Goth Hair - Tumblr Posts

First time attempting a batsnest. I usually despise doing my hair aside from brushing it, because then I have to take off my headphones, which I don’t really like doing, but i had to see how it looks before trying to do it for my graduation celebration. (I followed the advice of the tutorials by Madi danger and zeroy cruciatum)

This is the base I was working with, I have a loose curl/wave pattern on most strands, and very easily brushable hair. And I once more have to realize that I have the family triad of looking awkward in pictures.

It's finally over. I've got my Abitur certificate (German a-levels).
I got to celebrate with my friend from class, and my brother (who took most of these pictures).
Tomorrow is my actual prom, but I don't know if I'll actually get pictures there (I'll be wearing the same stuff anyway)