Good Take Op - Tumblr Posts
Actually if you're an asshole to kids and then use mental illness as an excuse, i am ethically obligated to rob you at knife point
I'm rewatching the clip of dream touring skeppy around the server, cus I'm transcribing if and I'm gonna write a thing abt it later.,
and I think it's funny how he says "we gave them a little bit of land" in regards to lmanburg, but then he says his side has "infinite land and power". and he refers to l'manburg as a "table in his house" (his house being, the entire fucking server I Guess), and he doesnt let them make rules he doesbt approve of.
like, it's so obvious dream feels entitled to the entire server, including lmanburg even though he pretends they're independent, he always has felt entitled to the entire server, and that's always been his main motivation. he wants to be the ruler over one united server again.
he never spiraled, he just took more and more extreme measures to achieve his goals. and I've never thought his goal of "one big happy family" was ever particularly noble because it's so clear that he wants to be the ruler of that family.
man... I love c!dream so much , he's my favorite villain of the smp
Yeah like.
With his whole table analogy
It's another one of those "it sounds smart but when u look deeper into it ur like.. huh.. wait"
He describes the server as a house right and L'Manberg claiming a table inside said house and not letting anyone use it
But that implies the land they "took" was being lived on and used and it would be inconvenient to the other members of the server for them to take this land.
When in reality it was untouched land in a random forest, And the rest of the server loses absolutely nothing (they dont lose resources or land or friends as a lot of them were Still friends w the L'Manbergians) Not joining them and Not being allowed in there because The World Is Infinite, in fact they're Way better off (PLEASE stop referring to them as xenophobic colonisers MY GOD)
The way he describes it makes it sound like they claimed the Community House or something
It's so cool and frustrating how what he says works on the audience as well. u wanna talk about Unreliable Narrators well *points to c!Dream*
An important thing to note - in the conversation he never talks about them supposedly unfairly villainising him or anything, he never once brings this up as a motive for declaring war, he's Just offended they "took land" from his infinite world
Serious question here... Why is it okay for Dan to make top/Bottom jokes. Every body laughs and it's hilarious. But if someone makes a Dan and Phil top/bottom joke, people cause an uproar. People like yourself included who then go on to write Phanfiction in which depicts their sexual positions? Because I would jus like to know why that is allowed, but as soon as someone mentions "Dan is a bottom" people just go apeshite.
here we go...

final fantasy characters are not real. they are merely created, made up. talking about their sexuality or making jokes about their sexuality is far less harmful when doing the same to real people. dan’s joke was a joke because it’s niche interested of his and in aimed to someone or a group of people that are fake! so nobody gets hurt! excellent!
it’s still not okay to make those jokes when regarding real people. it’s fucking weird, unnecessary and invasive. don’t do it. why do you care so much about what happens in dnp’s bedroom?? maybe find a hobby if that’s something you can’t find yourself to stop worrying about :) now is a great time to take up a new interest, since you have so much time on your hands.
fanfiction isn’t real. it’s made up, it’s not invasive it’s not harmful and for the billionth! fucking! time! dan and phil DO NOT care about who writes what! they’ve encouraged it multiple times, even wrote their own fanfic and have celebrated it so many times. until dan sends me a DM telling me to fuck off and stop writing fanfic and reports me, then yeah. i’d stop. but until then i won’t, and im sick to death of this argument because i really cannot understand why it’s such a hard concept for you to comprehend lmao