and its many beautiful subcultures) to scene to fairy grunge to punk, anything is fair game!